Disgusting Biden ad exploits nuns, after just renewing his vow to force abortion pills on Little Sisters of the Poor

“Nuns…epitomize everything Pope Francis (sic) stands for…about generosity to other people, about reaching out, about making it a point to understand that we are our brother’s keeper. That’s what, in my experience, being raised as a Catholic and being educated by the nuns, that’s what those lovely women I’m talking to symbolize to me.”

DNC: “This is the kind of moral conviction we need in the president of the United States.”

Video is one minute long:

Last month:

.- Former vice president Joe Biden pledged on Wednesday to reinstate Obama-era policies that would require the Little Sisters of the Poor to ensure access to birth control and abortifacients for employees in violation of their religious beliefs.

Biden, who is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, made the promise July 8, following the Supreme Court decision in favor of the Little Sisters of the Poor in the case Little Sisters of the Poor v. Pennsylvania, which upheld an exemption for the sisters from the “contraception mandate” which obliges employers to provide for contraceptive coverage for employees through their health care plans.

“If I am elected I will restore the Obama-Biden policy…”

4 thoughts on “Disgusting Biden ad exploits nuns, after just renewing his vow to force abortion pills on Little Sisters of the Poor”

  1. If this was France and the era was the late 1700s, Joe Biden would be looking the other way while the cart, packed with Carmelite Sisters, proceeded towards the guillotine.

  2. Biden, Francis – Same captured-Catholic-soul demonic hive.
    OL of Lasalette: “…the devil has bedimmed their intelligence.”

  3. Of course Catholic Joe knows that “Nuns” are so-called because they are contemplatives, living in cloister. The religious women who educated him are rather Sisters whose Christ centered life manifests through various ministries. I’m sure he just misspoke.

    Notice his description of what “epitomizes” what the Nuns, and thereby Bergoglio “stand for” to him: it reads like the “who we’re looking for” section in a job posting for a social worker. This is the vile marxist subversion of the Catholic Church on display.

    Just as the tyranny we’re experiencing now as a result of the Covid fear mongering cloaks itself in the veneer of mutual, communal benefit and “safety,” and if you don’t go along you must be “selfish” and so therefore it’s ok to punish you and persecute you – so does the marxist infiltration usurp what’s left of the Church’s moral authority to present as the greatest good, as Biden is doing here, the “generosity to other people, about reaching out, about making it a point to understand that we are our brother’s keeper” premise, upon which the most sinister tyrannies will be justified against anyone who does anything (as defined by the Biden’s of the world and his marionettists) against the “greater good,” because they are selfish, and inconsiderate, and killing people. “We’re all in this together” after all! Sure.

    The service to our fellow man is downstream from what the Church, Her Pope, clergy and religious really “stand for”: Love of the Triune God first and foremost, His Son Jesus Christ, and His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and the salvation of souls. Service flows from that and has no eternal value at all if not grounded in that. You won’t hear anything about that from Mr. “Moral Conviction.” And why should we expect to? We hardly ever hear that even from the Church after all. I guess that’s all too “pre-Vatican II.”

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