From the Combox: Antichrist, Fatima, Rome, Ottaviani, Oddi, Ratzinger, Vatican II…

Michael @ The Pilgrim Center, San Sebastian de Garabandal says:

Supplemental Quotes in relation to the Third Secret of Fatima:

“The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism. …Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall be swept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church.” – Cardinal Henry Edward Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See, 1861, London: Burns and Lambert, pp. 88-90

On 15 July 1946, Catholic historian Professor William Thomas Walsh interviewed Sister Lucia at her convent of the Dorothean Sisters at Vilar, Portugal. This interview clearly demonstrates that Our Lady’s request for the Consecration of Russia will only be fulfilled when the Pope and together with the world’s Catholic bishops consecrate specifically Russia. “Sister Lucia made it plain that Our Lady did not ask for the consecration of the world to Her Immaculate Heart. What She [Our Lady] demanded specifically was the consecration of Russia. Sister Lucia stated more than once and with deliberate emphasis: ‘What Our Lady wants is that the Pope and all the bishops in the world shall consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart on one special day. If this is done, She will convert Russia and there will be peace. If it is not done, the errors of Russia will spread through every country in the world’.”
Professor Walsh asked,
“Does this mean, in your opinion, that every country [including the USA and the VATICAN CITY STATE], without exception, will be overcome by Communism?”
Sister Lucia replied, “Yes.” [this was her precise answer] – William Thomas Walsh, Our Lady of Fatima 4th printing, (1947) p. 226; See also Louis Kaczmarek, The Wonders She Performs, 1986, p. 160

There is the little-known revelation of Our Lady of Fatima to Sister Lucia in the early 1950s. Our Lady appeared to Sister Lucy in May 1952 and said: “Make it known to the Holy Father that I am always awaiting the Consecration of Russia to My Immaculate Heart. Without that Consecration, Russia will not be able to convert, nor will the world have peace.”- Il Pellegrinaggio Della Meraviglie, p. 440. Rome, 1960. This same work, published under the auspices of the Italian episcopate, affirms that this message was communicated to Pope Pius XII in June. Also, Canon Barthas mentioned that apparition in his communication to the Mariological Congress of Lisbon-Fatima, in 1967; see De Primoridiis cultus marianae, Acta congressus mariologici-mariana in Lusitania anno 1967 celebrati, p. 517. Rome, 1970. See Frère François de Marie des Anges, Fatima: Intimate Joy World Event, Book Four, Fatima: Tragedy and Triumph, pp. 21 and 37.

Russia has not embraced the Catholic Faith and thus cannot possibly be said to have converted. Father Joaquin Alonso, probably the foremost Fatima expert of the 20th Century, had many interviews with Sister Lucy. In 1976 he wrote: “… we should affirm that Sister Lucia always thought that the ‘conversion’ of Russia is not to be limited to the return of the Russian people to the Orthodox Christian religions, rejecting the Marxist atheism of the Soviets, but rather, it refers purely, plainly and simply to the total, integral conversion of Russia to the one true Church of Christ, the Catholic Church.”- La Verdad sobre el Secreto de Fatima, Fatima sin mitos, Father Joaquin Alonso, (2nd edition, Ejercito Azul, Madrid, 1988) p. 78. English translation by Joseph Cain. Original Spanish reads: “… podriamos decir que Lucia ha pensado siempre que la conversión de Rusia no se entiende solo de un retorno de los pueblos de Rusia a la religion cristiano-ortodoxa, rechazando el ateismo marxista y ateo de los soviets, sino que se refiere pura y llanmente a la conversion total e integral de un retorno a la unica y verdadera Iglesia, la catolica-romana.”

“I cannot reveal anything about what I have learned at Fatima about the Third Secret, but I can say that it has two parts: the one concerns the Pope. The other, logically – although I should say nothing – should be the continuation of the words: ‘In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved.’” – Father Joseph Schweigl 1952 (Pope Pius XII sent him to interrogate Sr. Lucia on September 2, 1952); Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, The Whole Truth About Fatima: The Third Secret, Vol. III, p. 710, p. 337-338

We know that Cardinal Ottaviani read the Third Secret and made reference to one of its themes on the 15th of December 1960. In an allocution to the members of the Marian International Academy he declared,
“It suffices to cast a rapid glance at what is happening at this moment in the world, in order to recognize that without the intervention of the Mother of all mercy near the All-Powerful, the world risks becoming pagan once more, a paganism more deplorable than the first paganism, because it is aggravated by apostasy. We are witnessing a veritable deluge of sins, a deluge which leaves behind it a nauseating quagmire, infected by immorality, lies and blasphemy…” – “Documentation Catholique,” 1961, col. 244, (15 December 1960 – Allocution de S. Em. Le cardinal Ottaviani à l’Académie Mariale Internationale)

In 1963 during a public admonition to his spiritual sons amidst the Second Vatican Council Padre Pio said:
“Due to the rampant injustice and abuse of power, we have reached a compromise with atheistic materialism [Communism], a denial of the rights of God. This is the punishment foretold at Fatima … All the priests who support the possibility of a dialogue with the negators of God and with the Luciferian powers of the world [Freemasonry] are mad, have lost their faith, no longer believe in the Gospel! In so doing they betray the word of God, because Christ came to bring on earth perpetual covenant only to men of heart [good will], but did not join with the men thirsty for power and dominion over the brothers … The flock is dispersed when the shepherds ally with the enemies of the Truth of Christ. All the forms of power made deaf to the will of the authority of the heart of God are rapacious wolves that renew the passion of Christ and make the Madonna shed tears … ” – Published in “Avvenire” August 19, 1978; partial quote also in “The Fourth Secret of Fatima” 2006 by Antonio Socci)

“It is therefore completely probable that the text makes concrete references to the crisis of faith within the Church and to the negligence of the pastors themselves [and the] internal struggles in the very bosom of the Church and of grave pastoral negligence of the upper hierarchy …
“In the period preceding the great triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, terrible things are to happen. These form the content of the third part of the Secret. What are they? If ‘in Portugal the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved,’ … it can be clearly deduced from this that in other parts of the Church these dogmas are going to become obscure or even lost altogether. …
“Does the unpublished text speak of concrete circumstances? It is very possible that it speaks not only of a real crisis of the faith in the Church during this in-between period, but like the secret of La Salette, for example, there are more concrete references to the internal struggles of Catholics or to the fall of priests and religious. Perhaps it even refers to the failures of the upper hierarchy of the Church. For that matter, none of this is foreign to other communications Sister Lucia has had on this subject.
“An inopportune revelation of the text would only have further exasperated the two tendencies which continue to tear the Church apart: a traditionalism which would believe itself to be assisted by the Fatima prophecies, and a progressivism which would have lashed out against these apparitions, which in such a scandalous manner would seem to put the brakes on the conciliar Church’s forward progress … Pope Paul VI judged it opportune and prudent to delay the revelation of the text until better times. Pope John XXIII declared that the text did not refer to his pontificate … And the following popes did not consider that the moment had come to lift the veil of mystery, in circumstances where the Church has still not overcome the frightening impact of twenty post-conciliar years, during which the crisis of the Faith has installed itself at every level.” – Father Joaquin Alonso (Official Archivist at Fatima); La Verdad sobre el Secreto de Fatima 1976. See also Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, The Whole Truth About Fatima – Vol. III, p. 687, 704-705. See also De nuevo el Secreto de Fatima 1982 Ephemerides mariologicae p. 93]

In an interview conducted in November 11, 1984, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith) confirmed that, with the Pope’s permission, he had read the Secret and that it concerns, in his words, “a radical call to conversion, the absolute gravity of history, the dangers threatening the Faith and the life of a Christian, and therefore the world. And also the importance of the ‘novissimi’ (the last times).” The Cardinal went on to explain that “if it is not published… it is to avoid confusing religious prophecy with sensationalism. But the things contained in the Third Secret correspond to what has been announced in Scripture and are confirmed by many other Marian apparitions.” – Ecco perche la fede e in crisi in the review, Jesus, p. 79

Continuing his diagnosis, he [Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger] recalls that this “true” Council, “already during its sessions [Vatican II] and then increasingly in the subsequent period, was opposed by a self-styled ‘spirit of the Council’, which in reality is a true ‘anti-spirit’ of the Council. According to this pernicious anti-spirit [Konzils-Ungeist in German], everything that is ‘new’ (or presumed such: how many old heresies have surfaced again in recent years that have been presented as something new!) is always and in every case better than what has been or what is. It is the anti-spirit according to which the history of the Church would first begin with Vatican II, viewed as a kind of point zero.” – The Ratzinger Report: an exclusive interview on the state of the Church (Rapporto Sulla Fede), 1985, by Vittorio Messori, p. 34-35

The Blessed Virgin was alerting us against the apostasy in the Church.” “I would not be surprised if the Third Secret alluded to dark times for the Church: grave confusions and troubling apostasies within Catholicism itself…If we consider the grave crisis we have lived through since the Council, the signs that this prophecy has been fulfilled do not seem to be lacking…” – Silvio Cardinal Oddi, to Italian journalist Lucio Brunelli in the journal Il Sabato, Rome, March 17, 1990

“The Secret of Fatima contains a sad prophecy about the Church and, for this reason Pope John did not divulge it. And neither have Paul VI or John Paul II. It seems to me that what is basically written is that the Pope would convene a Council in 1960 which, contrary to expectations, would indirectly result in many difficulties for the Church.” – Cardinal Silvio Oddi, who was Prefect of the Congregation of the Clergy in the Pontificate of John Paul II and very close to John XXIII during his reign; 30 Giorni, November 11, 1990, p. 69

“Silvio Cardinal Oddi spoke with Sister Lucia in 1985. Afterward, Cardinal Oddi said [regarding the Third Secret] that ‘In my opinion, what is written is that in 1960, the Pope would have convoked a council from which, contrary to his intentions, there would arise many difficulties in the Church.’” – The Fourth Secret of Fatima, 2006 by Antonio Socci p. 123

“The prophecy of Fatima was completely defied! It is a lack of sense, I would say, because according to the interpretation that seems to me most worthy of consideration, the Third Secret – which John XXIII and his successors thought inopportune to reveal – […] regards the ‘revolution’ in the Catholic Church.”
“From a Council convened to throw light on the beauty and profundity of the Christian mystery by presenting the Church as the spouse of Christ, […] so many innovations were born that they appear to constitute a true internal revolution.” – Cardinal Silvio Oddi, Il Tenero Mastino di Dio, Rome: Progetto Museali Editore, 1995, p. 217-218

“The Message of Fatima is a call to conversion, alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the “dragon” whose “tail swept down a third of the stars of Heaven and cast them to the earth” (Apoc. 12:4). […] In her motherly concern, the Blessed Virgin came here to Fátima to ask men and women “to stop offending God, Our Lord, who is already very offended.” It is a mother’s sorrow that compels her to speak; the destiny of her children is at stake. For this reason she asks the little shepherds: “Pray, pray much and make sacrifices for sinners; many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray and make sacrifices for them.” – Pope John Paul II Homily for the Beatification of Jacinta and Francisco at Fatima on May 13, 2000
[NOTE: “a third of the stars of Heaven” has been traditionally interpreted as fallen clergy; cardinals, bishops and priests who are at the service of Satan]

“I believe that [Third] part of the secret concerns the Church from within, perhaps doctrinal difficulties, a crisis of unity, rebellion. The last sentence my aunt wrote, which precedes the part that is still unknown, says, In Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved. Therefore, people elsewhere in the Church might waver on dogma. But this is just speculation.” – Father Jose dos Santos Valinho (nephew of Sr. Lucia) in 2000; Reportage su Fatima by Renzo and Roberto Allegri, Milan 2000

“I believe that there is a connection between that which is announced in the first part of the Secret, which concerns wars and sufferings which would be everywhere, and the second part which concerns the persecutions and a type of breakdown of the faith. Because where the ellipsis (the three dots, “…”) was placed, it means “Here is the third part, which is not revealed” and then the conclusion “In Portugal the dogma of the faith will always be preserved etc.” This suggests to me that there is a relationship between faith and the third part of the Secret. Therefore, it is something that relates to the Church. It is some kind of universal crisis which affects the whole Church and all of humanity.” – Father Jose dos Santos Valinho (nephew of Sr. Lucia); This public statement was made on the 14th of February, 2003 broadcast on the program ENIGMA, which was transmitted prime time, nationwide on RAI, the National TV Network of Italy, The Fatima Crusader, Issue 74, p.76

Raymond Arroyo: One of your jobs here at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is investigating the Marian apparitions that occur in history and in our present age. You, in 2000, released the so-called, “Third Secret of Fatima.” And part of that revelation was that there would be a hail of bullets, the Pope would fall and appear to be dead. The Congregation interpreted that as the assassination attempt on his Holiness, John Paul II. Is it possible – and I’ve gotten many letters asking me to ask this question – is it possible that this could point to a future Pope?
Cardinal Ratzinger: We cannot exclude that this is clear. Normally, the private visions are limited to the next generation, and even Lucia, and all those in Fatima were convinced that in the time of one generation this would be realized. So, the immediate content of the vision is this, I would say. And it is expressed in a vision in an apocalyptic language. It is clear in all the visions, we do not have an historical language, as a report on television, that we have a visionary, symbolic language. We can understand this is indeed an indication of the crisis of the Church in the second part of the last century and in our time. But, even if the immediate sense of this prophecy, this vision is always in the next generations; it has also sense for future times. We cannot exclude – even I would say, we have to wait for, that even in other times we’ll have similar crises of the Church and perhaps also similar attacks to a Pope. – The World Over: Cardinal Ratzinger Interview, Raymond Arroyo with Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger the future Pope Benedict XVI [Taken from the official transcript of the interview by EWTN News Director Raymond Arroyo of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, which first aired on EWTN on 5 September 2003. Cardinal Ratzinger was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, an office to which he was appointed by Pope John Paul II in 1981]
@ 36:41 and following

“He deceives himself who thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded.”[ …] “May the seven years which separate us from the centenary of the apparitions hasten the fulfillment of the prophecy of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.” – Pope Benedict XVI Homily at Fatima on May 13, 2010

Question: Is it reasonable to suggest that Pope Benedict XVI acted in light of (in conformity with and according to) the exact intelligence provided by Our Lady of the Rosary in the Third Secret of Fatima?

9 thoughts on “From the Combox: Antichrist, Fatima, Rome, Ottaviani, Oddi, Ratzinger, Vatican II…”

  1. “Question: Is it reasonable to suggest that Pope Benedict XVI acted in light of (in conformity with and according to) the exact intelligence provided by Our Lady of the Rosary in the Third Secret of Fatima?”

    Answer: In my opinion yes. But it doesn’t matter. The Third Secrets events are unfolding now. Hopefully, many will have the courage to withstand the challenges to their faith in God and the Church. The best we can do is to make this time our purgatory so can enter heaven immediately.

  2. Pope Benedict isn’t a dummy. It is highly probable that he took a look at all the wolves around him and knew that the only way to fix things was to bring on the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. I don’t have 1/16th of Pope Benedict’s intelligence but even I have enough common sense at this point to look at the world around me and know that only Divine Intervention can make things right.

    Earlier today on drudge, there was a photo of the Washington monument in DC being struck by lightning. It was eerily reminiscent of the photo of St. Peter’s getting struck right after our holy father (didn’t) resigned. Bad things are here in the US and this is not a sign that they’ll improve. We could very well see a modern day French Revolution on this side of the Atlantic.

    Pray, pray and pray for the triumph of the Immaculate heart

  3. Dear Mark,

    My sincere thanks for this post and here are a few more for good measure:

    In 1933 the future Pope Ven. Pius XII, then Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (Secretary of State to Pope Pius XI) stated to his friend Count Enrico Pietro Galeazzi that Our Lady of Fatima’s confidences to Sr. Lucia were a warning against the “suicide of altering the Faith.”
    Cardinal Pacelli said:
    “Suppose, dear friend, that Communism is the most visible among the organs of subversion against the Church and the Tradition of Divine Revelation. Thus, we will witness the invasion of everything that is spiritual: philosophy, science, law, teaching, the arts, the media, literature, theater, and religion.
    I am concerned about the confidences of the Virgin to the little Lucia of Fatima. This persistence of the Good Lady in face of the danger that threatens the Church is a divine warning against the suicide that the alteration of the Faith, in its liturgy, its theology, and its soul, would represent.
    I hear around me innovators who wish to dismantle the Sacred Chapel, destroy the universal flame of the Church, reject her ornaments, and make her remorseful for her historical past. Well, my dear friend, I am convinced that the Church of Peter must affirm her past, or else she will dig her own grave.
    I will fight this battle with the greatest energy on the inside of the Church, just as outside of it, even if the forces of evil may one day take advantage of my person, my actions, or my writings, as they try today to deform the history of the Church. All human heresies which alter the word of God are so that a greater light might appear.” […]
    These underdeveloped peoples will save the Church, Eminence. A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God, that His Son is only a symbol, a philosophy like so many others. And in churches, Christians will search for the red lamp where Jesus awaits them, like the sinful woman crying out before the empty tomb: ‘Where have they taken Him?’
    Then, priests will rise up from Africa, from Asia, from America, formed here in this seminary of the Missions, who will say and who will proclaim that the ‘Bread of Life’ is not ordinary bread, that the Mother of the God-man is not a mother like others. And they will be cut to pieces to testify that Christianity is not a religion like others, since her head is the Son of God, and the Church is His Church.” – Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, Secretary of State to Pope Pius XI. – Msgr. Georges Roche & Philippe Saint Germain, Pie XII devant l’Histoire [Pius XII Before History], Paris: Robert Laffont, 1972, pp. 52-53

    On December 26, 1957, Father Agustín Fuentes, Postulator of the Cause for Beatification of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, interviewed Sister Lucia. The interview was published in 1958 with an Imprimatur and the Approbation of the Bishop of Fatima, Bishop João Pereira Venâncio, as well as with an Imprimatur of his Archbishop, Archbishop Sanchez of Veracruz, Mexico. Among other things, Sister Lucia told Father Fuentes the following:
    “Father, the Most Holy Virgin is very sad because no one has paid any attention to Her message, neither the good nor the bad. The good continue on their way but without giving any importance to Her message. The bad, not seeing the punishment of God falling upon them, continue their life of sin without even caring about the message. But believe me, Father, God will chastise the world and this will be in a terrible manner. The punishment from Heaven is imminent.”
    “Father, how much time is there before 1960 arrives? It will be very sad for everyone, not one person will rejoice at all if beforehand the world does not pray and do penance. I am not able to give any other details because it is still a secret. …This is the Third part of the Message of Our Lady which will remain secret until 1960.”
    “Tell them, Father, that many times, the most Holy Virgin told my cousins Francisco and Jacinta, as well as myself, that many nations will disappear from the face of the earth. She said that Russia will be the instrument of chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation.”
    “Father, the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Blessed Virgin. And the devil knows what it is that most offends God and which in a short space of time will gain for him the greatest number of souls. Thus, the devil does everything to overcome souls consecrated to God, because in this way, the devil will succeed in leaving souls of the faithful abandoned by their leaders, thereby the more easily will he seize them. That which afflicts the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Heart of Jesus is the fall of religious and priestly souls. The devil knows that religious and priests who fall away from their beautiful vocation drag numerous souls to hell. … The devil wishes to take possession of consecrated souls. He tries to corrupt them in order to lull to sleep the souls of laypeople and thereby lead them to final impenitence.” – English translation of Sister Lucia interview with Father Fuentes taken from Frère Michel’s The Whole Truth About Fatima – Vol. III, pp. 503-508. Frère Michel explains that the text comes from Fatima scholar Father Joaquin Alonso’s La Verdad sobre el Secreto de Fatima (pp. 103-106), and from the text published by Father Ryan in the June 1959 issue of Fatima Findings and the No. 8-9 August-September 1961 issue of the Italian magazine Messaggero del Cuore di Maria

    “Today the Church is experiencing a moment of anxiety. Some practice self-criticism, one would even say in auto-demolition [self-destruction]. It is like an acute and complex interior upheaval, which no one would have expected after the Council.” – Pope Paul VI on Saturday, 7 December 1968 during an Address to the members of the Pontifical Lombard Seminary

    “Referring to the situation of the Church today, the Holy Father states that he has the feeling that, from some fissure [crack] the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God” […] “It was believed that after the Council would come a day of sunshine in the history of the Church. But instead there has come a day of clouds and storms and of darkness.” […] “How did this happen? The Pope confides his thoughts to those present: that there has been the intervention of an adverse [adversarial] power. His name is the devil, this mysterious being which is also alluded to in the Letter of St. Peter.” – Pope Paul VI, June 29, 1972 on the 9th Anniversary of his coronation during the homily given at Mass for the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul with 30 cardinals in attendance

    “We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation humanity has gone through. I do not think that wide circles of American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti-Church, of the Gospel versus the anti-Gospel.” – Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, the future Pope St. John Paul II during the 41st International Eucharistic Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 1976

    “The tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world. The darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church even to its summit. Apostasy, the loss of the faith, is spreading throughout the world and into the highest levels within the Church.” – Pope Paul VI, October 13, 1977 in a formal address marking the 60th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun as quoted in the Milan-based daily Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, p. 7 of its issue dated October 14, 1977

    “We must admit realistically and with feelings of deep pain, that Christians today in large measure feel lost, confused, perplexed and even disappointed; ideas opposed to the truth which has been revealed and always taught are being scattered abroad in abundance; heresies, in the full and proper sense of the word, have been spread in the area of dogma and morals, creating doubts, confusions and rebellion; the liturgy has been tampered with; immersed in an intellectual and moral relativism and therefore in permissiveness, Christians are tempted by atheism, agnosticism, vaguely moral enlightenment and by a sociological Christianity devoid of defined dogmas or an objective morality.”… Pope John Paul II, quoted in L’Osservatore Romano, February 7, 1981

    “Can the Mother with all the force of the love that She fosters in the Holy Spirit and desires everyone’s salvation keep silent on what undermines the very bases of their salvation? No, She cannot.” And so, while the message of Our Lady of Fatima is a motherly one, it is also strong and decisive. It sounds severe. It sounds like John the Baptist speaking on the banks of the Jordan. It invites to repentance. It gives a warning. It calls to prayer. It recommends the Rosary. The Message of Fatima is addressed to every human being.”- Pope John Paul II Homily given at Fatima on May 13, 1982

    Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh. – Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992), Paragraph #675 – The Church’s Ultimate Trial

    Mother Angelica (Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation) said to her national television audience on May 16, 2001: “As for the Secret, I happen to be one of those individuals who thinks we didn’t get the whole thing … Because I think it’s scary …” – Mother Angelica Live, Eternal Word Television Network

    On July 5, 2006, during an interview with Archbishop Loris Francesco Capovilla (Personal Secretary to Pope John XXIII), Solideo Paolini (Italian journalist) asked if “there are two texts of the Third Secret?”
    Archbishop Capovilla (later Cardinal Capovilla) gave this absolutely decisive explosive answer,
    “Exactly so! (Per l’appunto!).”
    – Antonio Socci “The Fourth Secret of Fatima” English ed., p. 132; popular ed., p. 92; Italian ed., p. 142, See also Christopher Ferrara “The Secret Still Hidden” p. 176; pdf p. 186, See also Father Paul Kramer “The Devil’s Final Battle” p. 174; pdf p. 175

    Sister Lucia remarked on “the insistence with which Our Lady requested and recommended that the Rosary be prayed every day, having repeated this in all the apparitions, as if forewarning us that in these times of diabolical disorientation, we must not let ourselves be deceived by false doctrines that diminish the elevation of our soul to God by means of prayer…”
    In another letter Sister Lucia lamented: “Our poor Lord, Who saved us with such love, and how little understood He is! How little loved! How badly served! It is painful to see such disorientation, and in so many people who occupy positions of responsibility!…”
    “As much as possible, we have to seek to make reparation by a union with the Lord that is ever more intimate, identifying ourselves with Him, so that He may be, in us, the light of this world which is immersed in the darkness of error, immorality and pride. It hurts me to learn about what you say, of what already is also happening there!…”
    “It is because the devil has been able to infiltrate evil under the guise of good, and they act as the blind leading the blind, as Our Lord tells us in His Gospel; and souls go on allowing themselves to be deceived.”
    “Voluntarily I sacrifice myself and offer my life to God, for peace in His Church, for priests and for all consecrated souls, above all for those who carry on so erroneously and so deceived!…This is why the devil has made such war against it (the Rosary). And what is worse is that he has succeeded in deluding and deceiving souls who have much responsibility because of the positions they occupy!…They are the blind leading the blind!…We pray, work, sacrifice ourselves and trust that—In the End, My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph!” – Mark Fellows, Sister Lucia: Apostle of Mary’s Immaculate Heart, 2007 p. 170-172

    May 11, 2010 – In answer to the question [pre-selected by Pope Benedict XVI], if the pedophilia abuses were part of the pain included in the vision of the Third Secret released on the 26 June 2000? Pope Benedict XVI (traveling on the plane to Fatima, Portugal) replied, “…In addition to this great vision of the suffering of the Pope […] are also pointed out realities of the future of the Church, which unfold and reveal themselves day by day. “That is, it is true that in addition to the moment indicated by the vision, [the Secret] speaks, shows the necessity of a passion of the Church, which obviously is reflected in the person of the Pope, but the Pope is within the Church, therefore these are sufferings for the Church that are being foretold… and as far as the novelty that we can now discover in this message, it is that: “not only from the outside come the attacks to the Pope and the Church, but the sufferings of the Church come right from the inside of the Church, by the sins committed inside the Church itself. “We knew this already, but today we see this in the most horrifying way: that the greatest persecution against the Church doesn’t come from its enemies outside, but from the sins within. And that the Church has therefore a great need to re-learn penance, to accept purification, to learn forgiveness but also the necessity for justice. Forgiveness doesn’t substitute for justice. “…we must always remember that the powers of good are present and that in the end Our Lord is stronger than the devil and that Our Lady is our Guarantee.” – Fatima Crusader, Issue #95, p. 3-4

    In 2011 Fr. Gabriel Amorth was interviewed by José María Zavala. During the interview, Fr. Amorth relates that he does not believe the consecration of the world by Pope John Paul II in 1984 was sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the mandate of Heaven. Fr. Amorth, the famous Roman exorcist, personally knew St. Padre Pio for 26 years, and it’s from this priest, mystic, stigmatic and saint that he claims to have learned the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima. The interview as follows:
    Zavala – “Forgive me for insisting on the Third Secret of Fatima: Did Padre Pio relate it, then, to the loss of faith within the Church?”
    (Fr. Gabriele furrows his brow and sticks out his chin. He seems very affected.)
    Amorth – “Indeed,” “One day Padre Pio said to me very sorrowfully: ‘You know, Gabriele? It is Satan who has been introduced into the bosom of the Church and within a very short time will come to rule a false Church.’”
    Zavala – “Oh my God! Some kind of Antichrist! When did he prophesy this to you?”
    Amorth – “It must have been about 1960, since I was already a priest then.”
    Zavala – “Was that why John XXIII had such a panic about publishing the Third Secret of Fatima, so that the people wouldn’t think that he was the anti-pope or whatever it was …?”
    (A slight but knowing smile curls the lips of Father Amorth.)
    Zavala – “Did Padre Pio say anything else to you about future catastrophes: earthquakes, floods, wars, epidemics, hunger …? Did he allude to the same plagues prophesied in the Holy Scriptures?”
    Amorth – “Nothing of the sort mattered to him, however terrifying they proved to be, except for the great apostasy within the Church. This was the issue that really tormented him and for which he prayed and offered a great part of his suffering, crucified out of love.”
    Zavala – “The Third Secret of Fatima?”
    Amorth – “Exactly.”
    Zavala – “Is there any way to avoid something so terrible, Fr. Gabriele?”
    Amorth – “There is hope, but it’s useless if it’s not accompanied by works. Let us begin by consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, let us recite the Holy Rosary, let us all do prayer and penance…”

    Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed the need for a “Year of Faith” that seeks to awaken humanity at a critical moment. “In vast areas of the earth the faith risks being extinguished, like a flame without fuel,” the pope warned, “We are facing a profound crisis of faith, a loss of a religious sense which represents one of the greatest challenges for the Church today … The renewal of faith must, then, be a priority for the entire Church in our time.” – Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican City, 27 January 2012 from his address to the participants in the plenary session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

    After Sister Lucia’s death on February 13, 2005, the Carmelites of Coimbra went through and classified her archives that contained unpublished manuscripts. Thanks to these documents, they wrote and published a voluminous biography of the seer, under the title of Um caminho sob o olhar de Maria [A Path under the Gaze of Mary], Carmel Publications, October 2013.
    The quotation from Sister Lucia in the book is astonishing:
    “I felt my spirit inundated by a mystery of light that is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of a lance [the tip of the spear] like a flame that is detached, touches the axis of the earth, and it trembles: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried. The sea, the rivers, the clouds, exceed their boundaries, inundating and dragging with them, in a vortex, houses and people in a number that cannot be counted. It is the purification of the world from the sin in which it is immersed. Hatred, ambition, provoke the destructive war. After I felt my racing heart, in my spirit a soft voice said: ‘In time, one faith, one baptism, one Church, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic. In eternity, Heaven!’ This word ‘Heaven’ filled my heart with peace and happiness in such a way that, almost without being aware of it, I kept repeating to myself for a long time: Heaven, Heaven.”
    – Antonio Socci, August 17, 2014 ; See also Chris Ferrara’s summary of same, August 27, 2014

    May the Lord bless you and Our Lady protect you always,

    1. Michael. If I may ask, what do you think about how President Putin in Russia is drawing the values of the Russian government closer to those of the Orthodox Church? They are building and restoring some beautiful churches in Russia. At the same time, what about the rise in the US of socialist politicians? It seems like Russia is moving towards becoming a true Christian (albeit Orthodox) nation while the US and Europe are descending into atheistic socialism.

      1. Dear James,

        In answer to your question…
        Yes, President Vladimir Putin appears to be moving Russia in the right direction with respect to the promotion of religion as a stabilizing factor in society and the suppression of LGBT ideology.
        Yes, the errors of Russia have already spread around the world (particularly in the US and Europe).
        Sadly, the subversion of Western civilization and the assault upon the Christian remnant continues.
        Putin & Christianity –

        Aanatole Golitsyn (Soviet KGB defector) authored two books which shed light on the reality in Russia at the time which are at variance with the mainstream media’s narrative; “New Lies For Old: The Communist Strategy Of Deception And Disinformation”, 1984 and “The Perestroika Deception”, 1995.
        Worth careful study. (See for pdf)

        It is important to remember that Vladimir Putin entered the KGB in 1975. He worked in Counter-Intelligence for several years and climbed up the ranks until finally reaching the very top of the KGB / FSB as Director of the Federal Security Service in 1998-99. A résumé like this gives one cause for concern.

        Signs for optimism… What about Vladimir Putin asking Francis for the Consecration of Russia?
        During a Q & A session in 2015, Mr. John Vennari asked Father Nicholas Gruner, “Did Putin in 2013 ask Pope Francis to Consecrate Russia? Fr. Gruner replied, “We know that Putin visited with Pope Francis on the 25th of November. […] It was in 2013 sometime towards the end of November that Putin met the Pope and he certainly talked about Fatima to the Pope and certainly Putin has heard about the Consecration.” “Surprising, he [Putin] knows quite a bit about it [the Consecration].”
        Although Fr. Gruner was unable to reveal the name of his source he was in contact with at the Russian Embassy to the Holy See in November of 2013 he went on to explain: “There was a man I have spoken to personally who was with Putin that day and he [Putin] did speak about Fatima to the Pope. This gentleman telling me – has known Putin for a long time and he was in Putin’s entourage. He [the source] was the other man with Putin when he met the Pope. And so, he [the source] is saying that Putin sat down and talked about Fatima as he himself did to Pope Francis.”
        “So, to answer the question, I assume it wouldn’t be far a jump to talk about [the Consecration].”
        “Now did he [Putin] ask him [Francis] to Consecrate Russia – that I don´t know.”
        – YouTube, Your Questions Answered by Father Gruner – Did Putin ask Pope Francis for Consecration? published on January 22. 2015

        Father Paul Kramer even went a step further than Father Nicholas Gruner.
        During an interview available on YouTube, Fr. Kramer said, “I learned through the diplomatic channels that I have in Rome that there was a discussion but in the course of the official discussion Mr. Putin asked about the Consecration of Russia and Francis replied, ‘We will not discuss Fatima’.”
        – YouTube, Vladimir Putin requests the Consecration of Russia; Pope says No published January 15, 2015.

        In any case, until the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and her conversion to Catholicism have been accomplished maybe we should re-examine the following passages from Sacred Scripture.

        “Put not your trust in princes [politicians], in a son of man, in whom there is no help” – Psalm 146:3

        “Thus says the Lord: Cursed is the one who trusts in man [politicians], who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.” – Jeremiah 17:5

        Hopefully, that answers your question.

        Sincerely yours in the Passion of the Church,

    1. Dear Br. Alexis Bugnolo,

      Here are two more Supplemental Quotes and a significant Time Line which may be of interest to you.

      “In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church begins at the top.” – Luigi Cardinal Ciappi 1995 (Personal Theologian to Popes Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I and John Paul II) from a personal letter to Professor Baumgartner of Salzburg, Austria; Father Gerard Mura, “The Third Secret of Fatima: Has It Been Completely Revealed?”, the periodical Catholic, (published by the Transalpine Redemptorists, Orkney Isles, Scotland, Great Britain) March 2002

      Not long after the 26th of June 2000 publication of the Third Secret of Fatima, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger told Father Ingo Döllinger (Ratzinger’s long-time personal friend) during an in-person conversation that there is still a part of the Third Secret that they have not published!
      “There is more than what we published,” Cardinal Ratzinger said.
      “Wirklich gebt das der etwas” which means, “Really there is something more there,” meaning there is something more in the Third Secret. The Cardinal stated this quite plainly.
      – The first published account of Fr. Ingo Döllinger’s testimony (of which we are aware) appeared in an interview with Fr. Paul Kramer in Fatima Crusader Issue #92 in May of 2009.
      “What we have published is not the whole secret.” “We were instructed to do so.”
      – Gottfried Kiniger’s recorded conversation with Father Ingo Döllinger
      Time Line – Fatima Garabandal Connection:

      October 28, 1958 – The election of Pope John XXIII.

      January 25, 1959 – Pope John XXIII announces the Second Vatican Council three months after his election.

      On May 31, 2007 during an Italian television broadcast on the program, “Porta a Porta”, for the first time in history Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone revealed that Sister Lucia had written on 2 wax-sealed envelopes the express order of Our Lady to be opened in “1960 ”
      “Por ordem expressa de Nossa Senhora este envelope só pode ser aberto em 1960, por Sua Ex.cia o Senhor Cardeal Patriarca de Lisboa ou por Sua Ex.cia Rev. ma o Senhor Bispo de Leiria.”
      (Translated in English) “By express order of Our Lady, this envelope can only be opened in 1960 by His Excellency the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon or by His Excellency the Bishop of Leiria.”

      August 1959 – Pope John XXIII opens the envelope and reads the 25 line text (the very words of Our Lady – the explanation of the Vision of the Third Secret of Fatima). He then directed his personal secretary, Msgr. Loris Capovilla, to write on an outer envelope the names of the curial officials who have also read it and his decision to “leave it to others to comment or decide.” [According to his secretary, Msgr. Capovilla, Pope John XXIII read the text a few days after the August 17, 1959]

      “At the approach of 1960, older ones remember it, the whole Christian people confidently awaited the promised public unveiling of the Secret. And you Italians (here present) you no doubt know that in 1959 there was in the whole country a great movement of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. For several months, the Virgin of Fatima crisscrossed the [Italian] peninsula drawing along in its trail enthusiastic crowds and spreading everywhere its marvels of grace, extraordinary fervor, miracles of conversion, miracles of doves … On September 13, 1959 – all the Bishops of the country solemnly consecrated Italy to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Unfortunately, the movement was so little encouraged by Pope John XXIII that his silence and reserve could not pass unnoticed.” – Taken from a talk by Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité at the Vatican Symposium on Fatima on November 24, 1985 sponsored by the “International Fatima Rosary Crusade

      February 8, 1960 – As the world anxiously awaits the full revelation of the Third Secret, the Vatican issues an anonymous press release. Despite Our Lady´s explicit request and repeated promises from the Bishop of Fatima, the Vatican announces that the Third Secret will not be revealed and “would probably remain, forever, under absolute seal.” The announcement (through the Portuguese news agency, “A.N.I.” – “Agenda Nacional de Informação”) as follows:
      “It has just been stated, in very reliable Vatican circles, that it is most likely that the letter will never be opened, in which Sister Lúcia wrote down the words which Our Lady confided as a secret to the three little shepherds in the Cova da Iria.”

      According to Msgr. Capovilla, several Roman Prelates had been consulted. But what is certain is that the Portuguese authorities in charge were odiously disregarded. Neither Bishop Venâncio, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, nor Cardinal Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira, the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, had been consulted or notified by Rome.” – Taken from a talk by Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité at the Vatican Symposium on Fatima on November 24, 1985 sponsored by the “International Fatima Rosary Crusade”

      June 5, 1960 – Pope John XXIII issues an Apostolic Letter given in the form of Motu Proprio Superno Dei * outlining the procedure for the preparation phase and instituting the Preparatory Commissions for the Second Vatican Council.


      July 4, 1961 – The First Message of Garabandal is delivered by Our Lady. (174 days or 5 months, 21 days before the Convocation of Second Vatican Council):
      “We must make many sacrifices, perform much penance, and visit the Blessed Sacrament frequently. But first, we must lead good lives. If we do not, a chastisement will befall us. The cup is already filling up, and if we do not change, a very great chastisement will come upon us.”

      December 25, 1961 – Convocation of the Second Vatican Council by Pope John XXIII (Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ).

      June 19, 1962 – The Nights of Screams in Garabandal of Jacinta González, Mari Loli Mazón and Mari Cruz González (Shortly afterwards Jacinta, Mari Loli confirmed the coming Chastisement).
      “The Virgin told us:
      That we do not expect the Chastisement; That without expecting it, it will come;
      Since the world has not changed. And she has already told us twice; And we do not pay attention to her,
      Since the world is getting worse. And it should change very much. And it has not changed at all.
      Prepare yourself. Confess, Because the Chastisement will come soon. And the world continues the same…
      I tell you this:
      That the world continues the same. How unfortunate that it does not change!
      Soon will come a very great Chastisement, If it does not change.”

      June 23, 1962 – Our Lady gives Jacinta González and Mari Loli Mazón the following important message.
      “The Virgin has told us:
      That the world continues the same, that it has not changed at all; That few will see God; so few they are,
      that it is causing the Virgin great sorrow. How unfortunate that the world does not change!
      The Virgin has told us that the Chastisement is coming. As the world is not changing, the cup is filling up.
      How sorrowful is the Virgin, although she does not allow us to see it. Since the Virgin loves us so much, she suffers alone, since she is so good. Everyone be good, so that the Virgin will be happy!
      She has told us that those who are good should pray for those who are evil.
      Yes, we should pray to God for the world, for those who do not know Him.
      Be good, be very good.”

      July 19, 1962 – Miracle of the Visible Holy Communion given to Conchita on her tongue while kneeling.

      August 1962 – The Pact of Metz (France) was signed by Cardinal Eugène Tisserant, representing the Holy See and Metropolitan Nikodim, representing the Russian Orthodox.

      NOTE: The Vatican-Moscow Agreement effectively silences the Second Vatican Council regarding the evil of Communism. The Vatican appears to have done the exact opposite of the mandate of Heaven given by Our Lady on July 13, 1917.

      September 23, 1962 – Pope John XXIII is diagnosed with stomach cancer. The diagnosis, which was kept from the public, followed nearly eight months of occasional stomach hemorrhages, and reduced the pontiff’s appearances. Looking pale and drawn during these events, he gave a hint to his ultimate fate in April 1963, when he said to visitors, “That which happens to all men perhaps will happen soon to the Pope who speaks to you today.”

      October 11, 1962 – The Opening day of the Second Vatican Council,
      “We feel we must disagree with those prophets of doom, who are always forecasting disaster, as though the end of the world were at hand.” – Pope John XXIII, Opening Address in St. Peter’s Basilica. (The Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

      NOTE: Pope John XXIII, who read the Third Secret of Fatima and would also have had a means of knowing about the Nights of Screams in San Sebastian de Garabandal regarding the coming Chastisement and afterwards authorized the “Metz Pact” appears to have contempt for the messengers and the Messages of Our Lady in the Opening Address.

      June 3, 1963 – Pope John XXIII dies of peritonitis caused by a perforated stomach at the Apostolic Palace, Vatican City.

      NOTE: In accordance with the Law of the Church, “If it happens that the Roman Pontiff, during the celebration of a Council, departs from this life, [the Council] by the law itself is interrupted [suspended] until a new Pontiff resumes it and orders it to be continued.” – 1917 Code of Canon Law, Can. 229

      June 21, 1963 – The election of Pope Paul VI.

      June 27, 1963 – Pope Paul VI reads the text of the Third Secret kept in the papal apartments less than a week after becoming pope. Pope Paul VI reads the text after the Substitute Secretary of State Msgr. Angelo Dell’Acqua telephones Msgr. Capovilla, personal secretary to Pope John XXIII, to inquire as to where to find it. Msgr. Capovilla testifies to this fact in his “certified note” of May 17, 1967. It is this text, the one that contains Our Lady’s words, that is later identified by Cardinal Ottaviani as being 25 lines in length.

      September 29, 1963 – Pope Paul VI reconvenes and reopens the Second Vatican Council, which had automatically closed with the death of Pope John XXIII (This date marked the beginning of the Second Session of Vatican II).

      June 18, 1965 – The Second Message of Our Lady of Garabandal is delivered by St. Michael the Archangel on behalf of Our Lady. (173 days or 5 months, 20 days before the Closing of Second Vatican Council):
      “As my message of October 18 has not been complied with and has not been made known to the world, I am advising you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling up. Now it is flowing over.
      Many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are on the road to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You should turn the wrath of God away from yourselves by your efforts. If you ask for His forgiveness with sincere hearts, He will pardon you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of Saint Michael the Archangel, ask you to amend your lives. You are now receiving the last warnings. I love you very much and do not want your condemnation. Pray to us with sincerity and we will grant your requests. You should make more sacrifices. Think about the Passion of Jesus.”

      NOTE: There is one very curious thing many good Catholics seem to have missed. Look at the symmetry of time Our Lady gave between the First Message of Garabandal & the Convocation of the Second Vatican Council and then the Second Message of Garabandal & the Closing of the Second Vatican Council. They are both the same amount of time,
      “5 months, 20 days.” How could these four little Spanish girls in a tiny Cantabrian mountain village orchestrate such precision? The symmetry speaks to a conscious mind (Our Lady’s) which intentionally chose the same interval of time before each historically significant event.
      Also, Our Lady´s words in the Second Message of Garabandal were spoken not of the future but of the present.
      – “are on the road to perdition” is Present (Simple) Tense. This tense describes the present state or condition of something or a habitual action.
      – “and are taking many souls with them” is Present Continuous Tense (also called Present Progressive Tense). This tense is used to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in a larger sense. It describes an activity that is currently in progress. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to take place in the near future. Consequently, Our Lady’s own words were meant for right then, at that very moment, on this particular date in 1965 and continuing during the Second Vatican Council. Please take a moment to think about what that implies.

      December 6, 1965 – The day before the Second Vatican Council ended,
      “Once the Council is ended, will everything return to the way it was before? Appearances and habits would say yes. The spirit of the Council would reply no.” – Pope Paul VI, during an Address to the Cardinals, Archbishops and Bishops of Italy

      December 8, 1965 – Closing of the Second Vatican Council by Pope Paul VI (The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary).

      1966 – Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Bishop João Pereira Venâncio saw the necessity and urgency of defending the authentic Message of Our Lady of Fatima. Bishop Venâncio, alarmed by growing attempts to revise and reinterpret the Message of Fatima, officially commissioned Father Joaquin Maria Alonso, a learned Claretian priest, with the task of writing a complete critical history of the apparitions, messages and revelations of Fatima.

      July 1, 1972 – The Resignation of Bishop João Pereira Venâncio, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima at the age of 68 before his 75th birthday (a defender and an advocate of the true Messages of Our Lady of Fatima & Garabandal).

      July 1, 1972 – The Appointment of Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima.

      1975 – All 24 volumes of Father Joaquin Alonso’s work were ready for publication. However, the presses were literally stopped by the new Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral. As a result, Father Alonso’s years of research was prevented from reaching the public. Two of the twenty-four volumes were eventually published (in 1992 and 1999, respectively), but only in a heavily edited form. The other 22 volumes remain unpublished, even though they were fully prepared for the press in 1975.

      NOTE: Father Alonso completed his work entitled, “Fatima Texts and Critical Studies”, after several years of studying the Fatima archives and all relevant documents. This massive work would fill 24 volumes (800 pages per volume) and presents a collection of over 5,396 documents, ranging from the beginnings of the Fatima apparitions until November 12, 1974. These manuscripts were “very well prepared,” according to the Abbé Rene Laurentin, who consulted them himself.
      Why would Father Joaquin Alonso, officially commissioned by the Church to make a critical study of the Fatima Apparitions and Message, be prevented from publishing? Have those in authority who wish to suppress, subvert or obfuscate the Message of Our Lady of Fatima determined that the “telling findings” of Father Alonso must be buried with the rest of the Fatima Message? Also, if the Vatican is telling the truth and the Third Secret of Fatima was completely revealed on the 26th of June 2000 (comprised of 62 lines on four sheets of paper), then why haven’t all 24 volumes (800 pages each) been released and published as of June of 2020?

      July 21, 1983 – During an interview with Abbé Alfred Combe from France, Bishop João Pereira Venâncio, Bishop of Leiria-Fátima (Mind you, Bishop Venâncio is the same man who gave a detailed description of the Third Secret contained in the wax-sealed envelope by holding it up to a bright light, who officially commissioned a complete critical history of the apparitions, who had first-hand knowledge of everything that happened as the Bishop of the Diocese and twice personally visited with Conchita González of Garabandal in her home in New York) declared:
      “This message given by the Most Holy Virgin in Garabandal is the same that She gave in Fatima, but it is updated for our time.” – Workers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, July-September 1993 p. 9-10

      July 13, 1998 – Father Malachi Martin (reader of the Third Secret of Fatima in February 1960, advisor to Pope John XXIII and assistant to Cardinal Augustin Bea and also spoke with Concita González of Garabandal) declared during a radio interview on “Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell” on the 81st Anniversary of the Third Secret of Fatima:
      “There was a second appearance [of Our Lady] this time in Spain in Garabandal […]
      The message was very dire. Repetition of the Third Secret in brief form.”

      March 8, 2013 – Bishop Emeritus of Leiría-Fatima, Bishop Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva (Bishop of Fatima from February 2, 1993 to April 22, 2006), visits and celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
      in San Sebastián de Garabandal.

      NOTE: Although Our Lady’s Apparitions and Messages in Garabandal have never been condemned, they are still pending the official approbation of the Church.
      This writer has no doubt whatsoever that there is a direct connection between Fatima and Garabandal.
      The Message of Garabandal re-directs our attention back to the Third Secret of Fatima.

      Sincerely yours in the Passion of the Church,

  4. In November of 1980, Pope John Paul II spoke on the Third Secret of Fatima in Fulda, Germany.
    The October 1981 issue of the German magazine “Stimme des Glaubens” reported on a discussion that Pope John Paul II had with a select group of German Catholics, in November of 1980. The following is a verbatim report.

    Text of the Published Report:
    The Holy Father was asked,
    “What about the Third Secret of Fatima?”
    “Should it not have already been published by 1960?”

    Pope John Paul II replied:
    “Given the seriousness of the contents, my predecessors in the Petrine office diplomatically preferred to postpone publication so as not to encourage the world power of Communism to make certain moves.”
    “On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired.”
    “Many wish to know simply from curiosity and a taste for the sensational, but they forget that knowledge also implies responsibility. They only seek the satisfaction of their curiosity, and that is dangerous if at the same time they are not disposed to do something, and if they are convinced that it is impossible to do anything against evil.”

    At this point the Pope grasped a Rosary and said:
    “Here is the remedy against this evil. Pray, pray, and ask for nothing more. Leave everything else to the Mother of God.”

    The Holy Father was then asked,
    “What is going to happen to the Church?”

    Pope John Paul II answered:
    “We must prepare ourselves to suffer great trials before long, such as will demand of us a disposition to give up even life, and a total dedication to Christ and for Christ … With your and my prayer it is possible to mitigate this tribulation, but it is no longer possible to avert it, because only thus can the Church be effectively renewed. How many times has the renewal of the Church sprung from blood! This time, too, it will not be otherwise. We must be strong and prepared, and trust in Christ and His Mother, and be very, very assiduous in praying the Rosary.”
    When Pope John Paul II spoke about the Third Secret of Fatima at Fulda, six months before Mehmet Ali Ağca shot him on the 13th of May 1981, he did not allude to anything resembling a future assassination attempt (which on the 26th of June 2000 the Vatican announced to be the subject of the final part of the Secret that Our Lady revealed at Fatima on the 13th of July 1917), but rather to imminent chastisement and worldwide tribulation.

    The Holy Father implied that evil is the force behind the elements contained in the Third Secret. The themes alluded to here by the Holy Father are consistent with those considered by leading Fatima experts to be the substance of the real Third Secret of Fatima.

    This report was originally published in German in the October 1981 issue of “Stimme des Glaubens.” It is given as a verbatim report of the meeting between His Holiness John Paul II and a select group of German Catholics at Fulda during his visit to Germany the previous November. The preface to the article states, “We know the name of the reporter and also that the document is authentic.” This translation was made by Rev. M. Crowdy for “Approaches Magazine”, edited by Mr. Hamish Fraser of Scotland. It was translated from the “Italian” magazine published in Rome by Father Francis Putti. Both magazines are worthy of our trust.

  5. From the “Stimme des Glaubens” interview, JPII refuses to obey our Lady’s instructions regarding revealing the third secret on the grounds that 1) he fears the consequent “certain moves” on the part of the powers of global communism, as if God Almighty doesn’t already know how His instructions, given through His mother, will play out. (NB: and without any fear at all of the consequences of ignoring the mother of God and, thereby, her Son). And 2) he decided that the whole idea of revealing the secret was unnecessary because the faithful want to know it for the wrong reasons, i.e. “curiosity and a taste for the sensational.”

    And if that presentation on JPII’s part weren’t appalling enough, he has the audacity to end with the instruction to “trust Christ and His Mother” after just exhibiting the fact that he obviously trusts neither.

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