They say that unless those days had been shortened, even the elect would be deceived. Their subtlety thus far has been rather lacking.
Global Education Pact begins: @Pontifex to deliver message on “the education that’s coming” at “global cyber meeting” with young people, parents & teachers on June 5, World Environment Day. Gov reps, personalities from sports, art & tech to also take part.
— Diane Montagna (@dianemontagna) June 3, 2020

What on earth? I remember when God’s name would be mentioned at least once. Here……nada. The sinister sounding part is the “education that is being born.” Either it’s a bad translation or something worse.
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us all.
Oooo, ooo, ooo. Can I register to be a speaker? Here’s my brief speech if I could open the conference…
In the beginning GOD CREATED heaven and EARTH… And God created man to His own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them… And God blesses them saying: Increase and multiply, and FILL THE EARTH AND SUBDUE IT.
June 5 – First Friday, to honor the Sacred Heart.
One of the problems is that we see so many souls being led astray… I am not so sanguine that even the elect are not being led astray here. The evil of these days has spawned a madness in all those who are not specially protected…
Good point.