Antipope of Ecology and Integral Vegetative Accompaniment

Time for a re-post! It’s from three years ago, so I’ve cleaned it up a bit. Have a great weekend!

Wherein the backyard barbeque becomes mortally sinful, with all its paper plates, plastic cups, kids running through the sprinkler…

How can anyone, at this point, take the Catholic Church seriously?  Can you imagine trying to evangelize a soul who is hungering for what is supposed to be the Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth?

I renew my dialogue with “every person living on this planet” (Laudato Si’, 3) about the sufferings of the poor and the devastation of the environment. God gave us a bountiful garden, but we have turned it into a polluted wasteland of “debris, desolation and filth” (ibid., 161).

The memory of why I couldn’t ever manage to get through Laudato Si’ when it first came out just came rushing back:  It is physically nauseating to read.
The perpetual genuflection to Goddess Earth now includes the enumeration of non-recycling as a capital sin, and mandating ecology as both a spiritual and corporal work of mercy.  You can’t make this stuff up. HERE

Let us learn to implore God’s mercy for those sins against creation that we have not hitherto acknowledged and confessed…we can acknowledge our sins against creation, the poor and future generations…we are called to acknowledge “our contribution, smaller or greater, to the disfigurement and destruction of creation.” This is the first step on the path of conversion.

The first step on the path of conversion is to embrace the utterly false ideology of man-made global warming? It’s as if the people writing all this made bets with themselves as to who could contribute the most ridiculous claim.

As individuals, we have grown comfortable with…a “disordered desire to consume more than what is really necessary” (Laudato Si’, 123), and we are participants in a system that “has imposed the mentality of profit at any price, with no concern for social exclusion or the destruction of nature.” Let us repent of the harm we are doing to our common home. After a serious examination of conscience and moved by sincere repentance, we can confess our sins against the Creator, against creation, and against our brothers and sisters. “The Catechism of the Catholic Church presents the confessional as the place where the truth makes us free.”

Has any other document, in the history of the Church, universally condemned all of humanity for committing a particular sin?  Does Antipope Bergoglio really believe that every single person possesses a disordered desire to consume more than what is necessary? Would taking up an entire floor of a hotel as your personal living space fall into this category? And apparently it’s not venial, nope, most def MORTAL SIN, for it requires sacramental confession to be absolved.

Examining our consciences, repentance and confession to our Father who is rich in mercy leads to a firm purpose of amendment.

We laff. How come we didn’t see that phrase in Chapter Eight of Amoris Laetitia?

This in turn must translate into concrete ways of thinking and acting that are more respectful of creation. For example: “avoiding the use of plastic and paper, reducing water consumption, separating refuse, cooking only what can reasonably be consumed, showing care for other living beings, using public transport or car-pooling, planting trees, turning off unnecessary lights, or any number of other practices” (Laudato Si’, 211).

Wherein the backyard barbeque becomes mortally sinful, with all its paper plates, plastic cups, kids running through the sprinkler, the big black trash bag, charcoal and lighter fluid, leftovers, bug spray (“other living beings”), patio lights, and any number of other practices. Confessing in kind and number is going to be tough. I might need a notepad.
Bergoglio and his toadies continue their relentless rage against the First Commandment.  They choose to worship Goddess Earth instead.  That is, when they aren’t worshipping Man instead.  Notice the dichotomy at play:  Worshipping man requires subjugating God.  Worshipping Goddess Earth requires subjugating Man.
When people start coming into the confessional saying, “Bless me Father, it’s been two weeks, I left a light on,” how will good priests express their unity to the Petrine See? How can the source of unity be the vector of schism? May I suggest to Father, “THOSE AREN’T SINS, HE’S NOT THE POPE.”
Bergoglio must be exposed as a usurper, charged, removed, and Pope Benedict be acknowledged as the one and only living pope since April 2005.


15 thoughts on “Antipope of Ecology and Integral Vegetative Accompaniment”

  1. “Bergoglio must be exposed as a usurper, charged, removed, and Pope Benedict be acknowledged as the one and only living pope since April 2005.”
    Bergo is turning the Church into as joke with his new barbecue “sins”. I think he would be quite happy if all orthodox Catholics were to leave or be thrown out.

    1. Mr. Dowd, in reading through an earlier comment thread on this site wherein commenter “Susan” seems to advocate using Truth as a club, I had a thought: Would you be up to conducting a study of commenting guidelines along with ‘conservative’ Catholic website mission statements to the end of pointing out to the owners/moderators that yes, they have the right to censor but how does that square with freedom of speech especially when their mission statement has something to do with Truth?
      With all the places you comment, that might be a mighty undertaking. Keep up the good work.

      1. Islam_Is Islam says: November 15, 2019 at 4:31 pm
        “With all the places you comment, that might be a mighty undertaking.”
        I not sure such a study would have any meaning since there is no practical way to find out who was banned.
        What I have found is that certain conservative/traditional sites have developed a heightened sensitivity about negative comments about “anti-pope george mario begoglio” in Ann Barnhardt’s words. I have was banned on Church Militant for this but was re-instated after Voris had an awakening. I have been warned on One Peter 5, The Remnant, and Crisis Magazine for doing the same. Despite the warning I still try to speak the truth about our “pope” on these sites but in words less inflammatory than Ann B. or ‘Susan’ might like. Basically, I just keep doing what I do which is to call out Bishops, “pope”, etc using specific facts where possible and, of course, douse the flames–with occasional misses.

        1. Thank you Mr. Dowd. I agree that it might be an exercise in futility because they can always go in and revise the rules and/or the mission statement to reflect their management level decision making power to censor as they see fit.
          I am curious about your ban at Church Militant being lifted for I am still banned at this time although I saw some very similar comments allowed through today. Similar comments for which I was banned, that is.
          How did you go about addressing your ban such that it was lifted?

          1. Islam_Is Islam says: November 16, 2019 at 10:34 am
            “Thank you Mr. Dowd. I agree that it might be an exercise”
            Ask Church Militant to lift your ban. I did and they did it for me. Sometime after I was banned Voris totally flipped on Bergoglio. It could be that he separated himself from Opus Dei which protects the Pope regardless what he does. Or it could have been waking up to the absurdity of his position that somehow all the Bishops were bad but the Pope is good.. All speculation on my part. Anyway, Voris is doing a great job and I no longer feel the need to make any comments. Maybe you might feel the same way.

          2. I don’t know. My BiP-dialogue took place via email with Simon Rafe and he was quite put out when I suggested that, since Church Militant is concerned with Truth, eventually they will investigate the renunciation evidence because is contains the foundation for the true pope at this time.
            In as much as Voris seems to have ‘flipped’ in his position on Bergoglio, he still refers to him as pope and has enormously toned down commentary about Bergoglio specifically since his Vortex episode from August 27, 2018.
            There’s plenty of rot and filth to expose, but although BiP-type comments are now allowed, BiP-type language is still avoided in the articles and episodes themselves.
            So, no, while I agree with you that Voris is doing a great job with what he does do, I think he still could use encouragement as an investigative journalist to investigate ‘Ground Zero’: the precise English words of the declaration itself.
            That’s what I encouraged Simon to do via email ‘dialogue’ and for that I got banned.

          3. slam_Is Islam says: November 16, 2019 at 4:43 pm
            “I don’t know. My BiP-dialogue took place via email with Simon Rafe and he was quite put out when I suggested that, since Church Militant is concerned with Truth, eventually they will investigate the renunciation evidence because is contains the foundation for the true pope at this time.”
            The Overton Window has not opened enough at CM to allow the idea of BiP. This idea is simply too much for them and for most Conservative and Traditional Blogs at the present time. CM is no different on this than is The Remnant, One Peter 5, etc. Even the mention of Ann Barnhardt will elicit a warning from these blogs.
            Anyway, while not having the fullness of truth about who is Pope, TM is doing a great job. I support them financially as well as the infamous Ann who they all love to bemoan. Patience and prayer is the way to go while understanding that not everyone can handle the truth or recognize it.

      2. Mr. Dowd, that is the frustration that I meet: Trying to present black-and-white evidence to those who, not being ready for the truth, close their eyes, stuff their fingers in their ears, say, “Nah, nah, boo, boo. I can’t hear you”, and use their big thumbs on the ‘CENSOR’/delete button.
        Thank you for your own continuing patience and perseverance in this matter AND for testing the ‘BiP-waters’ every so often, (as I see you recently got away with at 1P5). Well done!

        1. Islam_Is Islam says: November 17, 2019 at 9:23 am
          That’s why we just have to hang in there by laying out the facts about our heretical false pope in language that is not too inflammatory and wait until Bergoglio does himself in enough so Conservative Catholics will have no choice but to admit the truth about him. This should happen within the next year is my guess.

          1. I like your perseverance and “Never give up; never surrender!” spirit. But I can’t say that I agree with your optimistic time-line. After all they wandered for forty years in the desert until ALL the Egyptian-Ideology carriers were dead.

          2. Islam_Is Islam says:
            November 17, 2019 at 2:11 pm
            Islam_Is Islam says: November 17, 2019 at 2:11 pm
            “I like your perseverance and “Never give up; never surrender!” spirit. But I can’t say that I agree with your optimistic time-line. After all they wandered for forty years in the desert until ALL the Egyptian-Ideology carriers were dead..”
            But Moses didn’t worship the Golden Calf. Bergoglio does.

  2. Was it “Lord of the World” or another apocalyptic novel that posited the anti-Christ or false prophet would adopt environmentalism as the basis for the new world religion?

  3. Mr. Docherty. From the same meeting today, perhaps the first public salvo connecting the test-case CCC change–Capital Punishment is inadmissible–to the REAL goal–sodomy is holy.
    Wherein the author says, “First, is the Pope’s equating of the denouncing a particular sexual act that is denounced in scripture with hating people on the basis of race, contrary to the explicit command of scripture.
    He does not explain why he has broken with a 2000-year-old Catholic tradition of affirming that homosexual sex is in conflict with the morality set out by the Triune God of scripture.
    Frogs in water getting hotter and hotter and hotter.

    1. Also, from this same article, note that Bergoglio in listing those afflicted by Nazi horrors he did not include Christians and Catholics like St. Maximilian Kolbe or Edith Stein. Only those who are persecuted today: “Jews, gypsies, and people with homosexual tendencies”. Forget about persecution of Christians around the world.

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