Folks, the convergence and visibility are for your great benefit in these disturbing times. Read, watch, listen, take action. Act, and God will act. This stuff needs to be shouted from the rooftops.
Reported enthusiastically via
The first chapter of Our Mother Earth…highlights the need to protect our common home through the union of “the whole human family in the search for a sustainable and integral development”. This premise is developed in the second chapter…Pollution, global warming, climate change, and loss of biodiversity, the effect of uncontrolled exploitation, are destined to grow exponentially if there is no change of direction in the short term. We need an “environmental conversion”, Pope Francis (sic) says, that is possible through the promotion of a truly ecological education that would create, especially in the young, a renewed awareness and ultimately a renewed conscience.
In the new article that concludes Our Mother Earth, Pope Francis (sic) turns his gaze upwards, in order to offer an even wider vision of a discourse that is not focused solely on the concern for the protection of the environment…In this final chapter, Pope Francis (sic) develops the “theology of ecology” in a profoundly spiritual discourse.
Creation is the fruit of God’s love…especially for man, to whom He has given the gift of creation, as a place in which “we are invited to discover a presence”. He continues:“This means that it is for humanity’s capacity for communion to condition the state of creation […] It is therefore humanity’s destiny to determine the destiny of the universe.”
In addition to reviewing one’s own lifestyle and changing one’s mentality, we must also have a vision. Believers can find this vision in the liturgy, and especially in the celebration of the Mass. Bread and wine are the first foods that humans obtained by transforming the fruits of nature, the wheat and the grapes, through their own ingenuity. In the Mass, humans offer bread and wine to God; and God, through the Holy Spirit, transforms them into the Body and Blood of Christ…Bread and wine, the Pope (sic) says, are inserted into a circle of symbols: gift of God, commitment of man, work, effort; necessary food and daily bread; joy and the feast of wine. “And just as in the Eucharist the bread and the wine become Christ because they are bathed by the Spirit, the personal love of the Father; so creation becomes the personal word of God when it is used with love”.
How’s that for a false equivalence? Our “love of creation” = God’s love for us in the gift of the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Seems a bit at odds with 1 John 2:15: “Love not the world, nor the things which are in the world. If any man love the world, the charity of the Father is not in him.”
To sum up, a new “theology of ecology” has now been launched, whereby we are to “embrace a wider vision” and “discover a presence” in Our Mother Earth (Pachamama), as we journey toward our own “environmental conversion” and ultimately a “renewed conscience,” as we seek communion with creation in order to realize “humanity’s destiny to determine the destiny of the universe.”
And now on this lovely Saturday, the pictures from Rome via show us this:
Pachamama demon enthroned, surrounded with votive candles and “prayer intentions” in S.M. in Traspontina
All that’s missing now is the orgy.
But then, it’s probably just being held at Cardinal Coccopalmerio’s place. I’m thinking October has been a big month for the male prostitutes and drug dealers of Rome.
Via the Messa in Latino blog, this picture was taken at 3:55pm Rome time (09:55am EDT) Saturday 26 October.
For the record, let it be known that I, James Andrew Dunn of Philadelphia, PA love climate change. Yes siree. Several weeks ago, I was not loving life because it was really hot and humid here (like it always is in the summer). But, praise be to God, the climate has changed and now the temperatures are much cooler, crisp in the evening and I am really enjoying how climate change has made the trees so beautiful with all sorts of color.
I know not everyone agrees with me but I actually love the winter. I love to see snow fall and cold temps sure take care of the mosquito population. And so I look forward to climate change in a couple months to bring on that winter wonderland.
As much as I like winter, it does get old after awhile but I never fret because thanks to climate change, we’ll change into Spring and enjoy some outdoor weather with pretty flowers for eye candy.
And, despite my dislike for humidity, I do like to swim so for a few months out of the year, climate change will make that possible.
Thank you God for changing the climate four times a year. You are THE best!!!
“Humanity’s destiny to determine the destiny of the universe.”—Pope Francis
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.—Jeremiah 29:11
“It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in.—Isaiah 40:22
The full name for the Feast of Christ the King is “Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.”
Who is Francis kidding besides himself?
On December 11, 1925, Pope Pius XI promulgated the encyclical ‘Quas primas’ about the social reign of Jesus Christ over nations and states. The feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King marked on the last Sunday of October was celebrated for the first time on Oct. 31, 1926, and for the 44th and last time – on Oct. 26, 1969. Pope Paul VI changed this title to: Jesus Christ the King of the Universe and the date: last Sunday of the church year – for the first time such a feast was celebrated on Nov. 22, 1970. Jesus obeys his priests: they deprived him of power over nations and states and sent him into outer space (the universe! It seems that Paul VI wanted to say to Jesus: “Rule anywhere, but not here upon earth.”
MyronM says:
October 27, 2019 at 3:58 am
Thanks Myron for your insight. Now it seems that “Pope” Francis has decided we don’t need Jesus’ help.
So what are the photos on the floor, surrounding Pachamama bitch supposed to represent?
I would guess they are the indigenous “martyrs” of colonialist oppression.