This is tomorrow’s bulletin from St. Cornelius Catholic Church in Chadds Ford, PA:
I mean, not that I’m surprised. Everyone expects for the noncardinal to have his resignation immediately accepted upon its submission on his 75th birthday in September. Were it to NOT be immediately accepted by the petrine usurper, that would be a real shock.
But you’re really out there front-running it two months beforehand? Has he already been told to pack up his stuff and get back to the reservation? I suppose if you know there will not be a long goodbye, you might as well tailgate the pre-party.
Archbishop Chaput has long been an enigma. Conservative on most things, friendly to Tradition, pretty strong track record in Philly, and in Denver before that. One of the better bishops in the USA, I think would be a safe assessment, if not damning with faint praise.
But then there were those infuriating moments. He was a Never-Trumper, issuing hugely contradictory and unhelpful statements during the 2016 campaign, further confusion on immigration, etc, etc.
It’s late and it’s been a long day. Will be following this to see what comes next. I fear for my native place.
Hello Mark,
I live about 13 miles south/south west of Philly.
I attend many of the TLM’s in this area….including the Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. Archbishop Chaput “allows” the TLM celebration in the Cathedral…very unusual in these times.
The FSSP is active in the Philadelphia archdiocese….with the blessing of Archbishop Chaput….even though he’s not really a proponent of the Tridentine Rite.
August 11, 2019 at 11:00 a.m. the good Archbishop will be attending a High TLM at Saint Mary’s Parish in Conshocken PA….a newly established parish under the FSSP. A big event here in Philadelphia for the TLM Community…told Annie Barnhardt about it and offered to buy her breakfast if she’s in the area….the same applies to you. Would be great to see you at Mass on 8/11/2019. Annie knows all about AB Chaput from the time he was in Denver.
Interesting that Conshohocken is the name of an Indian tribe….who knows?
The name “*Conshohocken*” comes from the Unami language, from either > Kanshi’hak’ing, *meaning* “Elegant-ground- place”, or, more likely, > Chottschinschu’hak’ing, which *means* “Big-trough-ground-place” or > “Large-bowl-ground-place”, referring to the big bend in the Tulpe’hanna > (Turtle River, or modern Schuylkill River).
God certainly works in strange ways :~{ ) I have a moustache….
Keep up the good work.
Jack Marren
PS…My first SSPX Mass was back in 1975 – 1976 when the “9” were still part of the SSPX. At that time I lived in Brooklyn, NY and would attend Mass “out on the Island” in Hicksville, N.Y.
Carmelite Monastery Novena… Re: 2 great videos of Father Gismondi found on the website of Una Voce’s Maine chapter…I posted the video links below the informational stuff. Inbox x Thomas Gilmartin Fri, Jul 12, 2:04 PM (8 days ago) to me Hi Jack – that’s great… Thank you !!
Just a heads up… Fr. Gordon, FSSP is leading the Carmelite Monastery Novena and we are in the 5th night… he’s excellent !! Daily Rosary starts at 6:30pm and TLM at 7:00pm with Novena… sermons are great. Please pass the word (this Sunday evening Mass will be High/ Sung Mass)… and the final Mass on the 16th will be A Solemn High Mass…
Fr. Gordon, FSSP is from the Fraternity Parish in Colorado Springs.
Reminder the St. Mary Parish just received another Priest ( Fr. Kick, FSSP for the Denver, Co. Parish)…
And a VERY Big Mass Solemn High Mass / TLM on August 11th at 11:00am / Archbishop Chaput … we need a big attendance !!
I’ve very familiar with the new Conshy apostolate. Did not know he was going to a Mass there. Would you mind DMing me on the Facebook page?
What mischief is this pope up to now…
Well, he’s not the pope, but…
Yes, AB is a mixed bag. On one hand he espouses some pretty solid Catholic principles and then in the same speech supports the errors of V2 i.e. false religious freedom, separation of Church and State etc.
On the one hand he will explicitly tell his clergy not to attend the demonic “same sex ceremonies” but on the other be ok with Fr. James Martin speaking in one of his parishes “as long as he communicates Church teaching” but then of course Fr Martin spends the rest of the talk excoriating it. He also welcomed sodomites who consider themselves “families” to the World Meeting of Families using the enemy’s language and having pro-abort and pro-sodomite politicians on the board for it.
I have not heard his voice in this maelstrom yet…although I must admit to not seeking it out for I was not looking forward to the seemingly constant accommodation with the world he espouses. He is my archbishop and I wanted so much more for him…I hope that retirement leads him to speak the hard truths like retired Bishop Gracida.
May Our Lord and His Mother give AB Chaput the courageous heart, mind and spine he needs to enter the fray for the restoration of Holy Mother Church. And if Fr. Martin is his replacement? The Philly Archdiocese will go nuclear. This has been a Novus Ordo “conservative” diocese for many years, inflicting someone like Fr. Martin will set Philly on fire to oust him and take out the sodomites running the show. Hmmmm…so it might be a good thing, for Philly needs a wake up call to Tradition:+) God bless~
In the wake of Amoris Laetitia, Chaput dared to announce that obstinate adulterers are not to be given Communion. I.e., that Canon 915 is to be obeyed. Contradictorily, he has said that Canon 915 is not to be obeyed in the case of a pro-abortion politician.
In 2016, Chaput was positively proud of his inability to distinguish an abortion fanatic and a pro-life candidate. He mocked those who did see the difference.
Yes, this is what I was referring to when I used the word ‘enigma’
You are lucky indeed to have had such an archbishop, despite his unexplainable stumbling. You should reside in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. We live with what is about to descend on Philadelphia. Hopefully you will not endure what we shoulder.
The president is considering removing the funds provided to all of our diocese through the horrible “Refugee Resettlement Funds”, a program which has allowed our bishops to put Catholic teaching aside while they focus on bringing the Third World here and avoiding federal law (ICE).
If this money flow is ended, we have a chance to demand Catholicism, because the bishops who have treated us like we are invisible will be forced to once again, notice us. They will again need our money, and unfortunately, that is their primary concern, funds. We should write to the White House and support ending that money. However, one caution, there is a website that mocks the White House and looks very official. Please make sure you are writing to the actual White House. Read the front page, if there is a picture of President Trump with insulting words underneath it, you’re in the wrong place.
What a world.
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Non-Francis archbishop, coming 75th birthday, prescribed resignation to be affirmed in a New York (sometimes Chicago?) minute . . . Out, out damned critic!
Seems to me Archbishop Chaput was a conservative of sorts but without the courage and conviction to do what needs to be done. Since he knew he was a goner I wonder why he didn’t speak out more strongly about the multiple problems in the Church beginning with the very homosexual priesthood.