“The Instrumentum Laboris for the Amazon Synod constitutes an attack on the foundations of the Faith, and in a way that has not heretofore been thought possible.”

Our Lady of Akita to Sister Agnes, 13 October 1973:

“As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.”
“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.
“The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them”

This just in…

June 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, one of the two remaining dubia cardinals, today issued a strong critique of the Vatican’s working document (Instrumentum Laboris) for the upcoming Pan-Amazon Synod, calling it “heretical” and an “apostasy” from Divine Revelation. He called upon Church leaders to “reject” it with “all decisiveness.”
“It is to be stated now with insistence that the Instrumentum Laboris contradicts the binding teaching of the Church in decisive points and thus has to be qualified as heretical,” the 90-year-old German prelate wrote…
“Inasmuch as even the fact of Divine Revelation is here being questioned, or misunderstood, one also now has to speak, additionally, of apostasy,” Cardinal Brandmüller, who is a world renowned-scholar of church history, stated…
Brandmüller stated that “we are witnessing a new form of the classical Modernism of the early  20th century” in this document, which is linked with a false understanding of the development of dogma, which “is sharply opposed to the genuine Catholic understanding.” Thus, certain aspects of the working document have to be assessed as either “heretical,” or even as a form of “apostasy,” he stated.
“The Instrumentum Laboris for the Amazon Synod constitutes an attack on the foundations of the Faith, and in a way that has not heretofore been thought possible. Thus it must be rejected with all decisiveness,” he added.

Read the rest over there.

36 thoughts on ““The Instrumentum Laboris for the Amazon Synod constitutes an attack on the foundations of the Faith, and in a way that has not heretofore been thought possible.””

  1. “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord”
    Is this really unique to our times?
    As a point of historical fact: hasn’t this type of divisions among prelates happened before in the Church’s past?

      1. I know it’s from 1973 – and that’s the heart of my point: Does it really tell us anything new or useful?
        And if not – why would those signs (which have happened several times before in the Church’s 2000 year history) suddenly be Apocalyptic this time?

        1. Are you claiming that Our Lady’s warnings at Akita are useless? You might want to hunker down in some humility, bro. And that’s the last comment I’m allowing on this blog unless you walk it back.

  2. Is there a Doctrine that compels me as a faithful Catholic to accept the infallibility of the Akita apparition without question?

      1. So unless I accept it at face value and in full (EVEN THOUGH I AM NOT COMPELLED TO BY CATHOLIC DOCTRINE) – you will ban me from your blog?

  3. Too bad about the exchange above.
    I think it, in microcosm, confirms very well the message of Our Lady Of Akita. The message is quite clearly true to me. Your hi-lite of it is quite relevant to the topic at hand. We are seeing it’s proofs in real time.
    We are to be a Church united in Christ at the foot of Altars across the globe. I would just say, in defense of Lazarus, that so many of us are disconnected and alone in a Church that has gone off the rails. The vast majority, (as predicted by Our Lady at Akita) will turn against the Faithful. We need to stand together – as best we can.
    In your previous post, (such great writing and topics) you got me thinking about the Encyclical Immortale Dei, Of Pope Pius XIII; and by that, pictured in my mind the temptations of Christ in the wilderness alongside the predicted trial. The Devil made an attempt on Christ by imposing the lure of the physical senses upon Our Lord in the Wilderness. And in a similar way, I see a similar attempt now being made upon The Holy Roman Catholic Church – The Body Of Christ. We are living His prior trial, in a way, in real time, right now. And the stakes are just as high.
    Something like this, the Devil whispers: “Forsake the invisible God, and I will give you rule over all the world! Forsake the old and outdated rules and regulations and I will give you all the pleasure and glory you desire in this new world – right here, right now! Don’t let anyone stand in your way of taking that which belongs to you! I will surely give it to you. And there will surely be no consequences because there is only me.”
    I have no personal doubt in the authenticity of the message of Our Lady at Akita. And the warning from her is to be like Christ in the Wilderness when he confronted the Devil. Reject the world. Fasting and Penance. Seek God alone. Walk with His Blessed Mother toward Him. Do not debate the Devil; quote Scripture and Encyclicals at him.
    Firm resolve. I see great evidence of social, political, economic, military and … (most importantly) *theological* chaos. The world is burning. It is precisely as Pope Leo XIII saw in his divine vision, and as Our Lady has more than amply warned us. These are not just words. These are prophecies of actual events that can, perhaps will, occur.
    We have been warned. If we believe, then firmly, resolutely, stand in Christ. Look to Christ and be ready for persecution. And above all, unity in Christ our Lord!

    1. I also note that the final of three appearances of Our Lady Of Akita was …. Oct 13, 1973 …. 56 years to the day after the miracle of the sun at Fatima.

  4. @Mark Docherty: Miss B says everyone in the episcopacy is blackmailable and their silence etc… is not due being obedient. I do not disagree. When Brandmuller and Sarah and others come out with critiques like the one you’ve linked to, do you have any insights into what keeps them from coming out for BiP? I guess I’m looking for more specifics to use when I implore Heaven’s aid at this time. I know He hears my groaning and supplication whether I have the best words or not, but I understand that the demonic is more effectively dealt with when we name names, so to speak. Any thoughts?

    1. I don’t know, but ++Brandmuller is 90, and probably thinking about his particular judgment, driving today’s announcement. I would love to arrange a meeting with he and ++Burke to fully explain the evidence.

      1. @Mark Docherty: Good point. Particular judgement is a motivator for me. Maybe we could task Professor Kreeft with setting up that meeting between the Cdls. After all, he got Jesus to sit down with many celebrities. Lol

  5. Last week my family and I were in Akita Japan to visit the Shrine. Interesting thing happened while we were there. There was an earthquake, 6.7. Non of the locals were too startled, must be a common occurrence. However common, it was shortly after this document was released. Maybe a day or two.

  6. I know you’ve banned me Mark, but I at least hope you’ll see this during moderation:
    I find your excuse for excluding me from this site to be dubious to say the least. I wasn’t denigrating our Blessed Mother – I was merely questioning the validity and interpretations of the Akita apparition – something that is the right of every faithful Catholic to discern fro themselves. And THAT is an inquiry of the human element – NOT the supernatural much less the Divine.
    But let’s be honest here: you were looking for an excuse to ban me anyway. And why?
    Because I have been challenging the very basis of your BXVI thesis. And that presents a very serious quandary for you – namely:
    Why would the same group of scheming heretical prelates who supposedly suppressed Benedict’s papacy – ever vote to make him Pope in the first place?
    Now that is a very logical, sane, and reasonable base premise to address. And for a site that calls itself
    “The Splendor of Truth”
    I find it unconscionable that you would refuse to even acknowledge the legitimacy of asking such a question.
    Instead, my perfectly reasonable inquiry was met with the stifling call to not even ask such questions because certain individuals claim they don’t matter.
    Well if it doesn’t matter – then what harm could it do to directly address it and thereby PROVE that it doesn’t matter?
    So let us see how truly dedicated you are to the “Splendor of Truth”

  7. Well since you insist on being pedantic I’m obliged to point out that a “premise” is merely a proposition upon which an argument is based or from which a conclusion is drawn.
    It does not require a statement of “fact”
    So to that point – my premise is:
    Benedict was NOT in full opposition to the prelates who elected him. He was elected by them PRECISELY because they KNEW they COULD rely on him to rupture the papacy by his bifurcation of the Chair.

      1. My use of the word “bifurcation” did not signify the accomplishment as a matter of fact – but only the attempt as a matter of the desired effect.
        You’ve obfuscated around my point long enough – and I have politely obliged you, now it is your turn to advance a logical premise of your OWN as to WHY this same corrupt scheming cabal of heretics would have elected Ratzinger to the Papacy in the first place.
        Why do you think they did so?

  8. Mark Docherty says:
    June 29, 2019 at 10:04 am
    “Your second premise is proven false by the fact that the papacy is a divinely instituted office and thus immutable; Benedict was incapable of bifurcating it.”

    Good to know Mark. In that case Benedict DID FULLY RESIGN and Francis IS the Pope. Yes?
    If you insist on playing pedantic games – then I will simply pit your own varied positions against you.

    1. Well since he was incapable of bifurcating it, and he didn’t resign the Office, that means he retained the whole thing. Are you somehow unfamiliar with my position?

      1. Benedict says he fully resigned. Benedict says Francis IS the Pope.
        Your entire position is based upon your assumption that Benedict is somehow restrained by the very same same cabal who elected him.
        Now explain why you think the conspirators would have elected a pope who would oppose their plans.
        Or would you like to further avoid that question by debating what the meaning of the word “is” – is?

        1. No, my entire position is based on the actual words he used both in the Declaratio and subsequently, my research into the Teutonic expanded Petrine ministry/demythologization paradigm, and the sweeping clarity of the Ganswein speech.
          If you have a point to make, or you wish to answer your own incessant question, please do so. You’ve been given a second chance, but my charity is wearing thin.

  9. Mark Docherty says:
    June 29, 2019 at 10:53 am
    I don’t know, LG, why don’t you tell us.

    *sigh* are you serious? Have I not already stated my position? Did I not JUST STATE at ( June 29, 2019 at 9:24 am) THIS:
    ” my premise is:
    Benedict was NOT in full opposition to the prelates who elected him. He was elected by them PRECISELY because they KNEW they COULD rely on him to rupture the papacy by his bifurcation of the Chair.”

      1. Mark Docherty says:
        June 29, 2019 at 11:14 am
        What’s your proof set

        Uhm – the fact that they ELECTED HIM.

  10. Mark Docherty says:
    June 29, 2019 at 11:23 am
    What’s your proof set that they elected him with the intention of your base premise?

    Are you seriously asking me to prove that the scheming cabal of Modernist prelates elected one of their colleagues (whom they knew quite well – much more-so than we know him) with no intentions whatsoever to effect their long held plans and desires?
    Are you serious here?
    Because you would have to be arguing from the position that these Mafioso heretics just magically became unconcerned about the last key piece of the puzzle that would allow them to finally bring their dreams to fruition.
    Again – are you serious?

  11. Mark Docherty says:
    June 29, 2019 at 11:23 am
    What’s your proof set that they elected him with the intention of your base premise?

    What’s your proof that the scheming cabal of heretics ever stopped scheming and ever stopped trying to advance their heretical beliefs?
    meanwhile – vipers never stop acting like vipers.

  12. I have to go – I have a late lunch appointment. I’ll be back later if I haven’t been banned.

  13. Since you mentioned Akita: Fr. Teiji Yasuda’s book “Akita – The Tears and Message of Mary” documents a prophetic dream given to Sr. Agnes — possible clues to what lies ahead in the continuing autodemolition of the Church.
    “Before me was a group of persons who seemed to be religious. One of them who must have been their head, a foreign Catholic theologian it seemed to me, had a gray colored habit and advancing towards me said in a peremptory tone: ‘Why would the God of the Trinity be one God? We cannot believe that Christ is God. According to you, where then is the center of the Catholic faith? If you believe in God and say that you serve Him, why do you not do as we who adore a multitude of gods? If you say you believe in God, do as we; believe in many gods. Then all of us, too, will become Catholics. If you would join us, you would lead an easy and agreeable life as we do. It is indeed because you wish it that you lead that life there. You are truly painful to see. Go, tell us that the God of the Trinity is not one, that there are a multitude of gods. If not, take that for your pain.’”
    “Saying that, he brandished a sort of cane and I clearly saw that it was a large serpent which began to entwine itself around me. I was so afraid that I could not open my mouth but finally I was able to say with supreme effort: ‘The God of the Trinity is the only God. I can believe in no other God than He. If you cannot believe that Christ is God, you can never become Catholics. I believe that the essential of the Catholic doctrine is that Christ is God and Man.’”
    “Then he returned to the charge: ‘You say that Christ is God? We cannot believe that. You became a Catholic because you believe that Christ rose from the dead?’”
    “‘Yes, that is true. It is because we believe that Christ is God and Man that we have become Catholics.’”
    “At this response the serpent tightened around me strongly and completely immobilized me. For moments he darted out his red and pointed tongue, bringing his nose before my face. I was too exhausted with fear and physical oppression to be able to answer to the same question which was tossed at me without ceasing like a defiance. I gripped my Rosary with all my strength reciting the prayers.
    When the serpent’s red tongue came so close to my face I chased it with my Rosary, but my strength was little by little fading away. Seeking some aid around me, I saw my companions form a row on my right. I saw clearly that they were frightened and concerned, that they remained powerless to help me. Looking at each of them I could read in their look, ‘We are with you, courage!’ No one, even the superiors who are usually of such great help, was able to extend a helping hand.”
    “I was at the end of my strength, no longer able to chase the head of the serpent nor to say the prayers, when suddenly Father Yasuda appeared before me. He made a large Sign of the Cross saying: ‘In the Name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit.’ Then he added in a strong voice, ‘She has a right to say that we believe that the God of the Trinity is the only God. Those who do not wish to believe that cannot become Catholics.’”
    “At that moment the chief of the group who was standing at my left with his repugnant and menacing air began to recoil and then the serpent who held me prisoner also left.”
    “My companions were finally able to come to save me. I was in a state of extreme exhaustion. I did not even find enough energy to thank the chaplain for arriving in time. Perspiration flowed abundantly, but I did not even have the courage to dry it. It is then that the guardian angel came and dried it for me. At that instant I awoke.”

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