The first place I saw this was from Mundabor HERE. Following is from the Lifesite article he links to:
VANCOUVER, March 28, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – A B.C. human rights tribunal has ruled that a Christian activist discriminated against a man who claims to be “female” by distributing flyers that referred to the man, who was running for political office at the time, as a “biological male.”
The court ruled for transgender activist “Morgane” Oger, born Ronan Oger, and against Christian activist Bill Whatcott by declaring it’s discriminatory not to accept transgender people as the gender they claim to be…the tribunal further declared there’s no room for any public debate in the matter, according to theVancouver Star.
The tribunal also ordered Whatcott to pay Oger $35,000 in compensation for injury to his “dignity, feelings and self-respect,” and an additional $20,000 to Oger for Whatcott’s alleged improper conduct during and before the hearings, it reported.
Mundy rightly points out the insanity happening before us:
“Not even Orwell would have imagined such a monstrous deformation of reason to take place in countries holding free elections. But the free elections are of little value if those who dare to even mention facts of life are threatened with ruin or incarceration. Such societies are not free, because they do not allow the free circulation of ideas and opinions. They are merely the prison a number of people have decided they can live with.” (emphasis in original)
The money quote comes from the Tribunal judge in the case, which is paraphrased in the title of this post.
Whatcott’s lawyer, Dr. Charles Lugosi, intended to give evidence that Oger was, in fact, a biological male as a defense.
Tribunal judge Devyn Cousineau, however, ruled “the ‘truth’ of the statements in the flyer is not a defense.”
“Therefore, to the extent that Mr. Whatcott intends to call witnesses to establish the truth of his impugned publications, that evidence is simply not relevant to the legal issue and will not be heard by this Tribunal,” she wrote.
God help us. The farther we travel into the land of anti-reality, the worse it’s going to be when the rubber band snaps back. But before that happens, they’re coming after all of us.