“The pluralism and the diversity of religions, color, sex, race and language are willed by God in His wisdom, through which He created human beings.”
Document on Human Fraternity, signed by Antipope Bergoglio
This… from Dr. de Mattei via Diane Montagna: HERE
…the Church has the mission of preserving and spreading the Catholic Faith. Our Lord said to the Apostles: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16:16). And the Apostle to the Gentiles stresses: “There is one Lord, one faith, one Baptism” (Eph. 4:5).
And this:
To subordinate the truth of faith to fraternity means to profess religious indifferentism, which has constantly been condemned by the universal Magisterium of the Church.
And this:
…fraternity does not propose any higher good that is worthy of sacrifice, beyond coexistence, which is not a value but is only a meaningless fact. The myth of fraternity actually conceals the deepest social egoism and represents the antithesis of Christian charity, which is the only true foundation of social relations between men.
And this:
Fraternity is also a dogma of Freemasonry, which in its ideology and rituals offers a parody of Christian doctrine and liturgy. It is no coincidence that the Grand Lodge of Spain, with this tweet, thanked Pope Francis for his Message of December 25, 2018, “Todos los masones del mundo se unen a la petición del Papa por ‘la fraternidad entre personas de diversas religions’ [“All the Freemasons of the world join the Pope’s request for ‘fraternity between people of different religions.’”]
It’s quite amazing how out in the open it all is. In your face kinda amazing. It all really has the feeling that we’re getting close to the end, doesn’t it? Close to something happening. Soon.
Yes. Either a great overturning of evil, or the descent into it from which only the Second Coming will save us.
Pray and keep tweeting. You’re one of the very best out there.
I will. Thank you but God has made me a nobody in order to save me from myself. I keep on only because he also made me to fight. God bless you for being a voice of truth and reason.
It’s going to end up with the “nobodies” being key to victory. Stay frosty.
Only Our Lord and Our Lady, through the Collegial Consecration of Russia by Pope Benedict XVI or his legitimate successor, will save us.
To call Bergoglio antipope is to honor him. Antipopes of the past were Catholics. Bergoglio is not a Catholic – he is an evident destroyer of the Roman Catholic church
Don’t forget to pray to Our Lady of Lourdes, everyone. Her feast is Feb 11, the same day Pope Benedict XVI made his shocking announcement six years ago!