“So shocking is Cupich’s indifference to child rape that it seems time for the Justice Department to move in.”

From the Hugh Hewitt piece at WaPo:

“…Never before has a senior prelate so utterly failed to defend not only the Church but also he truth the Church proclaims. One of the senior most prelates in the United States had declared in essence, “move on.”
Well, no. That cannot be allowed to happen. Cupich has a red hat, but that brings no special standing to a grand jury and hopefully one is forming up in the Windy City or Illinois generally because that sort of shamelessness suggests a lot for the diocese to be ashamed of.
Last time I wrote about this, I was hoping for 49 other state attorneys general to follow the Shapiro example. Now I think the number should be 50, including U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions; so shocking is Cupich’s indifference to child rape that it seems time for the Justice Department to move in. Cupich’s brazen diversion seems a signal that he and many others will refuse to cooperate with any civil authorities, would refuse to investigate themselves and will continue to conspire to keep criminals from justice and victims from knowledge and recompense.”

Given what we now know from the PA report concerning how far back all of this goes, the overall tone of the article is far too nostalgic. And yes, the headline I chose to use is actually a subversion from Hewitt, because “child rape” isn’t nearly specific enough in describing the true nature of the problem.
But hey, WaPo isn’t going to tolerate words like faggotry.
Read the rest HERE.
The point to make note of is that this level of rage is now appearing in mainstream leftist media, and it’s a big deal. The story is not going away, and in fact continues to gather steam. The culprits continue to feed the narrative with their own scurrilous reprisals and deflections. They are shameless, and will continue to act as if they are above the law until someone steps up, raids a chancery, confiscates every document, and leads a cardinal out in cuffs. Again I ask, what exactly is the threshold for probable cause in a RICO investigation? What exactly is preventing the other 49 state Attorneys General from acting on their own? Is it the knowledge that homosexuality is the root, which thus makes the case untouchable? Because it seems to me there should be a lot more pouncing going on, even if motivated purely for political purposes.
Lock Them Up!

One thought on ““So shocking is Cupich’s indifference to child rape that it seems time for the Justice Department to move in.””

  1. “What exactly is preventing the other 49 state Attorneys General from acting on their own? Is it the knowledge that homosexuality is the root, which thus makes the case untouchable?”
    Good questions. As a former state lobbyist, I can tell you that the nickname of those of us “in the biz” for the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) was the National Association of Aspiring Governors. It will be interesting to see which wins out: their insatiable desire to make political hay out of anything or their concern to promote and cover for the sodomite agenda.

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