Nothing like a little Lenten retreat to plan something wicked. Start Praying.

“Collaborators” is not a word normally associated with being on retreat. Even if it is not a silent retreat, it’s still a strange word, because it suggests the creation of something new. Such is normally the end product of a collaboration. It also suggests a closed group working together toward a desired result. It is strongly horizontal language, which seems at odds with what should be a transcendent  experience.
I checked the Italian handle to see if maybe it was a translation er….. nope.

So should we start girding ourselves for some further development of nuChurch next weekend? The Second Sunday of Lent is the Transfiguration. Perhaps a little faux nouveau dogme? “See, I wear white, just like Jesus! I get to deny His true words and replace them with my own.”
Here are some visuals that “collaboration” brings to mind. I can’t help it.
The Godfather

2 thoughts on “Nothing like a little Lenten retreat to plan something wicked. Start Praying.”

  1. I agree with you.Bergoglio and his minions are collaborating again?He hasn’t a chance and the game is up for his Vat 11 on steroids Nu -Church!He is meeting -not on retreat -his co-horts to face the fact that his Devilish plans are being extinguished in front of his face.

    1. I can only hope and PRAY you are correct. He was planning a Vatican lll. Vatican ll wasn’t enough for him. PRAY FOR THE CHURCH…..PRAY FOR THE DEMONS TO LEAVE.

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