11 thoughts on “I wonder what it was that Pope Leo XIII saw in his terrible vision that made him write this?”
Indeed. And yet, it is curious, this verse from the 1888 A.D. iteration of the ‘long’ prayer was edited out. It remains in the 1910 Raccolta, though is ostensibly absent from the 1957 version. I don’t think it was ‘suppressed’ though it was removed from the ‘official’ version even before the Vatican II Sect squatters.
Fr. Anthony Cekada gives a very good analysis of the St. Michael Prayer(s) in his 1990s analysis of the Leonine Prayers which, by the way, he concludes have fruited their stated (and also re-stated) objectives. Technically, they are thus redundant (as per the formally stated aims) and the priest can thus specify for which intentions they should be offered.
Contrary to popular understanding, they were never Fatima related. Fr. Cekada’s article can be found online and one may like to offer prayers for his repose. He was a very holy priest.
I’m not going to defend JPII’s actions, but as for the man himself, we can at least say he was not actively or even passively malicious to the Faith in the same way Bergoglio is malicious to the faith.
It’s almost more dangerous, but at least JPII & BXVI seem to have been mislead rather than evil. They still bear the responsibility of the leader, but they were not trying to destroy the Faith. They thought they were building upon what came before; they did not or could not see they were in fact tearing it down. BXVI in particular was FAR too clever for his own good.
Not going to defend Paul VI, have at him however you please.
What is “the throne of their abominable impiety” and when was it raised? On the night of June 30/July 1, 1963, in Rome at the Vatican there was a satanic ceremony in the Pauline chapel that Father Malachi Martin called a “luciferian enthronement” that included extremely high-ranking members of the Catholic Church in the Vatican and in South Carolina (Joseph Bernadin) by phone attempting to hand the Catholic Church over to Satan by an extremely evil ritual. https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/5379-the-1963-vatican-enthronement-of-lucifer-a-windswept-house-update
With regard to my prior comment about the “Enthronement”, it’s all conjectural nonsense if the following is confirmed as true regarding the Vision story of Pope Leo XIII. Bottomline: No Vision = No Prophecy, just a recounting of past events.
Per Father Cekada’s research:
“Commenting on this passage, Father Bers concluded:
Therefore it can be safely assumed that the Holy Father would have spoken of the vision if he had had it — or that at least the reporter would have mentioned it — since it would have been most relevant to the general purport of the statement. Consequently, the argument “from silence” seems to indicate clearly that the “vision” had been invented in later times for some reason, and was now feeding upon itself “like a perpetual sickness.”22
The problems with the story connecting the institution of the St. Michael prayer and a supposed vision of Leo XIII may be summarized as follows:
• Writings which promote the story give no references to sources.
• The various accounts contradict each other as to where the vision supposedly took place — after Mass at the foot of the altar, or in a conference with cardinals.
• The various accounts are inconsistent about the date of the vision.
• The dates the accounts give for the alleged vision (1880, 1884 and 1888) do not correspond with the date when the St. Michael prayer was actually instituted (1886).
• There appears to be no corroboration for the story in a contemporary account which one would expect to have mentioned the event, had it indeed taken place.
These considerations all tend to support the conclusion Father Bers arrived at in the 1930s: “that the ‘vision’ had been invented in later times for some reason,” and that the story was simply feeding upon itself.”
Fr. Cekada took a very dry view on the origin of the St. Michael prayer. Others (I think perhaps amongst them Dr. Marshall) have found some material supporting the alleged vision of Leo XIII. I understand Oct. 13, 1884 (33 years before the Miracle of the Sun) to be piously held as the most likely date.
The Leonine prayers were introduced that year and the St. Michael prayer added to them 2 years later in 1886. That two year gap doesn’t necessitate anything, simply that it took the pontiff some time to arrive at their final form. The Prayers said after Low Mass are not part of the liturgy, though nevertheless back then they had much more respect for the liturgy and related and were thus more circumspect in initiating additions, changes or novelties.
Indeed. And yet, it is curious, this verse from the 1888 A.D. iteration of the ‘long’ prayer was edited out. It remains in the 1910 Raccolta, though is ostensibly absent from the 1957 version. I don’t think it was ‘suppressed’ though it was removed from the ‘official’ version even before the Vatican II Sect squatters.
Fr. Anthony Cekada gives a very good analysis of the St. Michael Prayer(s) in his 1990s analysis of the Leonine Prayers which, by the way, he concludes have fruited their stated (and also re-stated) objectives. Technically, they are thus redundant (as per the formally stated aims) and the priest can thus specify for which intentions they should be offered.
Contrary to popular understanding, they were never Fatima related. Fr. Cekada’s article can be found online and one may like to offer prayers for his repose. He was a very holy priest.
Is this the article to which you refer?
Is it the PDF “Russia and the Leonine Prayers”, 1992 at TraditionalMass dot org?
Maybe he saw Bergoglio, Fernandez and Rupnik. 😱😱😱
JPII kissing the Koran? The Buddha on top of the tabernacle in Assisi? JOHN XXIII? Paul VI? Need I suggest The Usurper in Chief and his minions?
I’m not going to defend JPII’s actions, but as for the man himself, we can at least say he was not actively or even passively malicious to the Faith in the same way Bergoglio is malicious to the faith.
It’s almost more dangerous, but at least JPII & BXVI seem to have been mislead rather than evil. They still bear the responsibility of the leader, but they were not trying to destroy the Faith. They thought they were building upon what came before; they did not or could not see they were in fact tearing it down. BXVI in particular was FAR too clever for his own good.
Not going to defend Paul VI, have at him however you please.
You forgot the Pachamama 🤭
What is “the throne of their abominable impiety” and when was it raised? On the night of June 30/July 1, 1963, in Rome at the Vatican there was a satanic ceremony in the Pauline chapel that Father Malachi Martin called a “luciferian enthronement” that included extremely high-ranking members of the Catholic Church in the Vatican and in South Carolina (Joseph Bernadin) by phone attempting to hand the Catholic Church over to Satan by an extremely evil ritual. https://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/5379-the-1963-vatican-enthronement-of-lucifer-a-windswept-house-update
With regard to my prior comment about the “Enthronement”, it’s all conjectural nonsense if the following is confirmed as true regarding the Vision story of Pope Leo XIII. Bottomline: No Vision = No Prophecy, just a recounting of past events.
Per Father Cekada’s research:
“Commenting on this passage, Father Bers concluded:
Therefore it can be safely assumed that the Holy Father would have spoken of the vision if he had had it — or that at least the reporter would have mentioned it — since it would have been most relevant to the general purport of the statement. Consequently, the argument “from silence” seems to indicate clearly that the “vision” had been invented in later times for some reason, and was now feeding upon itself “like a perpetual sickness.”22
The problems with the story connecting the institution of the St. Michael prayer and a supposed vision of Leo XIII may be summarized as follows:
• Writings which promote the story give no references to sources.
• The various accounts contradict each other as to where the vision supposedly took place — after Mass at the foot of the altar, or in a conference with cardinals.
• The various accounts are inconsistent about the date of the vision.
• The dates the accounts give for the alleged vision (1880, 1884 and 1888) do not correspond with the date when the St. Michael prayer was actually instituted (1886).
• There appears to be no corroboration for the story in a contemporary account which one would expect to have mentioned the event, had it indeed taken place.
These considerations all tend to support the conclusion Father Bers arrived at in the 1930s: “that the ‘vision’ had been invented in later times for some reason,” and that the story was simply feeding upon itself.”
Fr. Cekada took a very dry view on the origin of the St. Michael prayer. Others (I think perhaps amongst them Dr. Marshall) have found some material supporting the alleged vision of Leo XIII. I understand Oct. 13, 1884 (33 years before the Miracle of the Sun) to be piously held as the most likely date.
The Leonine prayers were introduced that year and the St. Michael prayer added to them 2 years later in 1886. That two year gap doesn’t necessitate anything, simply that it took the pontiff some time to arrive at their final form. The Prayers said after Low Mass are not part of the liturgy, though nevertheless back then they had much more respect for the liturgy and related and were thus more circumspect in initiating additions, changes or novelties.