2 thoughts on “I wonder what it was that Pope Leo XIII saw in his terrible vision that made him write this?”

  1. Indeed. And yet, it is curious, this verse from the 1888 A.D. iteration of the ‘long’ prayer was edited out. It remains in the 1910 Raccolta, though is ostensibly absent from the 1957 version. I don’t think it was ‘suppressed’ though it was removed from the ‘official’ version even before the Vatican II Sect squatters.

    Fr. Anthony Cekada gives a very good analysis of the St. Michael Prayer(s) in his 1990s analysis of the Leonine Prayers which, by the way, he concludes have fruited their stated (and also re-stated) objectives. Technically, they are thus redundant (as per the formally stated aims) and the priest can thus specify for which intentions they should be offered.

    Contrary to popular understanding, they were never Fatima related. Fr. Cekada’s article can be found online and one may like to offer prayers for his repose. He was a very holy priest.

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