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They’re a foreign intelligence agency acc to google, so i guess we’re the foreigners?
Did you ever see that Seinfeld episode with the Mandelbaums? It’s GO Time! Thank you, dear Jesus!
Off topic – Trump just signed EO to stop vaxx mandates in schools.
Repeat, he is taking anti-mandate actions, that Biden-Harris would never have taken.
That “popping” sound you hear all over the interwebs, is Blackpill heads exploding. But honest observers know, Trump always wanted to re-open schools far sooner than Democrats and was always, all along, anti-mandate for vaxxes.
It’s just factual. As usual: No one is perfect, everyone disappoints sooner or later, and only prayer, repentance & Our Lady can truly improve this world.
Everyone has already been vaxxed for Covid 19, the EO is useless. Mandates don’t matter anymore anyway. All the vaccines are going to employ mRNA , which was unleashed by Satan’s prince. TRUMP.
Mike – “Everyone has already been vaxxed for Covid 19” – Factually untrue.
“the EO is useless” – Factually untrue.
“Mandates don’t matter any more” – Factually untrue.
“All the vaccines are going to employ mRNA” – All? Factually untrue.
“Satan’s prince. TRUMP” – There you go again. Absurd, and inspires Faith Hope & Charity in nobody, as usual.
There are very few schools left that mandate the Covid 19 shot. It’s a useless gesture.
Note mRNA vaccines are still going strong. Thank you, Donald Trump.
“there are very few schools…”
So you admit that there are still schools around that demanded it… Which this EO now fixes for the benefit of those needing it – you know, a good thing?
You are just fishing for things to complain about and hand-wave away.
Good point! Trump is the king of useless gestures! I love this one from Nations Conspire, “I’m going to sign an EO to have the US Government say there are only two genders!” And the people ate it up!
What does that EO accomplish? I’ll wait.
Saw a news lady on Fox claim Elon Musk is an “outsider” who has no conflict of interest with the federal government he unconstitutionally is tasked with trimming.
The federal government is why he’s a billionaire.
Tesla has never made a profit on its cats. Ever. It had made a profit by selling federal carbon credits to other car manufacturers to meet emissions standards.
Musk has routinely misstated carbon credits as earnings from his cars on quarterly stock reports. This has led people to believe the company is profitable. Which inflates stock. All of this is textbook fraud.
Musk has routinely hyped future products that have never come, taking in millions of dollars of deposits from buyers in the process. The Tesla roadster, the Tesla semi. Self driving. Hyperloop. Musk has pocketed tens of millions of dollars and not delivered the product. All of this is textbook fraud.
Musk’s SpaceX and Neuralink literally depend on government contracts for income. Musk was supposed to have a man on the moon last year. He took billions from the federal government and promised 2024. This is fraud.
Musk is also putting microchips in humans. Despite all the chimps dying in trials the FDA let him put them in humans. Musk is a proud trans humanist, along with Klaus Schwan’s and Bill Gates. In other words, he is a Satanist.
He’s also an illegal immigrant and had seemingly dozens of kids born out of wedlock. And of course he is a huge mRNA vaccine zealot.
So it’s completely natural Trump would want this con man and Satanist to “clean up” government!
Mike, as always, hitting the nail on the head 👍
Actually, where the real value and innovations of Elon Musk and his companies lie are in innovations of manufacturing and the assembly line process and technology and software that makes the fancy robots and vehicles. The products are not the real main selling point, the real money is in behind-the-scenes stuff and patents that are capable of making all these complex things. It’s like a loss leader strategy. You risk losing money on one thing to sell something else.
Also, who else but the government and military has a need for SpaceX and rockets?
Your grandma?
Is your next door neighbor or the next random schmuck on the street in need of SpaceX services to put something in orbit?
This is like complaining that Lockheed Martin and Blackwater only survive on government contracts. Gee, thanks detective!
Can count on you to miss the point. Musk is fleecing the American taxpayer with SpaceX. Just like with Tesla, instead of defrauding investors, he’s defrauding the American public. I’m going to tell you right now there is no physical way we’re going to Mars. It cannot be done. And yet there’s Musk spinning the tale and getting US taxpayer dollars to do it.
And by the way, if a government program isn’t working, why keep it around? Will DOGE go after the costly, fraudulent, SpaceX? Don’t count on it.
Hey, imagine the CEO of Blackwater or Lockheed Martin running DOGE. Yeah, you’d readily see the conflict of interest. You made my point but kind of didn’t know it.
And the fact is, Tesla makes Enron look like a small accounting error. It’s the biggest securities fraud in US history.
I always marvel at the lengths the Cult defends its heroes.
1. Defrauding the American public, how? If the government is overspending, then it’s not Elon’s problem. Government was overspending on Elon long before Trump, so it’s not Trump’s fault either. Considering SpaceX is competent and NASA is not, it makes sense to give Elon any contracts. Somebody has to bring those astronauts stuck up there back, and because the great USA is too embarrassed to ask the Russians, who offered, Elon’s all you’ve got.
2. I don’t know what Elon believes about having been to the moon, but I agree that NASA ought to be audited and questioned as to how they supposedly lost all the data from the Apollo programs. Maybe you can help start a campaign getting DOGE to audit NASA, and the Department of Government Secrets to declassify and put out all materials related to the Apollo program alongside JFK. Even then, who cares? Elon can fly himself to Mercury if he wants. If the government wants to invest and get something out of it in return simply from rocket tests that can be translated into ballistic missiles that drop off their payload and fly themselves back, then that’s up to them, I guess. Nobody is beating their swords into ploughshares anytime soon.
3. As SpaceX is a private company, DOGE cannot go after it. Just the spending from the government’s end. But the chances they’ll cut out a major corp like SpaceX is about as likely as entirely cutting off Lockheed Martin and Boeing and Google, though if those three and others continue to enforce DIE, then the government would be better off giving more contracts exclusively to SpaceX in the long run.
4. The CEOs of Blackwater, Lockheed and WalMart didn’t step up, and the Lord Jesus Christ hasn’t come back yet. But Elon volunteered, so he’s all you’ve got. So far he’s been doing a grand job, so if the price to pay is giving Elon more government contracts in return while everyone else’s planes and helicopters fall out of the sky, then that’s a good bargain.
5. Make up your mind – Either a) Elon and Tesla are getting all that good government moolah that therefore justifies their evaluation in investor’s eyes, or b) Elon and Tesla do not have nor expect government contracts and are therefore pulling an Enron by declaring non-existent future earnings on current filings. Pick one.
6. Tell us more about this major Tesla Securities fraud that you are privy to. Are you complaining about the settlement payout awhile back over 2 random public tweets by Elon that some investors complained misled them into jumping to conclusions that Elon was taking the company public and then tossed their money away, all on their own, before waiting any official confirmation or announcements from the company directly to investors like any sensible person should’ve? Actions for which a jury later cleared Elon?
Elon Musk celebrated Halloween by dressing in a Satanic suit of armor complete with a Baphomet skull and inverted cross. The Tesla CEO and new owner of Twitter donned the costume while walking the red carpet at Heidi Klum’s Halloween party, where she infamously dressed up in a Lovecraftian worm suit.
The tech billionaire and meme lord attended the Halloween party with his mother, who posed next to her son in a photo tweeted by Musk. The pic quickly shot to over one million likes:
The suit was designed by leather master Dale Caldwell and New York store Abracadabra NYC reportedly retails the suit for a whopping $7,500. Website Indy100 noted that certain conservative Christians shared their outrage by the Satanic nature of Musk’s outfit.
Read More: Elon Musk Wears Satanic Suit of Armor at Red Carpet Event | https://loudwire.com/elon-musk-wears-satanic-suit-armor/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
Sigh… I don’t want this job of defending every stupid thing Elon does, but Elon is an edgy gamer boy who plays stuff like Diablo, and it seems even pays people to level up his character for him while he’s busy doing other things while pretending he’s the one doing it.
Showing up like this to some Hollywood Halloween party is about as much proof of his Satanism as some teenage kid listening to Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson albums, or a little girl in a witch’s outfit trick or treating. All these are certainly things Christians should avoid, but we’re going to need some more substantial proof here than some outfit before being alarmed, like evidence that Elon really does this very often, or is at least well acquainted with all manner of publicly known actual practicing demonic characters like the Rothschilds tend to do.
If there’s anything more concerning, it’s that Elon is still a classic lefty liberal who definitely has some narcissistic issues, who likes the LGB, is an adulterer, believes in the theory of evolution and therefore technocracy, leans pro-Zionist, and has technology in his cars and other devices that are easily translatable into government surveillance, is manufacturing printer technology for mRNA vexxine creation, and is not above personally, or being legally forced to, censor on Twitter, seems to have been for UBI, H1-Bs, hypes up products of his to the moon that aren’t in a good state or don’t turn out, much like many businessmen do, and plenty of other stupid things worth more consideration about his potential character and actions that counter-balance the positive things he does do.
Much like Trump, Elon is a morally compromised person who does not hold the Catholic faith, and therefore will do and promote things counter to the good.
Is Maya Musk also an edgy gamer type?
How many grandmothers do you know who play edgy PC videogames more complicated than Nintendo’s Wii bowling? I only know one youtuber.
Maye was a lifelong registered Democrat until only recently, as was Elon, so I’d agree that party is pretty close to Satan. So they’ve both improved a little.
The heavily-male dominated younger gaming audience has demonstrated little toleration for further progressivism, and were the first ones to notice and successfully push back and boycott against what eventually became a corporate and journalistic epidemic of DIE and lefty lunacy that emerged in the gaming industry. Trump owes them for his re-election as they were more involved in online and meme culture that drove the left mad. The edgy memes and coloquial references like ‘God-Emperor Trump’ come from Warhammer. This was especially evident on Twitter, which Musk would’ve noticed.
I think that it is pretty clear she is into Masonic symbolism, and she introduced her son to her chums growing up.
If by her chums, you mean her large circle of influential friends who are Jews, then just say that.
Don’t worry, I won’t get offended.
Johnno – agreed & well said – Enough is wrong with Elon & Trump already, with them as compromised and secular people, without anyone needing to resort to silly stuff like we’re in junior high school. “Oh – her costume! It proves she’s a …….. “.
By the way – Did you know (or maybe you did know), there is zero evidence that Trump ever did anything with Stormy Daniels? None. And Trump has been consistent for years, in not only denying the story, but even rolling his eyes at the possibility.
While Stormy, on other hand, has zigged and zagged, with at least 1 disputed court document where she does seem to admit to fabricating her story. At trial last year, testimony brought out how Stormy and Michael Cohen are liars & embezzlers who work together, sometimes, to defraud various celebrities.
Our “gossipy Blackpill” brothers and sisters, they take the word of THAT hot mess (Cohen, Stormy and no actual evidence) and spread it around with glee. So much for the 8th commandment.
But yes, enough OTHER stuff is wrong enough with Trump, factually and honestly, for the grownups to look twice at him and have a balanced discussion.
Jeff, it seems to me that you think the deep state is just leftists and globalists. They’ve been playing the left, right game from even before we were born. Both halves push the agenda further.
One thing that puzzles me is people who accept there is a conspiracy but don’t ask why people like Alex Jones don’t get suicided. Why would they permit Trump to rise to office peacefully, if they didn’t think they could prod him where they want him to go?
Something strange happens when these people suddenly start saying and doing things people want to hear and see. Their entire past is whitewashed, even if there is no good reason to think they changed.
Is this being an adult? Sounds a lot like politicians pretending to spread the faith by establishing colonies and seizing resources. Where is the critical thinking?
T – “you think the deep state is just leftists and globalists” – No, I don’t think that – Plenty of war advocates, on the Right. And, weirdly, amazingly, many line up against Trump. Not all. Some, like Hannity or Lindsey Graham, play the game of “we’re going to act friendly & keep a line into Trumpworld.” But many, many war advocates do hate Trump utterly & spready any lie they can think of, enough to be downright weird.
“Their entire past is whitewashed” – And yet, I literally just said “enough OTHER stuff is wrong enough with Trump, factually and honestly, for the grownups to look twice at him”.
In other words, T, you are assigning to me viewpoints & behavior that do not apply. I daresay, T, that you are the one hearing & seeing (only) what you want to. “Is this being an adult? Where is the critical thinking”, T?
Elon Musk celebrated Halloween by dressing in a Satanic suit of armor complete with a Baphomet skull and inverted cross. The Tesla CEO and new owner of Twitter donned the costume while walking the red carpet at Heidi Klum’s Halloween party, where she infamously dressed up in a Lovecraftian worm suit.
The tech billionaire and meme lord attended the Halloween party with his mother, who posed next to her son in a photo tweeted by Musk. The pic quickly shot to over one million likes.
The suit was designed by leather master Dale Caldwell and New York store Abracadabra NYC reportedly retails the suit for a whopping $7,500. Website Indy100 noted that certain conservative Christians shared their outrage by the Satanic nature of Musk’s outfit.
Elon Musk recently purchased Twitter for a reported $44 billion. KISS’ Paul Stanley reacted on the social media platform, “I May Be Missing Something (please tell me). Rather than funding a personal acquisition, Wouldn’t our world be better advanced by using far less than 44 BILLION DOLLARS to eradicate world hunger?, cure cancer? List is long & the possibilities endless.”
Read More: Elon Musk Wears Satanic Suit of Armor at Red Carpet Event | https://loudwire.com/elon-musk-wears-satanic-suit-armor/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
We’re in junior high school, I guess. “Her costume proves that she’s a ……… !!!”
As to saving the poor & hungry: Jesus said, they will always be with us.
You do what you can. But pouring out $44 billion is not the answer. Not from Elon. nor anybody else, not Soros, not Gates, not any government. The $44 billion would evaporate, to bureaucrats, embezzlers, grifters, and finally poor people themselves simply blowing it at the track. And so, the poor & hungry will still be with us.
Meanwhile, Elon’s Twitter purchase has at least cracked open the window (not perfectly) of the First Amendment; its freedoms of religion & speech will last an extra few historical minutes, much, MUCH better than we got from Biden-Harris. Seriously, grow up.