Roll em up! Time for jab #11 as FDA approves new flavors


WASHINGTON — U.S. regulators approved updated COVID-19 vaccines on Thursday, shots designed to more closely target recent virus strains — and hopefully whatever variants cause trouble this winter, too.

With the Food and Drug Administration’s clearance, Pfizer and Moderna are set to begin shipping millions of doses. A third U.S. manufacturer, Novavax, expects its modified vaccine version to be available a little later.

“We strongly encourage those who are eligible to consider receiving an updated COVID-19 vaccine to provide better protection against currently circulating variants,” said FDA vaccine chief Dr. Peter Marks.

The agency’s decision came a bit earlier than last year’s rollout of updated COVID-19 vaccines, as a summer wave of the virus continues in most of the country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention already has recommended this fall’s shot for everyone age 6 months and older. Vaccinations could be available within days.

While most Americans have some degree of immunity from prior infections or vaccinations or both, that protection wanes. Last fall’s shots targeted a different part of the coronavirus family tree, a strain that’s no longer circulating — and CDC data shows only about 22.5% of adults and 14% of children received it.

Skipping the new shot is “a hazardous way to go,” because even if your last infection was mild, your next might be worse or leave you with long COVID symptoms, said Dr. Robert Hopkins Jr. of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.

This fall’s vaccine recipe is tailored to a newer branch of omicron descendants…

37 thoughts on “Roll em up! Time for jab #11 as FDA approves new flavors”

  1. The medical community has a long way to go to regain public trust. They completely burned up their credibility during the CovidScam. Most people don’t really care about their opinions about our health. It is info only, and frequently tainted info by conflicts of interest.

    My wife and I can almost always come up with more accurate diagnoses and treatment plans than Doctors, and we’ve known that for quite some time. So, I don’t really see the need for them or their advice, for the most part. They are technicians, not Oracles.

  2. A long way to go? They will never regain trust and in fact the medical community has been revealed as an evil enterprise

  3. And had suffered many things from many physicians; and had spent all that she had, and was nothing the better, but rather worse  [Mark 5:26]

    1. Susan2,
      Wow, great catch. I have read that Gospel passage so many times but never connected the dots. Even at the time of Our Lord’s earthly life, doctors were doing about what they do now.

      1. Medicine is the one of the few bodies of knowledge I know that is not easy to find concepts that the general public can learn. I have even seen nuclear physics books available for the general reader.

  4. I would guess that any new so-called ‘vaccines’ will work as well as the previous death dealing jabs. I’ll pass once more. However, I think many sheeple have not heard of the dangers and will get in line. The first ones did not kill or harm enough people so here is another go at it.

    1. Marxism is a cult.

      Democrats are Marxists.

      Marxists are the Party of Satan.

      Satan hates God, His Church, families.

      Satan elevates his communal totalitarian system of depravity and violent enforcement mechanisms as a replacement for God’s system of voluntary submission to righteousness and Love itself.

      Members of the Marxist Party (Democrats) will take the vaccine and wear the mask because their daddy, the Marxist Party, tells them to.

      Marxism is not politics but religion.

      Marxists will defend the Marxist Party’s dictats as from their false god itself.

      They will destroy non-believers in their false god.

      This thing is not a normal policy disagreement or conflict over health choices. This thing darkly coming is a conflict of religions which are always violent. There is no escaping it. I moved to Texas to (quite literally) get behind friendly lines for the coming conflict. But there is no avoiding it. Because what is coming is essentially spiritual in nature.

      Tucker touches on this in a short two minute clip:


      1. Aqua – Still – Don’t you think there’s a good, traditional conservative Catholic case to be made for sitting back & letting Harris, Walz, and the other late-term abortionists, commies & Cartel Rape Gangs have full control of our country?

        (That was sarcasm. Mainly it’s to entertain. You might also guess a few people, without naming names, whom it could refer to.)

        1. Lesser evil voting is permitted, not mandatory, if there is no moral choice available (double effect). Given that both first party candidates will support intrinsic evil, and suppose that voting can still be a grave obligation, can you explain why voting for a third party candidate is morally wrong? Can you do so without appealing to consequences?

          Frankly it looks like Trump has already been selected as president, which is why his opposition is looking more and more cartoonishly evil and foolish every day, as though to force it. It’s like professional wrestling: WCW and NWO can talk smack about each other, but at the end of the day they work for the same company. At least that is what it looks like to me with the reformulated Republican party and working with brain chip man.

          1. T – refer back to what Aqua said – “conflict of religions [Truth vs. Marxism] which are always violent. There is no escaping it” – and, setting our own side up in the worst possible position for it is a 6th Commandment violation ie. You shall not kill (yourself).

  5. I’ll only get the jab if it comes with a complimentary donut (which has to be custard not jam) and a badge with “I’m retarded – go easy on me!“ embossed on it in BIG letters.

  6. There have been many commenters on this site that are angry that Trump started the lockdowns and the Operation Warp Speed paradigms. We may reach different conclusions in what to do about that now, but I fundamentally agree that this was a massive mistake. It is also an ongoing mistake to fail to acknowledge that error and to promise that lessons have been learned such that a commitment is made to rectify past mistakes (make while the victims of the policy errors) and to never do it again.

    RFK Jr’s VP, Nicole Shanahan, said they are withholding full endorsement of Trump until he fully acknowledged all these things!

    She and RFK are absolutely correct. That is a glaring, gaping weakness in the candidacy of the man who promises to “stand in their way, so they can’t get to us” (paraphrase).

    Admit it. And do something about, now. Really important.

    1. The worst part about it was, Trump personally brought Scott Atlas on board to counter Fauci.

      Atlas saw everything with clear eyes from the jump. He know the mortality rates were bogus, and built on intentionally introducing a common coronavirus into nursing homes (where regular deaths are a certainty) via blue state exec orders He knew the unprecedented “with, not from” novelty was a sick joke. He knew that PCR “tests” weren’t diagnostic tests at all, and he knew that having no standard for PCR cycle counts was a recipe for manipulating and inventing data. He knew that incentivizing COVID+ test results — after nearly bankrupting the health care system by forcing them to stop “elective care”, then calling everything “elective” — would create a massive wace of COVID+ test results, he knew that incentivizing putting patients on ventilators was tantamount to murder-for-hire… and he knew the CARES Act was a diabolical Trojan horse.

      Atlas knew everything, and he knew it as soon as he walked through the front door. He was Trump’s guy… The Anti-Fauci we prayed for. He could’ve ended the lie — with evidence, with common sense, with SCIENCE — and he could’ve ended it on a bleeping dime. If only Trump would have listened to him.

      I can’t fathom why he didn’t. My mind just can’t get there. The only answer I can manage is that Trump never had the option to do anything about it… because he didn’t have the power to stop it.

      Which means the President of the United States is an utterly meaningless office.

      1. Trump didn’t need an “anti-Fauci”. He didn’t need to put Fauci on the Covid team in the first place. He could’ve frozen him out of everything. But Trump is the guy who hired FBI director Chris Wray. And people still think he’s for us?

        What’s even worse than the Covid debacle which Trump allowed Fauci to run away with (remember Fauci works for the president, he is part of HHS, which is part of the exec branch) , was Trump authorizing and defending , to this day, the Covid 19 bioweapon.

        It’s odd that Democrat presidents always get their way, and Trump and Republicans don’t. Maybe it’s time to wake up to the fact that Trump is simply controlled opposition, that he presents an illusion of choice, and that’s all.

        1. *It’s odd that Democrat presidents always get their way, and Trump and Republicans don’t.*

          Just look at Supreme Court justices: Democrats always bat .1000. With zero exceptions, and barely any token resistance from the Republican “opposition”. And when I say .1000, I mean democrat nominees vote as they’re expected to vote, every time, without exception.

          Republicans nominees? Let’s see, just from my own political memory. O’Connor and Kennedy (Reagan), Souter (Bush Sr.), John Roberts (GWB), Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Coney-hyphenated-Barrett (Trump). Full blown communists at worst (Souter), compromised squishes at best (the rest) vs. three mostly reliable constructionist justices (Scalia, Thomas, and Alito).

          There is no law of probability that can possibly explain this disparity. It can only be the product of a rigged system. And it absolutely is.

          We’re coming from different angles to the same point here.

        2. Beware those conservatives who try to push IDs for reasons that sound benign like requiring an ID to prove you’re a citizen to get certain services or to vote or an adult to use parts of the internet. Maybe nothing will happen instantly but these are the kinds of thing that will eventually help the cabal in the long run.

          Yes, they sound good as solutions to real problems people are facing.

        3. Mike,
          George W Bush was controlled opposition. So was GH Bush. So was Romney. So was Ford. And McCain.

          Not Nixon. They took him out.
          Not Trump. They have tried to take him out – in multiple ways unimaginable and unprecedented in American history.

          The common theme of “controlled opposition”? They all talk a great talk but at the end of the day (their terms in Office) nothing has changed and they ‘re all good buds and very rich.

          With Trump, however … everything has changed.

          I didn’t know the bureaucratic blob was a threat to the Constitutional order of our Republic until Trump ran on exposing and eliminating it; until The Blob responded to him by coming out of the shadows and into the light in order to respond to and eliminate the threat he poses to its existence. I am now almost a single-issue voter to roll back and even eliminate the vast majority of that Blob as an existential threat to America’s future. Trump did that for me, and so many. He changed the conversation.

          I don’t see how the man who has single-handedly exposed The Blob to an enraged citizenry, who (like me) now see The Blob as the greatest threat to our Republic, (“all enemies, foreign and *domestic*”), is also controlled by that same Blob.

          And even if his actions are five dimensional chess moves designed brilliantly to deceive us all into blindly, ignorantly participating in our own demise … and it is possible, I don’t deny it … you’re still left with the reality that Trump is personally exposed to total ruin if he fails in this, his final ride to the WH. He will go to prison for the rest of his life and The Blob will take his empire, rendering his family destitute. So, that is proof, to me. Controlled opposition runs no personal risk and always leave richer by the Blob system. The enemy of The Blob faces ruin.

          1. Aqua,

            Everyone knew the government was evil before Trump became president. Trump was hired because he said he would “drain the swamp”. In case you haven’t noticed, he didn’t drain the swamp. In fact, the swamp is more powerful than ever.

            Trump hired Chris Wray, put Fauci in control of the Covid mess. When faced with a Congress that wouldn’t fund the wall in 2018, Trump refused to veto the CR bill that didn’t have funding. He signed it.

            And then Trump did what the swamp wanted most of all: he dropped the Covid 19 vaccine on the public. “Warp Speed” was the single most evil program in US history, and it was Trump’s. And Trump still defends the Covid 19 vaccines. If it weren’t for him, vaccines would have been at least another president away from being in the public.

            Recently Trump is on board with the Ukraine war, pushing speaker Mike Johnson to JOIN WITH DEMOCRATS to get billions sent there, and he’s always been a fan of Israel’s genocide.

            He is controlled opposition that outlived his usefulness, and that is why they’re trying to get rid of him. He’s not a savior, he’s not going to lead the US into a new age of prosperity.

            That’s just the way it is. I marvel that the guy who did the most damage to the country with the C19 vaccine is embraced by people who are against the vaccine. Cognitive dissonance at its finest.

          2. Mike,
            The despair option just isn’t for me.

            The choices are:
            Marxism forever.
            Trump for 4 years.

            Despair 😩 is not going to solve our current crisis. “Oh, nothing matters any more”

            Here’s the most recent examples of your Marxist future which is guaranteed if Trump loses –


            Your solution is …?

            Mine involves RFK running HHS.

            Yours involves this guy, but now with unlimited power to rule you …



          3. Mike,
            Tax cuts, lower prices, increased income, full employment and a strong economy oriented toward the middle class under Trump.

            Crushing new taxes (like the proposed killer tax- unrealized capital gains tax), hyper-inflation, unemployment and economic depression under the Marxists.


            Tough call.

          4. Aqua,

            You can’t enjoy low taxes and full employment if you’re sick and dying. 300 million Americans have the Trump “Warp Speed” covid jab.

            I resent your implication I’m for the Marxists. On the contrary I’m trying to show that Trump is at best a useful idiot of the Marxists or part of it.

            You have a soft spot for abortion, so maybe I shouldn’t be too surprised that you overlook the magnitude of what Trump did with the Covid “vaccine”.

            All that material stuff you like, more money in your pocket, full employment, means nothing now. America is dying, literally.

            On purpose. Because of the Tweeter in Chief.

  7. CJ,
    I agree with your final conclusion.

    I don’t agree that it is hopeless.

    Trump is the one who made me aware there is this problem in our system of government. Like many, I was blind until he framed the problem in his 2016 candidacy, and then lived it unlike anything in American history.

    The Deep State, I call them The Blob, now stands fully exposed. Everything that was once done in secret us now done openly in the light. We see them. We see them all.

    My only explanation for why he did what he did about Covid – and I’m
    Not convinced I’m right, it’s just a hypothesis – is that he had to expose this evil so that we all saw it personally, up close, so that it hurt.

    As he has said himself “Sometimes you can’t just tell them, you have to *show them*”. Well, scratch that off the to-do list. I see them all, now. It’s not political rhetoric now. What they did, they did to me and mine *personally*, as they did to us all in each our own ways.

    But Trump has to now fully come clean, especially with the health expert RFK backing him, and commit that that prior oath will never be trod again; the new path will redefine citizens’ relationship to Pharma and Medicine to: owner – employee/master – servant.

    We’ll see. I am encouraged by RFK’s endorsement especially so as he framed it in Trump’s commitment to him on his signature health issues. More. Faster.

    I started reading this fellow, Vagrant Of Rhodes, recently. He’s all good, but this piece especially speaks to what I am saying here.


    1. You know I’m more in line with Mike’s thinking on this, but I also believe a Trump victory pushes the timeline on when the American Cheka comes to kick in my door at zero-dark-thirty down the road a bit, so I’ll gladly take that.

      And honestly, I got swept up in the RFK stuff yesterday, too. It was a really cool moment, and the withdrawal speech before the rally was excellent. It’s hard to not be moved by sight of the son and nephew of the two biggest American political martyrs of the 20th century pushing through a really tough speech impediment to break from his party and speak unspeakable truths on a national stage like nobody we’ve ever seen. After that week-long celebration of wanton evil and child sacrifice in Chicago, it was definitely a nice morale boost.

          1. 100% agree. Grohl was a HUGE vaxx happy loon. When they started touring again, nobody allowed inside without your jab passport. And I suspect that deep down, he knows why Taylor died. He will never be able to forgive himself, and so instead will act out.

  8. I loved this description of “Science”™️, by Jeff Childers of the fantastic Coffee And Covid blog:

    “The problem with science these days is that, if you cut science open, you’d find it riddled with parasitic politics and infected with virus-like strings attached to government money. There’s almost no ‘science’ left. The failing body of science is mostly just metastasized politics.”

    We have to get our American society’s institutions back. Marxism has infected most everything.

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