Abortion now on the ballot in AZ; Secretary of State holds photo op to celebrate

Never forget that evil almost always cannot resist showing itself. It wants to be seen. It wants you to know, that they know, that you know. Make sense?

Free and fair elections!

Abortion access in Arizona headed to voters in November

By: Ashley Holden

PHOENIX — Access to abortion will be in the hands of voters come November. ABC15 was the only news station on Monday as Secretary of State Adrian Fontes certified the signatures for the ballot initiative from Arizona for Abortion Access.

Secretary Fontes told ABC15 the group had received close to 200,000 more valid signatures than needed to make the ballot.

“So, it’s not just historic because it’s the largest, but the valid signatures is more than any other petition has turned in to begin with,” said Secretary of State Fontes during an interview with ABC15.



34 thoughts on “Abortion now on the ballot in AZ; Secretary of State holds photo op to celebrate”

  1. We were involved in the signature verification process. 70% of them (at least) were bogus and couldn’t be reconciled with the voter rolls.

    Plus, they blatantly lied about the initiative while they were gathering signatures and were caught on video doing it repeatedly (yes Virginia, murderers lie).

    This was never not getting on the ballot. Everything about “our democracy” is a fraud… Every damn thing

    1. Wow…70% were not valid? How is this allowed on the ballot then? 🙁

      We have the same situation in Missouri, ie collecting signatures for the November ballot. If I remember correctly, about 200,000 extra were collected here. Interesting the “overage” is about the same number as in AZ.

      It seems to me the pattern is the same in a number of states. This just seems to be a steamroller process being used state-by-state in the exact same pattern to systematically mow down all protection for the unborn.

      1. Out of the several hundred signatures I personally reviewed against the voter rolls, my honest estimate was that 8 out of every 10 were bogus… as in not matching any registered voter information. About half of them were blatantly fake names at blatantly fake addresses, another big percentage were completely (intentionally) illegible. And I was being as fair and as impartial as I possibly could be, because I didn’t want to to do anything to jeopardize or taint the review process. If I was able to make any connection between what was on the petition and the voter information, if it was close, I counted it as a valid signature. So the 2 out of 10 valid signatures actually included people who didn’t know how to spell their own names or streets correctly (yes, really).

        Of the valid signatures, the overwhelming majority were female Mexican names. I assume many of them spoke English as a second language, which made them easy marks for the ghouls and their bald-faced lying, demonic sales pitch.

        I’m sure all of our work was for nothing, since it sounds like all of the signatures were counted anyway, whether they matched any voter information or not. Which, knowing the soulless Soros meat puppet we have for a secretary of state, I figured would be the case before I signed up to do it. But I didn’t want to stand before God and answer for doing nothing to stop the mass scale atrocity coming to Arizona (there isn’t a chance in hell this thing isn’t going to pass… Maricopa County will see to that).

        They’re going to put the full force of the democrat fraud machine behind every one of these bills and initiative in every state in the country until we have full-term industrialized baby murder constitutionally enshrined in all 50 states. To them, nothing on this earth matters more.

        Overturning Roe was absolutely the correct decision, but it’s turning out to be an unmitigated disaster for the unborn.

    2. I watched them collecting tourist signatures at the Squaw Peak trail head. I confronted a signature guy at a post office. I confronted another at a Safeway, who claimed this was about ectopic pregnancies and saving the life of the mother, to which I said, you know damn well that isn’t what this is about. Told him he was on private property, so he’s both a liar and a criminal.

      1. Somebody laid the ectopic pregnancy line on a friend of mine not long ago. His response was perfect:

        “In the states where abortion was made illegal after Dobbs, how many women have died from ectopic pregnancies?”

        “I dunno”.

        “If the number was even one, you’d not only know it, you’d know her name. She’d be the martyr for the cause. That’s how you know it’s zero.”

        Mic drop.

  2. It’s time everyone realizes that the vast majority of women in America want to kill their children. Feminism has succeeded far beyond what conservatives assumed.

    1. Traditional feminists — led by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton — were strongly opposed to abortion. It is contemporary feminism that rabidly supports it. And FWIW, a lot of men are very supportive of abortion “rights” — as an easy way to escape responsibility for their children. All those aborted children had two parents. I could go on about how contemporary feminism is Satan’s gift to men, but it would take me all night.

      1. There’s no real proof Anthony or Stanton cared that much about abortion, and scant evidence they were either pro or con.

        I will say this. “Traditional” Feminism is an oxymoron. It was born out of the progressive movement and the progressive movement is always anti-tradition. Teddy Roosevelt was a “right wing” progressive, but he was a massive agent of change, some good some bad. Same with Woodrow Wilson.

        There is no limit to “progress”, and that’s why feminism became what it is.

        And the fact is, women, since they can vote, always vote overwhelmingly for birth control, abortion, etc. Bill Clinton mesmerized the masses of women twice, the so called soccer moms who basically wanted to sleep with him and keep their feminist sacraments. In 2020, if you can believe the numbers, suburban women overwhelmingly opposed Trump because of what they perceived was his anti-abortion stance.

        But here you are basically blaming men for a woman’s vote. That makes me smile. Because women still want all the power, none of the responsibility. Nothing has changed.

        1. There is a lot here to unpack and I believe there is so little common ground I am not willing to do it all. I’ll do some. I remember in college reading extensively about Anthony’s, Stanton’s, and other nineteenth century feminists’ opposition to abortion but at this point don’t remember where and am not going to do research. Certainly at that time abortion was not the central issue it has become in contemporary feminism, entirely due to the radical left, which corrupts everything it touches. This entire culture is corrupt – literature, art, movies, music, academia, health care, government and politics, big business, finance – all of it. There is not one institution that is not corrupt. And although women absolutely have achieved some leading roles in all of those areas, they are still overwhelmingly led by men and always have been. Women having education, job opportunities, and property rights, and voting! – traditional feminism – are not the problem. Social and cultural degradation, led by the left, is the problem. In about ten years as a prolife protestor outside the Planned Parenthood abortion mill on Court Street in Brooklyn, I almost never saw a man accompany a woman into that place. They were happy to have their girlfriends take responsibility for getting rid of their children. You don’t think those men were evading responsibility? It’s women who want to kill their children? And men don’t want those children gone? Abortion is a central feature of Satan’s gift to men. And I don’t know any woman who thought Bill Clinton was particularly attractive. I remember sometimes wondering if he had a case of rosacea. The idea about a divine order with a man at the head is open to very serious question – Genesis is clearly fiction (true only in the sense that great fiction is true – think Dante’s Divine Comedy or Milton’s Paradise Lost) and even St. Paul made it clear when he was speaking for himself (“I do not allow a woman….” and so on — key word “I”) and when he was divinely inspired. Who are you – who is anyone – to suggest that rational adults, because they are women, should be relegated to second class in essentially everything? It’s getting late.

          1. Deborah Sagar,

            I think this is the weakness in the logic of your feminist position:

            – quote –

            “Who are you – who is anyone – to suggest that rational adults, because they are women, should be relegated to second class in essentially everything?

            – end quote –

            It depends on how you define second class.

            It depends on what it is you aspire to and the order your life takes to attain it.

            It depends on how you define achievement, satisfaction, happiness.

            A Christian is dead to the world.
            A Christian carries their Cross.
            A Christian is baptized from death to life; out of this world into the next.

            Romans 6: 3-11 –

            “ 3 Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

            5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we will certainly also be united with him in a resurrection like his. 6 For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with,[a] that we should no longer be slaves to sin— 7 because anyone who has died has been set free from sin.

            8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 9 For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. 10 The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.

            11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.”

            And so, the calculus of the world no longer has any meaning to a Christian. The world is governed by the calculus of power, wealth, autonomy and pleasures. The Christian is governed by the calculus of heaven, revealed to us directly by God in the Sermon on the Mount: “poor in spirit, those who mourn, those who mourn, righteousness, the meek, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, “*persecuted* for the sake of righteousness”.

            One world is fundamentally different than the other world. A Christian lives in one, but their soul is actively in the other. These two worlds, fallen and celestial, are governed by different Kings. And our lives must be governed by the King whom we choose to serve.

            And so … “second class citizen”, in the context of the feminist creeds and aspirations is from the language of this fallen world under the calculus of its malign fallen and pride-filled king, Satan.

            A Christian actually seeks out “second class citizenship”, because their Lord Jesus was also “despised and rejected of men” (Is 53:3, “a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief”. “Foxes have dens but the son of Man has not a place to lay his head” (Matt 8:20). A Christian seeks diligently to live the life of Jesus, in some way, the Saints showing us how as the true heroes we aspire to be like. Mother Theresa of Calcutta for instance – second class citizen, you might say in the slums with the sick and rejected, but her reward now is union with Christ!

            We may be second class here on earth, but we should actually aspire to such status. Because we are not citizens here, we are citizens rather of heaven – and there is no rank in heaven other than a universal desire to be near and to know the King of Kings and to be known by Him, happy for others there no less than ourselves.

            Marriage, as God ordained it, is a Sacramental icon of heaven. It is an hierarchy, but not an hierarchy of power, which is the devil’s language, but an hierarchy of sacrificial Love (Charity), the coin of heaven.

          2. Deborah Sagar,
            One of my favorite Litanies – The Litany Of Humility – penned by a 19th century Cardinal, “Cardinal Rafael Merry del Val (1865-1930), who served as the Secretary of State to Pope Pius X from 1903 to 1914.” He recognized the temptation to pride was especially hard for one of his position, which is deadly to eternal life … the only object that matters.


            This particular version is framed, hanging on my bedroom wall, and I suggest this only because it is such a common affliction. I don’t ascribe it to you per se, only to the logic of the feminist creeds.

          3. *The idea about a divine order with a man at the head is open to very serious question – Genesis is clearly fiction*

            That’s really all you needed to say.

          4. Apparently, being a “First Class Citizen” means working a made-up Human Resources job at a faceless mega-corporation instead of raising a family, and having the “right” to vote for your state and district representatives at the next Georgetown key party.

            Oh, and you get to pay for wars… Lots and lots of wars. So empowering.

          5. CJ,

            The sarcasm is 110% well placed – such that it’s not really sarcasm … it’s the truth.

            About 15 years ago I had one of those deep, important conversations with my wife in this topic. She was a stay-at-home mom. I was bringing home wages in a career of my choice, (my dreams). I was advancing doing this, that and the other. She was raising children. Children were getting older. The question became: “What is the point of my life … what have I ever done that means anything … perhaps I should have gotten a job … perhaps I should get a job now”.

            My response then is precisely what you said in condensed form: “There is nothing on earth that matters more than conceiving, raising, training, growing children for the Kingdom of God … Producing ‘widgets’ for Acme Widget Co Inc is fine, as long as it is in service to the only thing matters – raising children for God … As much as I love my job, it will end one day (which it now has btw) and who will care then about anything I ever did for my own version of employment for Acme Widgets Inc … The *ONLY* thing that will matter as days go by and then draw closer to a close – children; lots and lots of children; lives raised for the glory of God “.

            And so I put my money where my mouth was – we began our further adoption journey. We had adopted two. By now, 10 years later, we have 6 more – 8 adoptions total. Quite a “portfolio”I!

            I can think of few things more depressing than the logic that the only thing that truly matters in life is employment at someone else’s desk, a few coins in the pocket, nice food in the fridge, a few toys in the garage, a few vacations in the memory, and … 0.

            The only question that matters: “where do you come from, where are you going, *what difference does any of this make*”? And if your answer is “Nowhere, Nowhere, Nothing” and conclude that the best you can hope for is making widgets to earn a buck for a cup of joe at Starbucks – not just sad … pathetic!

        2. Deborah,

          You really hate men. And that’s ok. But what you need to understand, and which you’ve not admitted in two posts of yours, is that women vote overwhelmingly to kill their children. In a voting booth, by themselves, with their conscience.

          Did it ever occur to you that many of these women who go by themselves to get their babies killed do it because it’s a guilty, horrible thing to do and they don’t want anyone with them? Did it ever occur to you that some men are horrified that the woman kills the baby?

          Women want to be equal until they get treated as equal, and then they’re victims again.

          One more time: women vote to keep their abortions, alone, in a voting both. Saying every man forces a woman to get an abortion is simply not true. And they don’t vote for it because they fear getting knocked up and unsupported: there is every single contraceptive solution available to them (most of them aren’t Catholic).

          They simply think like you do: I’m a victim, and I should have the right to kill a life I consented to creating by having sex. 99 percent of abortions are for convenience.

          1. In no way do I hate men. I am related to quite a few as are we all. I will not, though, discuss anyone’s family relationships, including my own.

      2. Traditional feminism, whatever it once was, is extinct. It was effortlessly co-opted by the murderous, civilization-destroying brand of anti-Marian feminism we all know… the only brand of feminism anyone alive today has ever known.

        Nowhere in any of these statements is any sort of exoneration for the role of men in our downfall. The vast majority of our conversations here are centered around the actions of evil men, in government, and particularly the church (lower-case because it’s a counterfeit)… without any defensive objections from other men, I might add. And, truth be told, despite the visible roles of front-facing women in prominent public positions, it’s still men behind the scenes holding all of the real power. So yeah, men are plenty awful too.

        But the quantifiable fact remains, the one voting bloc that has provided the firewall by which the plotters now steal races with impunity… the bloc that, above all others, is bringing this country to ruin… is women. And the women’s vote is obsessively driven by abortion. Sure, it takes two to tango, but with the way our legal system has been twisted and manipulated, the only choice in the matter that men have is which credit card they’re going to fork over when the woman decides she’s going to murder his child. Men may be indifferent to this since they’ve become weak, effeminate manchildren incapable of mounting any kind of defense of their own civilization, but the women are the ones walking through the doors to have the life literally sucked out of them by the psychopaths masquerading as doctors. They’re the ones being affected to their core by this evil… and it’s made them hard, and mean, and ugly. Look around. It’s painfully evident in the way they dress, the way they abuse their bodies, chop off their hair, cover themselves in hideous tattoos… and especially in the way they vote.

        So I’m sure you’ll understand if you don’t see anyone around here lionizing the early champions of universal suffrage who didn’t have the foresight to see where their movement would so obviously lead. An old saying about good intentions and the road to hell comes to mind here.

        1. CJ: “anti-Marian feminism”.
          Mary shows the way to “feminism”, or more precisely femininity.
          Women should pattern their lives after her.
          Men, pattern their lives after Jesus Christ.
          Sacrificial Love, the coin of the realm of heaven.

      3. Deborah Sagar,

        You mentioned a couple of “traditional feminists” as representative of the best of feminist thought. I must admit that feminism interests me not even a little, so I know nothing about either of these women. So I looked up info on Stanton. She helped write a document to be placed alongside our Declaration of Independence – their Declaration of Sentiments.


        It is certainly the source code for the feminist movement that separates wife from husband in the traditional Christian sense of “the two shall become one flesh”. In its place this document proposes a humanist counterfeit that “the two shall be separate and equal”.

        I can actually see the line that is almost directly drawn from this document to the modern scourge of pornography for the men, abortion for the women, and divorce for the selfish unhappy couples no longer unified by the godly icon of marriage as it should be aspired to. Why? Because the document strikes at the heart of God’s Divinely ordained marriage institution with man at the head, woman at his side, the two Sacramentally joined as one flesh in an hierarchy of *sacrificial love*, each in their own unique and individual ways, just as Christ loved His Church.

        Mary’s “Let it be done unto me according to Thy will” replaced by modern woman’s “Let it be done unto me according to my will”.

        I can’t read it any other way. And it is clear that all their objectives have been fully met. And the consequences of the achievement are obvious – devastation within the family.

        1. The pro-abortionists mantra, “It’s my body.”

          No coincidence the wording is so close to “Hoc est enim Corpus Meam.”

          Abortion is the “high sacrifice” of the Left/neo-pagan culture.

        2. Sometimes, people who read Scripture, especially early, Mosaic Scripture, literally are more akin to people who believe in Ancient Aliens than to Christians, let alone Catholics, and it is not intellectually, morally, ethically, or socially respectable. It’s getting late Sunday and I have been away for a couple of days and have better things to do than respond to all. I have work lined up for the coming week. Have a good evening.

      4. I was surprised to learn Planned Barrenhood, in its start up phase, did not promote abortions – only contraceptives. I’m certain the promotion of abortions was part of PP’s long term strategy to be “phased in.”

    1. CM,
      “why do people desire so badly to murder their own”?

      For the same reason that men view pornography. It is the culture of death. I connect those two harlots from hell – porn and abortion. They are demonic peas in a pod.

      The culture of life treats women with temperance, chastity, reverence and respect.

      The culture of life treats offspring as Divine gifts from God.

      The culture of death does not see beyond the physical impulse and fallen nature instinct. “Why do people desire to murder their own”? Because they are not converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ – from death to life.

      We have work to do.

      1. As hopeless and angry as I feel right now, this is the correct answer. Conversion and repentance is the only way back from this.

    2. The issue is mostly driven by women who have already done it. Approximately 45-50 million voting aged women among us have murdered at least one of their own children. Most of them are belligerently unrepentant to the point of being proud of it. They drive the politics of abortion, which drives the politics of the country. The party that affirms these women in that choice gets a blank check from them on every other issue.

      These are days of mass madness. Feminism and abortion got us here.

  3. BTW, technically, the initiative is NOT on the ballot yet. There’s still a pending lawsuit by AZ Right to Life about the deceptive language of the measure, and nothing goes on the ballot until that is settled by the AZ Supreme Court.

    The corrupt secretary of state’s photo-op celebration was nothing but a stunt to put pressure on the court to uphold the abortion initiative. It’s also why he’s lying about the number of valid signatures… to create the illusion of overwhelming demand for this atrocity. Because that’s how these ghouls roll.

    Keep praying.

    1. Well then what was the official seal that he affixed to that document in the video? Seems to me it is official, even if it can be removed if the lawsuit is successful.

      1. Not sure. The official statement from AZ Right to Life this morning was that it can’t legally be on the ballot until the court rules on the pending case.

        I imagine Fontes is just doing what he does best: being a lying scumbag.

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