14 thoughts on “Does Biden have turbo Parkinson’s/Dementia due to vaccine injury?”

  1. Yes.

    In 2020 he already was declining, but the vaccine destroyed him. It will make any condition you have worse, and it will give you new conditions.

    Trump says he has the vax, and if he does it serves him right to suffer from it. He is why this madness in the US has occurred.

    In fact, he’s the reason why the fraudulent election happened. This narcissist spent 3 hours each night on twitter making enemies like a bully. He carried himself like a clown, and he never did anything he said he was going to do (no wall, no swamp drained, nothing). He did help the Jews out, play footsie with North Korea and lower taxes.

    What did he do? He gave lethal aid to Ukraine, set the stage for our current hyperinflation by raising the largest increase in debt in US history (yes, history). And then, showing what true leader he is, he let Fauci and Brix run around him and strongarm him into authorizing an mRNA bioweapon that is killing millions.

    Do you realize that the CDC has stopped keeping stats on almost everything? Their last year for cancer deaths and diagnoses was 2021. Why? Because the number is horrifying. Same with everything else. The FDA, using Trump’s Warp Speed template is approving mRNA vaccines left and right. I was just reading about a 27 week old baby who got the new RSV vaccine, and died right there, in the exam room, after the shot.

    And btw, why didn’t we hear about RSV before? Well, because RSV is a very common cold we usually get at a very young age. And you build strong immunity to it. But, since Trump’s bioweapon, no one has immunity, and RSV can kill you. The guy we get our hay from, 70 years old, almost died from it in 2022. No one knew what he had.

    And the new RSV vaccine? It’s an mRNA vaccine. And the new “bird flu” vaccines that we will be out there? mRNA.

    Donald Trump is the worst human being to ever be president. Yes, even worse than Biden. He murdered the nation.

    I don’t care for Joe Biden, but he’s a pro-vax guy like Trump, and he’s paying the price.

    1. I’m gonna agree with you, Mike.

      Joe and the Don are both run by the same aWKWard people (AIPAC et al) who control the Texas governor, and all the other high profile GOP governors who have recently signed into law blatant violations of the 1st Amendment.

      Joe and Don are both disposable. Elected representative government is bread and circuses by other means.

    2. I think a bad Catholic trumps are narcissist in the bad department. At least Trump is a mirage of what working American’s want.

  2. Joe is being doctored to death just like the five Baby Boomer kin folks I buried between Thanksgiving of 23 and May 1, 2024. Three of those had novel neurological ailments that have never been seen in my family before. I know this because I helped my father compile my families detailed genealogical history going back to our roots in Scotland and Ireland in the 1400s. The Boomer generation was raised and hypnotized from birth to believe whatever the talking heads on the magical TV say. Now it’s a pied piper leading them to their deaths by the millions. Take all the vaxxes, take all the statins, take all the diabetes meds, take all the SSRIs. Honest question, has anyone, anywhere, known anyone who got better and was able to stop taking any of these prescriptions? People that figured out the scam and quit them don’t count. I’m talking about the ones who went to their doc and he says,” congratulations Mr. Doe! You’re all better now and can stop taking X, Y, and Z meds.” No? Yeah me neither.

    Statins are linked to Parkinson’s, Dementia, etc. because cholesterol is a major component of myelin, the fatty protective insulating sheath around nerve cells. Joe has been on statins for years. Joe also has a significant history of neurological insults, cerebral aneurysms which predispose him to things like vascular dementia and other chronic neurological wasting diseases. The mRNA vax hijacks your body into making the inflammatory spike protein molecule until you die. Inflammation is the root cause of almost all disease processes. Couple subtle levels of chronic sub clinical grade inflammation with prescription meds that cripple your body’s natural maintenance and repair metabolisms and you get diseases and death. It’s not a medical mystery or rocket science.

    Death panels are real but they’re not called “death panels” folks. They’re called standardized treatment protocols that are created and approved by CMS and health insurance companies. Doctors, almost all of whom in general medicine are just hospital employees now thanks to Obamacare, are bound by hospital policy and billing practices to strictly follow the set in stone protocols to treat your ailment. Failure to do so could lead to them not being paid by Medicare/medicaid/insurance, employee and licensing body discipline, and legal liability. The protocols are based on “theoretical model patients” created by artificial intelligence algorithms crunching the numbers by studying millions of medical records and patient out comes. What does that mean in laymen’s terms? Statistics. Recall Mark Twain’s saying about that. “There are lies, damned lies, and then statistics!” Statistical algorithms can be and are always manipulated to give the answers their sponsors want to get. Follow that logic and what does it tell you? Remember all the people who died of COVID who really died of ventilator injuries and deliberate midolozam overdoses? No of course not. No one but our “healthcare heroes were allowed inside the death camps, I mean hospitals then. You can visit your people there now because they figured out 99.9% of you are stupid, cowards, or both.

    1. “Joe is being doctored to death just like the five Baby Boomer kin folks I buried between Thanksgiving of 23 and May 1, 2024. Three of those had novel neurological ailments that have never been seen in my family before. I know this because I helped my father compile my families detailed genealogical history going back to our roots in Scotland and Ireland in the 1400s.”

      I have noticed that, also. I went in June to the 45th annual reunion in south Alabama of relatives on my mother’s side. This year three of the older generation in one year had gone from completely healthy to very sick, two with turbo cancer, one with a mysterious lung ailment. If he just walks for a little bit, his oxygen goes down into the 70’s, and he must carry an oxygen tank with him. This is not normal and seems to be a genocide of the older Baby Boomer generation.

      “The Boomer generation was raised and hypnotized from birth to believe whatever the talking heads on the magical TV say. Now it’s a pied piper leading them to their deaths by the millions. Take all the vaxxes, take all the statins, take all the diabetes meds, take all the SSRIs.”

      That is so true! That generation is brainwashed by the television sets to trust the “experts.” If a doctor tells one of them to do something, they do it without question. No matter how much my sister and I implored my father to not take the vaccine, he did it anyway. If reason conflicts with the “expert,” that generation will choose the “expert.” I do think they are waking up in the past couple of years, but it is a little late. You will also notice this type of dysfunctional behavior among Catholics about Antipope Bergoglio.

      1. Definitely that generation is brainwashed to do whatever “experts” tell them. My FIL brags that he takes 36 prescription pills a day…while scoffing at my total carnivore diet and zero pill count. It’s as if they have a desperate need for authority and a fear of critical thinking.

        I hold them culpable for not refusing the destruction of the Mass post Vatican II. There should have been protests. There should have been sit-ins, marches, crowds of the faithful demanding the Mass. Catholics should have stormed the Vatican in 1969. Nope. Mistaking intellectual laziness for obedience has caused SO MANY of our current miseries and could be the end of any semblance of civilization.

      2. The trust in institutions is beyond reason. Most people havebto believe thhatnsomeone is taking care of them and has their best interest at heart. While iynseems most trads resisted the vaxx, many still trust the institutions that someone smarter will ride to the rescue before it’s too late.

        1. Have any of you guys read about how the education system globally has been purposely dumbed down on purpose? Even the logic they teach is only useful for math. Stumbling onto the trivium studied before mass education was like a hack. People are educated to be docile and submissive and frown at thinking for yourself or being disagreeable. Hence, they don’t think appealing to authority is a material fallacy, unless someone you don’t agree with does it. This is just one means by which we’re being misled. Just because something sounds persuasive does not mean it is logical.

          1. The Prussian model to make useful but compliant manpower for industry and industry. I visited Germany recently . Way worse over there. And seeming not much resistance at all.

          2. T and Learning,

            What you both say is true. It is very sinister. Since at least the 1910’s, students have been conditioned just like dogs would be in obedience training. It started with the Prussians in Leipzig and quickly came here and to other countries. Years ago, I was taking a History of American Education class at University of Virginia. The professor was an excellent conservative Catholic who now has three sons who are Catholic priests. He knew I was Catholic and recommended to me to read the short book The Leipzig Connection. You can read the description here: https://www.amazon.com/Leipzig-Connection-Basics-Education/dp/0897390016 It explains exactly why education by design has been and still is a complete mess. In short, German professors taught how to condition students just like you would condition a dog to drool when ringing a bell.

            Things like “whole language” learning and the banning of phonics, grammar, cursive writing, logic, geography, spelling, Latin, theology, philosophy, and so on were designed to condition the student to obey without question the state.

  3. I am not sure. He was like this before the 2021 vaccine/death jab rollout. That is why he did not campaign in 2020.

    My mother had progressive supranuclear palsy for about ten years. It is a type of Parkinson’s. To me, Joe Biden’s behavior/dementia is more an act, and I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if the powers that be/cabal/Deep State/freemasons are simply trying to demoralize the American population. We should all know that they have already “selected” Joe Biden to be reelected. This should be obvious to everyone by now, especially Catholics with discernment. Voting at this stage is just participating in a criminal enterprise, as the Irish Catholic journalist Gemma O’Doherty always says: “Elections are selections. Voting is rigged. If it made any difference, it would be illegal.” https://irishlightpaper.com/

    There is not going to be any replacement for Joe Biden. He has already been “selected.” They are doing this to completely demoralize everyone.

    1. The plan is to put Kamala in without the pretense of a pesky election. Kamala was chosen by Obama, and Obama was the first person Biden met with after the debate.

      The plan is that Biden will resign, Kamala will be the defact nominee and either Trump will lose by fraud, will he thrown in jail, or will be unalived.

      This isn’t to make Trump out to be the white hat. He’s scum. Trump is part of the game.

      And when the people in power want an excuse to make their war on citizens hot. In other words the want to shoot and blow up those not dying from the vax.

    2. Interesting thoughts. I see your point. My fear is that they will pull Michelle O in as a pinch hitter since they know some people will flock to the polls for ‘her.’ On the other hand, they have been busily filling out mail in ballots…wouldn’t want to have to redo those. Whatever they do end up doing, it will be part of an evil plan, for sure.

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