When celebrating mental illness and damnation of souls becomes your god The demonization of transgender people moves to a new level: proposing criminal penalties for physicians who perform surgeries on transgender adults who request it. I wish this author had come to the Outreach conference to listen to transgender people themselves. https://t.co/u1jR7JW7J8— James Martin, SJ (@JamesMartinSJ) July 1, 2022 Share this:FacebookX Related
https://www.heritage.org/gender/commentary/sex-reassignment-doesnt-work-here-the-evidence Are the doctors who perform the surgery guilty of murder by proxy? Reply
Speaking of Jesuits, who outlined what Francis had to do prior to being given the “active” component of the Papal ministry? And is Frankenstein taking orders from them now? https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/a-legacy-of-scandal-pope-francis-says-he-has-carried-out-plans-laid-during-pre-conclave-meetings/ Reply
James Martin is evil. He is demonically possessed.
Are the doctors who perform the surgery guilty of murder by proxy?
Speaking of Jesuits, who outlined what Francis had to do prior to being given the “active” component of the Papal ministry? And is Frankenstein taking orders from them now?