Trump will run and win again in 2028: Steve Bannon

(NewsNation) — Steve Bannon, who served as White House chief strategist, said in an interview on NewsNation that he and others are working on ways for President Donald Trump to seek a third term despite constitutional term limits.

“We’re working on it. I think we’ll have a couple of alternatives,” Bannon told NewsNation’s “CUOMO” when asked how Trump could overcome term limits. “We’ll see what the definition of term limit is.”

Bannon expressed confidence in this effort, comparing it to Trump’s 2024 comeback.

“I’m a firm believer that President Trump will run and win again in 2028,” Bannon said. “We’ve had greater long shots than Trump 2028.” He added that they’re “not prepared to talk about it publicly, but in a couple of months, I think we will be.”

When pressed on whether he was suggesting revolution or overthrow, Bannon rejected that characterization, describing himself as a “huge believer in democracy” while claiming the country is experiencing a “1932-type realignment” comparable to the FDR era.

“We’re in the middle of a 1932-type realignment if we can continue to have populist nationalist policies,” Bannon said. “We have African-Americans coming to our side. We have Hispanics coming to our side.”

He described the current administration’s actions as a “revolution of common sense to deconstruct the administrative state” and claimed anti-democratic forces are working through the courts to “obstruct a sitting president” from fulfilling his executive mandate.


12 thoughts on “Trump will run and win again in 2028: Steve Bannon”

  1. Dictatorship saves money and liberals like democracy. Therefore it is bad and wrong. Should be called badong. We need to learn from Russia.

    Trumpistan loves the uneducated.

    1. Russia is killing it. LGBTQ propaganda is illegal, twerking in public is illegal, pot is illegal, porn is illegal.

      In the US, it’s the opposite, all of those things are not only celebrated, but imposed upon the public in every sector of life.

      1. You’re happy with a dictatoriship as long as it dictates the things you want to hear? If so, worry not, you’ll get plenty of that. Lots and lots of expressive actions and symbolic gestures to come.

      2. And that is pretty much the cause of fascism: not having any hope the laws you desire will pass through the democratic process, so placing your hopes in a charismatic dictator.

  2. After what happened in 2020 with that “election” and the entire country obediently shutting down within 48 hours, it is naive and foolish to believe that we’ll have fair elections ever again.

    1. Plus, for whatever it’s worth, Trump will turn 81-years-old in 2028, making him four years older than Joe Biden was at the time of his faux inauguration. So, if you’re in the camp of “enough with the octogenarians running everything,” then this is yet another bipartisan (unipartisan) nail in the coffin of any semblance of effective governance. Boobus Conservativus won’t care that Trump is too old, as long as he mumbles the correct verbiage for them in his conferences and speeches.

      1. I am a 1961 model boomer. Congress is full of geriatrics too. Time for us to turn over the reins.
        Hopefully we wont all be euthanized.

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