Frustrated by the lack of arrests/disclosures? Stay focused on the dirty money.

Interesting take from “Rifleman” over at :

…Trump understands one thing very clearly: money. They fund all of this at our expense. That’s the one thing we learned very early in the DOGE efforts. I think none of us realized just how pervasive this really was. Even George Soros dipped into the USAID money rather than his own pocketbook for much of the grief he has dealt us. And USAID is only the tip of the iceberg.

Get it through your heads. We have ONE CHANCE to fix this, and it won’t be done by pitching fits about justice and retribution, nor by squashing the DEI brigade, correcting America’s views on immigration, or even de-Zionizing the GOP. All that can come later. We need to cut off their oxygen supply at all other costs as our primary goal. Because if they get back in power, the retribution we saw from 2021-2024 was nothing compared to what they will visit upon us in 2029.

Trump saw their Achilles Tendon, and it is that the Left does not know how to earn an honest buck, plain and simple. They have built up a ridiculously complex system of financial legerdemain in order to hide it from us, but most of it comes right out of our pockets, via Uncle Sam. Get rid of that and Clown World’s circus tent collapses. Focus on that goal. Focus on defunding all of the madness. Then, when that is done, we can start on the long-term goals.

Also remember: we don’t need as much money as they need. This is another truth they are terrified of our discovering. We do not need a $7 trillion/year federal budget. We don’t need it because we are about family and community, not institutions and organizations. This is why another master stroke by Trump would be to end the United States income tax and shutter the Internal Revenue Service. We don’t need even a tenth of the things our hard-earned money and unasked-for debt has gone to. Trump is absolutely correct that tariffs and excise taxes would easily support all legitimate responsibilities of the Federal government, actually returning power to the people…

Read the rest:

5 thoughts on “Frustrated by the lack of arrests/disclosures? Stay focused on the dirty money.”

  1. Yes, more of this!

    And, for reasonable balance, on the bad side…. President Trump just posted again about our coming Strategic Tulip Reserve 🙁

    Taxpayer money should NOT be given to any crypto ever, any more than it should be given to dirty Soros, USAID, Social Security fraud, or taxpayer abortions & contraception.

    Because it’s taxpayer money. That’s why.

    1. Quite frankly, having at least some kind of crypto reserve is likely to stabilize the dollar when it finally craters, also improve the velocity of money. It’s a low risk high reward play.

      Don’t kid yourself about “the taxpayer dollar”. It’s not. Money is created (“magic!”) via deficit spending, the taxes are just a humiliation ritual.

      And even memecoins aren’t half as fake as the Illuminati “In (which?) God we trust” debt notes.

      1. Like when Holland used to back its guilder notes with a Tulip Reserve.

        (kidding – but not by much. And I understand government finance, probably as well or better than you do. And using its money to reward special interests is always wrong. Even if it does happen a great deal, and happens to sound sexy or modern right now, to all the crypto-Ponzi bag-holders.)

      2. While we’re on this subject, let’s also think about the Deposit of Faith for a moment.

        I can’t think of a single Pope ever, or a single encyclical ever, or a single Bible passage, that would remotely allow taxing – or indebting, or inflating-away the wages of – ordinary working people in reward to crypto gamblers or crypto-Ponzi “hodlers”. Can you? I’d love to hear it.

        1. As I take the somewhat outlandish position that almost all types of investment are moral evils, I’m not going to argue that. (If one doesn’t work for his money, he shouldn’t eat from its returns.) But if the dollar is a “real” currency, so is crypto.

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