Bannon has Liz Yore and John-Henry on War Room to discuss the invalid resignation of Pope Benedict

UPDATE 16:30 MST… Bergoglio is said to have mere hours. Pray for his repentance and reversion to the Catholic faith.

Buckle up, Buttercup. Receipts are starting to drop left and right.

The Bergoglian Antipapacy is now mainstream news. Archbishop Vigano knows where the bodies are buried, and he knows what he is doing. You may question what took him so long, but calling for the CIA investigation means he already knows what is in there.

The “Catholic Spring” that was launched in early 2012, as revealed in the Podesta email leaks of 2016, was executed by the Globalist Cabal including McCarrick, Obama, Biden, powers within the Vatican, the EU, etc. All culminating in Pope Benedict’s invalid “resignation” in Feb 2013. And never forget, Benedict knew who his “successor” would be, or would have been reasonably certain, if not outright told in advance. Which no doubt influenced his decision to do the thing that he did. So we have a doubly invalidation of grave fear/coercion and the substantial error of how he tried to half quit yet remain.

Now we await all the bright sunlight to shine on Deep State/Deep Church machinations of February 2012 to March 2013.

Liz: “The Entire New World Order Agenda Was Being Stopped By Ratzinger.”

Liz: “This all comes back to McCarrick, mass trafficking of migrant children, massive cash payments from USAID, McCarrick being thick as thieves with Obama and Biden. I want to know how much was the cut for the Big Guy.”

First clip is seven minutes:

Liz: “All sorts of red flags around the 2013 abdication of Pope Benedict and the subsequent installation of this radical Leftist from Argentina.”

Bannon: “McCarrick was the ‘Pope of the U.S.’ at that time, was he not?”

Liz: “He spent more time in the West Wing than Monica Lewinsky.”

Second video is four minutes: (had the wrong one at first, now corrected)

Last video is John-Henry expounding on the machinations.

“We need the release of these files. If it can be shown that Benedict was forced to resign under pressure, it would render his resignation invalid and the entire “Francis papacy” would also be invalid.”

This should be set to start at the 5:15 mark:

Please circulate. Things will be happening very fast now.


31 thoughts on “Bannon has Liz Yore and John-Henry on War Room to discuss the invalid resignation of Pope Benedict”

  1. What will the sunlight accomplish? Will a man who consecrated a demon in the Vatican be shamed into stepping down?

    The only thing that could happen is that enough bishops and cardinals can force him out.

    But that’s it. I guess it’s satisfying to have the truth confirmed.

      1. Well Mark you just answered my question but in your disdain you didn’t know it.

        So you’re a fan of the “force” option. Who will do it, Mark? The same US government that put Bergoglio in? The Swiss guard?

        Have you actually thought about how removing him by force would occur? I don’t think you have.

        Bergoglio is close to dead, he’s got a plan B in place. Have you thought about that? Have you dedicated any serious time to visualizing how this antipope would be taken down?

        Hate to tell you this, but force is often met by force.

        Take your own advice, Mark. I think you’re a smart guy, but your hatred of me gets in the way of rational thought.

        1. So Mike is a fatalist.

          Mike has ZERO faith in God, and therefore rejects our moral obligation to always do the right thing that we can do in our state of life REGARDLESS of any outcome, by leaving all things to Divine Providence.

          These are what they once upon a time in Mexico called, ‘American’ts.’

          All guns, no action.

          “WAAAAHHH! Stop trying you guys, there’s nothing we can do!!! URRRGHHH, it’s suuucch an Uphiiillll BAAAAAATTLLEEE!!! Lie down and surrender like meeee, you’re making me look BAAAADDDD!!!”

          No one can hate Mike more than he hates himself, but he’s certainly trying to change that!

          1. He may or may not be a fatalist in real life. But he certainly plays one in this little demoralization campaign he’s on.

          2. CJ and Johno:

            “Bergoglio is a CIA plant! The truth will set you free! Let’s get him!”


            “How are you going to do that?”

            CJ and Johno:

            “You’re a fatalist on a demoralization campaign!”

            Not caring about the details is why you vote for presidents who promise a “golden age” where “any act to save America is not illegal”.

            Go ahead guys, celebrate what we already know: Bergoglio is a heretic because he’s an antipope. Let the real men think.

          3. Oh look… Mike’s accusing me of being a mega MAGA loyalist again.

            I’d be angry if I weren’t so bored with this schtick.

  2. China bought the Vatican some time ago. Obama era CIA installed communist Latin American with no hangups over abortion or anal sodomy. That’s how it is guys.

    1. I suspect that Franky and McCarrick are of such character that they’ll happily take money from any side of the aisle. East, west, capitalist, communist, doesn’t matter to them. They’ll blow wherever the winds lead. They have no principles, they’ll scavenge from whomever and however like parasites.

      1. Jorge already showed that. Just look at what Mark posted the other day about JB playing the right-wing side of the dialectic and disappearing liberation theology Jesuits in 1970s Argentina.

        There is no ideology here. There are no communists, because communism was never anything but a murderous, civilization destroying lie from hell. Ambition is their only motivation. Power is their only god.

        And then they die, and eternity begins. What a stupid way to waste a life.

      2. How did this McCarrick freak get such power. When he talked about the “Italian man of influence” appearing around the Conclave in that video I’m relatively sure it was the Devil himself. Old Scratch.

        1. Jeff, the same question can be asked of Barack Obama. Where did he come from and how did he get such power? I read McCarrick’s Wikipedia entry, and he has a similarly cryptic childhood and cryptic parents. His father conveniently died when he was only three years old. He was expelled from high school in the eleventh grade for a mysterious reason. (The FBI and CIA love to recruit these types of troubled male teens because they can be controlled.) This would have been in the late 1940’s when communists were gaining a lot of ground in America. The CIA was founded in 1947. He then was mentored and finished high school and went to college.

          He mysteriously spent a whole year in Switzerland while in college. That really jumps out. Supposedly, it was there that he decided (was assigned?) to be a priest.

          In other words, he like Obama was groomed from a young age for his future assignment. It is probably the exact same for Bergoglio.

          Catholics are very grateful that we have a powerful president who was elected to destroy the deep state and who is able to get to the bottom of this.

          1. I’m a Catholic and I’m not grateful for Trump. Trump was going to “get to the bottom” of the deep state his first term. He did not. All that’s going on now is theater. For while we’re all worshiping Musk and Trump, he’s ramping up plans to go to war against Iran.

            Trump supports abortion, his “Catholic” wife supports abortion. If on a base level you think a life is a matter of convenience, you don’t have morals. He spend more per year than any president in US history. He got the DoD and CDC to approve and dump a bioweapon that is killing millions.

            He’s not changed, he’s still unaccountable, he’s just farmed it out to oligarchs and Netanyahu.

            I mean, Trump used to be a Democrat, he invited the Clintons to his wedding. DO you think people in their 60s suddenly change like this? (Answer: no they don’t, not even Reagan).

            We are truly living in a backwards effed up world when Catholics should be “grateful” that a man who is clearly a CIA creation himself (Operation Trust, look it up) is our president.

  3. I’m wondering what the strategy is to release the info (obvious to anyone with ‘eyes to see’ for the past 12 years) while the usurping demon is on his deathbed (?)
    We are in such uncharted seas….everything seems like it’s trying to return to an even keel position with Truth being unleashed, but I sense massive seismic tremors under the water. Interesting times indeed.

    1. Revealing any info while/after Francis dies ensures more political stability, and that the cardinals don’t have to take any immediate action. Everybody just waits, to their cowardice, and to Franky’s soul’s endangerment.

      The next conclave will really be a fight though. I can easily imagine division and schism with two papal claimants emerging.

      One hyper-progressive anti-Pope who’ll occupy Rome backed by the majority who fear worldly power, and one true Traditionalist Pope who will flee, perhaps to Portugal, with a minority of supporters.

    2. Moment of truth. If he just passes away and stays dead his not the false prophet but an antipope. And if signs and wonders start taking place then he is.

      If he is not the false prophet, will his successor also be an antipope? If all the bishops appointed till Benedict are dead someday…?

      1. the false prophet isn’t the one that’s going to be doing the signs. the false prophet prepares the way. I’d say Bergoglio has done a good job of that. He’s tried very hard.

        1. The false prophet is the one who performs signs, calling down fire from heaven, telling people to worship the beast’s image or getting the mark.

          The false prophet has to at least convince everyone to get the mark.

          I think the false prophet plays the part of diabolical Elijah somehow.

      2. And stays dead. Made me chuckle. Nothing would be more horrifying than the pope (sic) of the peoples coming back from dead.

  4. We are living in very Providential times:

    “Pope Francis Has Double Pneumonia”

    I find it very hard to believe that he will get out of the hospital alive.

    The deep state/deep church desperately need to change the news cycle away from the C.I.A. color revolution to install C.I.Antipope Bergoglio with USAID funding. Everybody will soon realize that he was an antipope, no more a pope than his physical likeness Jabba the Hut.

    What better way than to bump him off in the hospital and get the news reporting 24/7 on his funeral and a new conclave?

    1. It’s no solution at all, unless it is all exposed and the Bergoglian Antipapacy expunged. Him dying without this being corrected is not helpful.

      1. The question no one is asking: Would a Conclave wherein 90% of Cardinals having been appointed by Bergoglio even be valid? Is this where Supplet Ecclasia comes into play? If the appointments are null and void how could it be valid? This is the problem with waiting for him to die. This is why God gave us 12 years to figure this out. And here we are, thanks to the deceitful felicity of the laity, combined with the feigned holiness of the hierarchy. Here we are…

        1. Yes, it’s a mess. It has happened in the past wherein they were allowed to keep their red hats (Ecclesia supplet, as you mentioned), but they had to abstain from the succeeding Conclave. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We need more intel to hatch out into the open. It’s coming.

        2. That’s the question I’ve been asking myself. Does Ecclasia supplet really apply to a malicious, anti-Catholic imposter who has packed the college with heretical fellow-travelers?

          If the answer is no, the most devious thing they could do in the next conclave would be to “elect” someone who appears to be outwardly conservative/traditional while continuing the Talmudic/Masonic attack on the Church. A sort of counterpart to what’s happening in the United States (yes, that’s what I believe Trump’s purpose is.. I just don’t beat y’all over the head with it every time I post).

          Not making any predictions here, just spitballing. But it’s a scenario that’s crossed my mind more than once.

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