America’s Catholic bishops are decrying the evils of human trafficking, while ignoring their own role in facilitating the dehumanizing practice…
One “hard conversation” that it seems the bishops have been avoiding, however, is that of their own role in facilitating the illegal immigration crisis at the southern border, and the ensuing human trafficking. Over the past four years, the number of unaccompanied migrant children who have gone missing at the border has tripled: of the roughly half a million children who crossed the border without a guardian, over 300,000 have gone missing…
It is worth noting that the Office on Human Trafficking in Persons, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has only reported the number of unaccompanied migrant children who have been found and are known to have been trafficked. There are thousands of children still missing, many of whom have likely been sold into sex slavery or forced into prostitution.
The Catholic bishops of the U.S. and their affiliate organizations have, unfortunately, helped facilitate this tragedy. More than that, they have profited from doing so. According to data compiled by the organization Corpus Christi for Unity and Peace, the USCCB and its affiliates were paid nearly $450 million to deal with unaccompanied migrant children, many of whom were either placed with unvetted adult sponsors or are still missing…
But the U.S. bishops and their “charitable” allies have done more than just deal with unaccompanied migrant children: they have encouraged, accelerated, and exacerbated the ongoing illegal immigration crisis overall. Records up to 2015 show that the USCCB and its affiliates netted roughly $2 billion in government funding for various immigrant and refugee “services,” including shuttling illegal immigrants deeper into the U.S. once across the border and equipping them with pre-paid cell phones and loaded debit cards. However, under the Biden administration, the USCCB was paid nearly $635 million and Catholic Charities was paid a staggering $1.7 billion for immigrant and refugee “services.”
Under the first Trump administration, the USCCB was paid less than $215 million from the federal government’s coffers and USCCB made less than $130 million. Is it any wonder then that Catholic bishops are so vehemently denouncing Trump’s second administration, and especially his immigration policy? The bishops have been denied their allowance…
It will certainly lead to the collapse of “Catholic” charities, and open up the bishops and others to criminal charges. The lawsuits alone could lead to bankruptcies. I doubt the SinoVatican agreement will even see the Chinese willing to bail out Bergolio from the loss of USAID. I expect that if the AfD takes the reigns in Germany, they’ll cut off the German bishops from the coffers too as suspected aiders and abettors of illegal immigration, for which the native German public will withdraw affiliation from and throw hatred upon.
As prophesied the Church is expected to shrink. Many will turn their hatred towards the pastors. This could be a new PR problem on par with the abuse scandal.
These losses could see the closures of not only Catholic organizations, but also as a result of lawsuit money, the inability to look after priests and thus the losses of parishes, sold off as property for mosques or secular usage, as you bet the bishops will look out for themselves. And naturally, the idiots will shut down anything that is Traditional-leaning first, but it won’t be enough, the Novus Ordo locations will be sold off too.
Hopefully, many of the ill ilk can be jailed, and therefore laicized, which would then force Antipope Bergolio (God forbid, if he’s still around) to have to make appointments from the small and younger generation that is more Traditional/Conservative. Appointments which can later be recognized by a new Pope.
We ought to start preparing now to have to look after our priests and run the Church underground by ourselves. The buildings ain’t gonna be there, save for those orders who own it themselves and aren’t embroiled with the silver-seeking bishop’s stupidities.