Trump bans men in women’s sports

I will continue to take the Wins, while remaining skeptical on the long game. This here is the end of the nightmare begun nine years ago after the Obama bathroom edict; May 13th, 2016 to be exact… the 99th anniversary of the First Apparition at Fatima. A huge miscalculation, it greatly helped the Trump campaign back then. Story continues after the video.

In America, a time for choosing

Originally posted

And so it came to pass, 13 May 2016, the Obama administration announces it will cut federal funding to schools who do not allow transgender students to use the bath/locker room of whichever gender they identify with. We love the little children so much, it simply must be done. HERE

Today is the day we decide if we are going to take back our country.

That’s a pretty big deal, so we should probably examine some facts and try to determine exactly what’s at stake here. Without getting into some of the more bizarre claims of the Trans movement, where there may be oh a thousand genders, let’s just stick with the simple case of “the gender I identify with is the opposite of my biological sex.”

Indoctrination of children in “gender studies” and forcing them to “choose” genders is child abuse. Gender Dysphoria in children is not unusual, especially among girls. Ever hear of a “tomboy”? They’re not exactly rare. In the vast, vast majority of cases, everything works itself out during puberty, when the sex hormones do their thing. To force or encourage hormonal treatment of a pre-pubescent child should be a crime.

Gender Dysphoria in adults is a mental illness. It’s a disorder. As such, treatment is the rational course, even if the effectiveness of treatment varies. Celebration and encouragement lead to further misery. Ten minutes of research into life outcomes of this group will astound you. 41% attempt suicide. The movement will try to convince you that’s all about bullying and social stigma, but it’s not. Even those who have “fully transitioned” (in quotes because that’s not physically possible) are still overwhelmingly very sad, regretful, and yes, still very suicidal. Please, ten minutes, do the research. There are entire websites dedicated to this.

The irony of the bath/changing/locker room signage battle is inescapable. The Trans movement has spent years attempting to disconnect gender from biological sex. Yet the sign on the locker room isn’t referring to your feelings (even if those feelings are very real). The sign is referring to your biological sex, which is a metaphysical certitude. The X and Y don’t lie.

We’re going to hear a lot of talk about hatred and bigotry. I want to talk about love. Love and charity. When you profess to love someone, or to be charitable to your fellow man, you are professing that you care for them. These people are hurting; there is no doubt about that. They deserve to have their human dignity upheld and respected. Sometimes, caring means sharing hard truths for the well-being of another. If you really do care, then it’s your duty to call it out. Because the opposite of love isn’t hate, the opposite of love is indifference. Doing nothing, staying silent, is the opposite of love.

Let me assure you, what’s going on here with fedgov intervention has nothing to do with Trans rights. Do you really think the political ruling class gives a shit about 0.0016 of the voting population? No. This is about pushing the envelope to see where the breaking point lies. This is about testing the moral fabric of this country to see just how outrageously they can overreach until somebody decides to do something about it. This is a weighing of the sheeple.

I hope everyone understands this: If you support biological men in girls’ locker/bath/changing rooms, you are making a conscious choice to place the feelings of a tiny minority above the physical safety of all women and children. If that’s your opinion, just get comfortable with the fact that, in your mind, an increased level of violence against women and children in the form of rape, assault and murder by sexual predators abusing this new paradigm is simply the price of progress.

This is an appeal to every father, brother, husband. Do you willfully submit to putting your daughters, sisters and wives at grave risk for the sake of the “feelings” of 0.0016 of the population? Are you okay with giving the green light for every sexual predator to claim he “feels like a woman” and to freely enter, by federal law, any girls’ bathroom, changing room, or locker room he wants? If not, what are you going to do about it? Do you even have the balls to share this post?

Here’s an idea: Withdraw your kids from public school on Monday. Give the schools and the states the summer to stand up to the fedgov overreach. That action brings zero risk to you and your family, yet if done on a massive scale, could do some real good. HERE
This is a war on women and children. Period.

Gentlemen, into the breach…

12 thoughts on “Trump bans men in women’s sports”

    1. Agreed. After hearing about what the REAL plan is, I realize these are just bones being thrown to us before Noahide is enforced.

  1. It’s almost as if they (the wicked elite) did a whole bunch of whack-a-doodle junk back then to get folks so indignant that they’d support a false Messiah who would come along and undo all of it.

    I sure hope that false Messiah wouldn’t have any other “Golden” ideas in mind . . .

    1. Chris – your phrase “false Messiah” is, of course, one possible translation of “Antichrist”.

      Another one who can’t live with Trump being mixed, some good & some bad, a disappointing sinner who does a few good things sometimes like anybody……and instead, literally, LITERALLY calls Trump the Antichrist.

      Just, wow.

      1. He’s said he’s not Christian. We have credible reasons to think he might be create tremendous harm to the Church (up to and including the arrival of the Beast System). Therefore, he, like many other historical figures, represents some kind of antichrist. Though I don’t think he would be the final man of sin. That might be one of his buddies.

  2. “I will continue to take the Wins, while remaining skeptical on the long game.” – perfect – as someone said, we do know that the so-called “Minor” Chastisement (which to us, will be pretty major & tragic), followed only then by Mary’s age of peace, is still upcoming.

  3. An EO isn’t a win. It’s all an illusion. We have a president who, just today, claims he is from God, outsourcing real power to unelected oligarchs, signing toothless EOs to soothe the masses, and doing the work of Israel.

  4. A major truth bomb today from Frank Walker of Canon212 about these supposed Catholics who are all concerned about the poor terrorist Muslims in the Gaza Strip and about Elon Musk and of everything else instead of being grateful. Why do they jump on any little excuse to criticize the excellent President Trump? Go to 7:15 for the insightful answer:

    “I have to wonder. Are these trads losing funding? Because they seem angry, overly angry. I can understand why they might want to be especially angry and furious now because as the days go by, they are going to see that this whole thing that he is trying to accomplish is not really bad, at least as bad as they are saying it is. So they only have a limited amount of time to attack Trump. It is sort of like that lesbian bishop buddy of the Episcopal Church. Her funding is getting cut. All she can do is lash out in the media, as if somebody cared. And I see that coming from the Catholic media, the faithful trad Catholic media.”

    Frank Walker is 100% correct. Isn’t it a LITTLE bit suspicious that their talking points seem to be the EXACT same as the deranged Democrats whose slush funds are being cut off? Are they really concerned about Elon Musk? Why on earth would any normal Catholic or American be concerned? But does it make sense, for example with Eric Sammons, that he would pretend to be upset with President Trump and the Gaza Strip IF he is actually upset that his USAID funding is being cut off?

    1. Joel – good one – and we need only wait a couple more weeks, for the fund cutoffs to have effect on payrolls.

      It will be very very interesting to see, 3 weeks from now, which public trads suddenly lost a paycheck & must beg on GoFundMe. Or alternatively, which public trads vanish.

  5. Hello!!

    I say, if President Trump is truly serious about banning men from playing in women’s sports, will anything be left of the WNBA? Isn’t it time to open our eyes? What will an E.O. do at the professional level when the public is all okay with the incredible deception of outright physical males passing themselves off as talented females disgustingly dominating “women’s” basketball?

    As a trad woman pining for real feminine sensibilities in society, why not delete the basketball hoop entirely for women and make hoop skirts and homemakers fashionable again as something ideal for girls growing up instead of sports!

    1. Excellent video, Elizabeth! No, they aren’t going to root out the deceptive “females”. They are only going to disallow open transsexuals. We have occult transsexuals throughout sports, the celebrity world, and politics, and more. There is even evidence that the whole Trump family, including the in-laws, is trans. What a deception!:

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