FAA’s DEI focused on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities

Originally posted

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website.

“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

The initiative is part of the FAA’s “Diversity and Inclusion” hiring plan, which says “diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.” The FAA’s website shows the agency’s guidelines on diversity hiring were last updated on March 23, 2022.

The FAA, which is overseen by Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation, is a government agency charged with regulating civil aviation and employs roughly 45,000 people…


21 thoughts on “FAA’s DEI focused on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities”

  1. I very much doubt this accident has anything to do with an air traffic controller. I’m not a pilot, but from what I understand it was night and they were following visual flight rules. It’s very hard to see out of a Blackhawk helicopter.

    It is true that the helicopter was at the same altitude as the plane, but we don’t know if that was the fault of the pilot or the controller.

    There are still less accidents today in air travel than 40 years ago. Do I want nutjobs directing traffic? No. But there is no evidence yet DEI is why this happened.

      1. Right, ok, but the context of your post and this discussion is the recent crash., and only 3 entities are involved, 2 sets of pilots and the ATC. The ATC is part of the FAA, so the implication is clear. Let’s not pretend. If this crash hadn’t happened I wouldn’t have seen this post.

        DEI is a problem. I simply don’t accept the implications vis a vis this crash.

    1. There were 3 pilots on the blackhawk, talking with the tower. This wasn’t an autonomous chopper.

      I love conspiracy theories, because some are true. But this isn’t one of them. Either the air traffic controller screwed up, or the pilots of the chopper screwed up. From the audio I’ve heard, both seemed to think everything was OK. So who knows….

      Interestingly, back in 1991 during the gulf war, a blackhawk helicopter was blown off course without the pilots knowing it. They thought they were one place, at a certain altitude and speed, and they weren’t. That led them to mistake US soldiers for Iraqi soldiers and they killed them.

      Could be something as simple as that.

  2. Meanwhile, Pentagon revokes taxpayer-funded abortions for service members.

    On top of: releasing Life activists from prison, larger orders to end Federal abortion funds, ending the “gender” mess (new order today to restore Girls’ sports for Girls), ending Roe, standing up to liberal Catholic Bishops at least on immigration/border, & the other good stuff.

    Nobody is perfect – every person is a sinner (except Jesus and Mary) – and, as it happens, I am old enough to remember “pro lifers” who assured us they are much, much too pure to ever vote for dirty impure Trump who can never do anything good as he represents, literally, the Antichrist.

    Let’s hope some regain their God-given adulthood & reason. 😉

    1. Jeff, do you know tariffs work? It’s a tax on Americans buying foreign goods, not a tax on foreign countries. One affect might be that people will buy less of their goods. Another will be increasing the price of whatever imported goods there are. There are a lot of imported goods, aren’t there? Do you see how this will effect ordinary Americans and the economy?

      1. T – Way to avoid my point. Nice.

        As to tariffs & the economy: We’ll see. Inflation is driven, above all, by 1. crazed monetary & fiscal expansion, 2. supply-side restrictions. -If-, and as, those 2 things are brought to an end: Tariffs would prove to be a blip on the screen, even a help in restoring domestic manufacturing and middle-class jobs where young people start to feel they can affford to have kids. Wait and see. Trump had tariffs in his first term, and inflation was lower than now. Lower. LOWER. Because of the positive supply shocks from deregulation & energy.

        1. I guess he could use tariffs to pay back a modicum of debt in the beginning but then people would stop buying foreign goods later, and the interest on debt will accumulate again in the long term. Or will he collect trillions in tariffs to pay back federal debt? That’s one option.

          The other option is there will be an economic crises presided by Trump as foretold by the comic prophets who wrote that episode of The Simpsons more than two decades ago. That is another option.

          Let us see. I am leaning to the latter rather than the former, for other reasons, like Stargate. Disavowing CBDCs means nothing if you still need an ID to use national cryptocurrency.

          1. And no, I really don’t think they are prophets. Likely Freemasons practicing something known as predictive programming. The scary thing even as far back as a quarter century ago, it seems, Trump was planned to become president and destroy the economy.

            If you look at the Lucis Trust official website, Maitreya will show himself sometime after 2025, when America’s financial prosperity is gone.

          2. T – “a quarter century ago, it seems, Trump was planned to become president and destroy the economy” – because of a random joke on a TV show using his reputation, back at that time, for having large business debts.

            WOW, that comment is wacked out. Praying for you.

          3. It sound crazy because you haven’t noticed predictive programming from Hollywood. You haven’t seen/aren’t aware of the Masonic symbols like eyes in a triangle or the sixes most of the shakers and moves of the world make, including Hollywood dudes like Groening do, and probably think it’s for the laughs. In the future they can claim that such photos are AI generated. But they’ve been doing it for decades.

            Pray more for Trump because he is either a senile patsy or part of the club. Just like Bergoglio can call abortionists hitmen or homosexuals faggots, so can controlled opposition say and do token guesturea,

            I don’t know why you think the NWO/deepstate would allow anyone who can derail their plan to become president. So many people are suffering from TCDNW (Trump Can Do Nothing Wrong) syndrome that they are overlooking the fact he is still unapologetic for Operation Warpspeed.

          4. “I’ll pray for you” is the same as the public displays of prayer Jesus detested so much.

            Why not just pray for someone? Why do you have to tell someone you’re praying for them? Ah, it’s because you want OTHERS to see you as a good Catholic. And you also want to make the person your praying for feel ashamed of his opinion.

            It’s the most Satanic thing I’ve seen in the combox.

      2. T – P.S. The thing to worry about is, the deliberate acceleration of AI as a way to compete with China. That AI could get out of control, like making our “smartphones” (dumbphones), games and other “virtual reality” an even worse distraction from God, than they are already. Setting up “The Matrix” as a techno-satanic trap to divert us from God.

        Keep praying!

        And don’t worry about stupid tariffs. Truly they are unimportant, a trivial concern next to much bigger things that are in motion right now (for good or for evil).

    1. Yes, ok, and? I have a question: have men ever crashed airplanes before? Sure have. And most due to incompetence.

      There were 2 pilots, experienced commercial pilots, who wanted to test a jet to see how far they could climb. Engines froze. Plane crashed. Another male pilot let his son pretend to fly, certain that the autopilot was on. It was, until the kid yanked it from side to side, 200 people died. One pilot was so engrossed into figuring out why a light on the console wouldn’t come on, he didn’t notice his arm slightly nudged the Yoke, and by the time the altitude warning went off, it was too late. 100 dead.

      Yah, I’m all for traditional roles for men and women. But to use this woman as 1) a lesson in DEI and 2)proof that women should stick to housework is abhorrent. And of course we still don’t know what caused the crash. And if it was due to a mistake she made, I just proved that men do it too, with even more disastrous results.

      GROW UP

      1. Uh huh, uh huh… What are the odds that the pilot also just so happened to be proudly working as an aide under the most virtue-signalling DIE-friendly clown-hiring spree that was the geriatric dementia-driven Biden Administration?

        No inferences to be drawn there! I’m sure the black box data will clear it right up…

        Are you a betting man, Mike?

        Also, does your wife read what you post here, which makes you want to show off what a white-knighting fella you are?

        1. So if someone works under one administration you politically disagree with, then they’re somehow bad people? Did you always agree with your boss?

          And again: what would that have to do vis a vis her ability to fly? As I pointed out, many men did many stupid things in airplanes. Were they righteous hires because they were men? WTF is wrong with you?

          The point is this, little man: if she did screw up, how does that in any prove she was unqualified to be a pilot? Even the most experienced pilot screws up. Happens all the time.

          I’m not white-knighting for anyone. I’m guided by logic. Nothing you said is logical. It’s just a heap of bigoted sh–, that’s all.

          I’ll bet you all day, kid. You’re an inferior mind.

          The black box will reveal pilot error, obviously. Your conclusion will be it’s DEI, while the sane conclusion will be…pilot error.

          Happens all the time.

          The funny thing is that you couldn’t fly 500 hours in a Blackhawk like she did. You don’t have the gray matter of even a chick pilot for that.

          Do you have a wife? She’s in hell. You should know that.

          1. “So if someone works under one administration you politically disagree with, then they’re somehow bad people?”

            If that particular administration is hiring and promoting lots and lots of people on a DEI basis at every opportunity, deliberately, openly, and proudly, then yes, dum-dum, she is potentially also likely to have been a DEI hire.

            It’s certainly not absolute proof, but it is entirely logical to assume that she could easily be, given the patterns of the administration’s behavior, and what seems like attempts to scrub her social media of their connection, Mr. Emotional Mike.

            But like I said, which outcome would you most likely bet your chips on it being, if we could prove it? You certainly sound like you’d love to have taken a chance to ride on that chopper, just to show me what a big modern feminist boy you are! I wish you had!

            But don’t worry, I’m sure the diverse male pilot DEI hires will soon equal their female colleagues in air collision ratios in due time.

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