A high yield investment against died suddenly

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There was a horrible tragedy at the Ronald Reagan airport last night. It was one of those things that make you reflect how unexpected and sudden the moment of truth can be. I can well imagine all those people on board, some of them sleeping or dozing, and the others certainly busy with their thoughts, their job issues, or the thinking about loved ones, instantly (you will have noticed the big ball of fire) brought in front of their Just Judge without, for most of them, the slightest warning. It’s like dying in one’s sleep, but worse, because a lot of people pray before going to sleep, and this might well make them better prepared. What has happened in Washington is, really, an instant for the many – perhaps all, who knows – who will have died instantly.

The day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night. We might not be warned and, in fact, a lot of people would wish that they are not warned, so they shouldn’t complain if they aren’t and find themselves, all of a sudden, in an alarmingly hot place, wondering what has just happened in that very brief moment before the mind grasps the event and his consequences, and in that another, absolutely terrifying second during which the real nature of the place, and the duration of one’s stay in it, is grasped in all its tragic inevitability.

Say your Rosary, and your Act of Contrition, every day.

It’s the best investment you’ll ever make.


About A Very High Yield Investment

2 thoughts on “A high yield investment against died suddenly”

  1. Yes, pray 15 decades of the Rosary daily and the Act of Contrition before sleeping. Don’t forget the three Hail Marys for purity (morning and evening) and always pray for perseverance.

  2. Beautiful!

    Thank you, Mark, for directing us once again to Mundabor!

    Nothing else matters! This IS our best recourse.

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