Ann and Nurse Claire tackle the third rail


Or at least part of the third rail: the untouchable, unmentionable Noahidism.

Listen here

If you’re unfamiliar with what Noahide Laws are, then it’s time to put this on your radar.  These seven laws will be used to set the stage for the beast system & arrival of the big AC.

Is it great that Trump pardoned the pro-lifers so unjustly jailed?  Yes.  But pay attention to the other things coming across his desk.

And what exactly is an “ambassador to Hollywood“?

Pay attention to those who are lining up with Trump, who he surrounds himself with, and what they support.


9 thoughts on “Ann and Nurse Claire tackle the third rail”

  1. I’m glad this topic is gaining traction. TradCatKnight has been aggressively covering it for a while. Let’s continue to make folks aware, especially if indeed, this forces us to face the beast system sooner than later.

  2. To those who do not think the Mandella effect is possible I would like to note that the Old Testament now refers to disfavorable men as those who piss against a wall.

  3. Ann and Nurse Claire did a fabulous podcast. I had never heard of these laws, so this was extremely informative. At least now we can be more aware of what’s coming.

  4. The talmud (intentional lower case t) is THE most evil book(s) of all time, 1000x worse than the koran (intentional lower case k). The things said about Our Lord and His Blessed Mother in that satanic piece of $&@# are so evil, so vile, I can’t repeat them. If I ever get ahold of a talmud, I’m going to burn it to ash and then spit on the smoldering embers left behind.

    Kudos to Ann, Nurse Claire and Art Deco for this excellent and important podcast that I hope every Catholic Trump worshipper hears.

  5. One thing I hate about these resistance websites is the constant insider coding. What is “the Big AC”? Could we leave the jargon aside and write more clearly?

    1. Hello Paul,
      I meant the Big Antichrist when I said the Big AC, meaning the main guy, not just lowercase antichrist

      The enemies of Our Lord will persecute His church (that would be us) via the Noahide laws. They need this to happen in order to bring about the Antichrist.

      1. The one world army will track down and torture those who resist the mark, until they give in or die. That’s why they are installing biometrics everywhere, implementing facial recognition everywhere, launching satellites everywhere, making everything bound to a digital ID everywhere, building robots and putting AI everywhere.

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