(Might I add, pray rid us of this wretched antipope. -nvp)
From Father Zed:
For the sake of the Roman Church, let us today invoke St. Agnes, virgin and martyr.
O glorious Agnes who, though weak, was chosen by God to make His own might manifest in your martyrdom, together with the Peter and Paul and the other Roman martyrs and confessors, intercede now before the throne of our Christ the High Priest in heaven and beg a return of orthodoxy, sanity and sanctity to the Church especially in Rome and in particular the Roman Curia at every level. O holy Agnes, who bravely suffered torments, ask Mary, the Queen of the Clergy, to protect and aid all priests, so that they will all stand up boldly and teach the truth about the Sacrament of Matrimony, the integrity of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, the truth about the Most Holy Eucharist, and beg for the restoration and renewal of our sacred liturgical worship of the Lamb who was slain. We entrust this to you, blessed Saint Agnes, with all our confidence. Amen.
I have posted the following in times past, but it bears repetition. Newcomers to this blog may not have seen it.
Behold the skull of Agnes, in situ, in her beautiful church in Rome on the Piazza Navona.
The dies natalis (“birthday into heaven”) of Agnes was recorded in the register of the depositio martyrum as 21 January.
St. Agnes was slain probably during the reign of the Emperor Diocletian in 304. Some say she died during the time of the Emperor Valerian (+260).
Read the rest HERE.