The following has been reproduced from … a site I’ve recently been introduced to. Please check it out. -nvp
In a previous article I mentioned priests like James Altman, David Nix or Attila Bazsó-Dombi who have publicly declared that “Francis” is an antipope and who have their own media channels. In this article, I am going to mention some priests who have stated publicly that they do not believe Jorge Bergoglio to be the pope either due to his heresy or due to the invalidity of Benedict XVI’s resignation or both.
Note: Čáp, Benko and Brother Celestino all appear on Radio Domina Nostra, the media platform of Alessandro Minutella. Minutella is an Italian priest, who started speaking out in 2016 that Bergoglio is not the pope. However, he has reportedly made some questionable statements. This article is not an endorsement of him.

Giorgio Maria Faré OCD, Italian Carmelite priest
started speaking out in 2024, “expelled from the order” in 2024
“Never give up on that Lion – Benedict XVI’s Declaratio: A Canonical and Historical Analysis“, (PDF)
Original sermon in Italian (Youtube)
Lifesitenews article
Faré’s Lifesitenews article responding to Bishop Schneider, who claims that Bergoglio is the pope

Francisco José Vegara Cerezo, parish priest of San Isidro in the Diocese of Orihuela-Alicante, Spain
started speaking out in 2023, “suspended” in 2024
Manifesto to reclaim the Catholic Doctrine (Manifiesto para reivindicar la doctrina católica) (PDF)
“Is the Pope False? Spanish Father Vegara’s Logical Explanation (subtitles)” from a speech given at a conference on March 16, 2024
“A priests corrects Burke and Schneider” on Macabeo Youtube channel in December 2024
Interview by En la Iglesia Youtube channel in February 2024
Interview by César para Jesucristo Rey Youtube channel in March 2024

Fernando Maria Cornet, Argentian priest; parish priest of San Donato in Sassari in the Archdiocese of Sassari, Italy
started speaking out in 2023, “excommunicated” in 2024
Italian book “Habemus Antipapam? Indagine in onore della Verità” (“Do we have an antipope? Investigation in honor of Truth”)
Italian book “Alla ricerca del Munus perduto” (“In search of the lost Munus”)
Interview by Arturo Periodista Católico Youtube channel in November 2024

Ramon Guidetti, parish priest of San Ranieri a Guasticce in the diocese of Livorno, Italy
started speaking out in 2023, “excommunicated” in 2024
Video of Guidetti’s homily in Italian on December 31, 2023 with English subtitles
Corriere della Sera article with quotes from that homily

Enrico Bernasconi, priest in the Diocese of San Severo, Italy
started speaking out in 2020, “excommunicated” in 2020
Interview with Bernasconi on the Italian news portal Rivelazione in April 2020

Pavel Čáp SDB, parish priest of Prostějov in Czechia and director of the local Salesian community
started speaking out in 2021, “suspended” in 2021, “excommunicated” in 2024
homilies of Father Čáp available on the Radio Domina Nostra Youtube channel
Address with 5 other priests and with Don Minutella in 2022
“suspension“, “excommunication” in Czech

Fra Celestino della Croce, Franciscan friar in Italy
articles in Italian on “Bergoglio knows he is not the Pope. Word of Brother Celestino della Croce” (08.17.2024.); “The man dressed in white, who is in Rome, is not the Pope!” (08.21.2024.); “Brother Celestino in Savigliano said that ‘Bergoglio is Satan’s masterpiece’” (10.18.2024.); “Brother Celestino explains that ‘we’d be in trouble if we would wait for the Cardinals to save the Church’” (11.01.2024.)
homilies of Fra Celestino available on the Radio Domina Nostra Youtube channel

Robert Benko SDB, Slovak Salesian priest
“expelled from the order” in 2018
Interview by journalist Andrea Cionci in September 2022 (Italian article, Spanish and German translations)
homilies of Father Benko available on the Radio Domina Nostra Youtube channel

Blessed Nicholas Garlick, martyr (1555-1588), celebrating Mass in secret. Stained-glass window in the Padley Chapel in Grindleford, Derbyshire, England. He and his companion, Blessed Robert Ludlam, have been discovered by authorities in that location. Image by Lawrence Lew OP under the CC-BY-NC 2.0 license, here.
And it’s non-celebrity, heterosexual, common-sense priests like these who will lead the Church after the chastisements and through the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. I hope all is live to see it happen.
I hope Abp Vigano’s Exsurge Domine can assist them. Lord deliver us from unChristian leaders.
The Catholic Encyclopedia is full of juicy theology that the Catholic media ignores:
Under part III, “Their Mutual Relations”:
“A similar exceptional situation might arise were a pope to become a public heretic, i.e., were he publicly and officially to teach some doctrine clearly opposed to what has been defined as de fide catholicâ. But in this case many theologians hold that no formal sentence of deposition would be required, as, by becoming a public heretic, the pope would ipso facto cease to be pope. This, however, is a hypothetical case which has never actually occurred; even the case of Honorius, were it proved that he taught the Monothelite heresy, would not be a case in point.”
Why is it that so many trads ignore traditional catholic theology and trust SSPX and splinter groups more than traditional theology?
Justin Trudeau offered another faux non-resignation today.
Prime-Minister-Emeritus-Maybe Justin Trudeau – due-to-be inactive member of the Canadian Prime-Ministry.
Canadians don’t even get a conclave.
And yet all this is still more procedurally legitimate than Benedict’s ‘departure’!
I noticed that.