Cardinal Burke correctly points out that apostates are running the Church. The Catholic Esquire correctly points out what needs to happen next.

Dear Cardinal Burke, thank you for identifying the problem. Now please do something about it.

3 thoughts on “Cardinal Burke correctly points out that apostates are running the Church. The Catholic Esquire correctly points out what needs to happen next.”

  1. Francis said he would be the Pope who would lead a schism (or cause one?), right Mark? At least he is honest. Since one can’t be in schism from a True Pope, he is basically saying he isn’t the Pope and those who follow him are the ones in schism. Am I making sense?

    1. I think you mean to say that a True Pope cannot CAUSE a schism, or be the root of a schism, because the pope is proximate rule of Faith; for a pope to be cause for schism would mean he had deviated from the Faith, and that is impossible (as per Vatican I).

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