Via Vox Popoli:
“An Unprecedented Hit”
Whether it’s a false flag or a green flag, but you may recall that I said there would be some sort of showy, but underwhelming attack on US soil in a futile attempt to drum up public support for war with Iran, probably before the inauguration of President Trump. Events do appear to be preceding accordingly, if the rumors being propagated are any guide:
Overnight, I got word from seven (7) different sources out of the New York Police Department – so I know, too.
There is no way to report this without causing an immediate and widespread panic. There’s no reason to panic, but it would cause a panic. Think “Mad Max”-style, panic.
A lot people could be hurt by that panic, so I am NOT going to be the one to cause it. Period. Full stop.
Is it possible that people will die from the lack of reporting? Yes. Is it also possible that a lot of people would die WITH the reporting? Yes. So media outlets are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t.
It Appears We’re Going To Take A “Hit”
Look, we here in the USA are now faced with an unprecedented situation. It’s not good.
It appears, at least right now, that we are going to take a very big hit. An unprecedented hit.
Considering that Clown World knows that the ~3,000 deaths associated with whatever 9/11 was will not be nearly enough to stir an indifferent public that is increasingly not American, I’d expect some sort of dirty bomb event on the East Coast, near but outside of New York City, that is initially reported to have killed up to 100,000 people, later downgraded to 20-30k…
they’re mapping out everything for when there is a false flag nuclear attack which they will blame on Iran/Russia.
The most evil government in the world is that of the United States.
The US government is occupied by slaves of Israel. Every Congressman has an AIPAC handler. Israel has been the locus of every single international conflict for the last 20 years.
You are not a good American if you don’t kowtow the Israeli/Zionist party line.
I would be careful with some alternate news sources. It’s very likely that the conspirators themselves plant some conspiracy theories.
Remember QAnon conspiracy theories about how Donald would take down the “deep state”? Did those rumors ever materialize?
I’m sick of it all. All the games. The lies. The psy-ops. The confusion. The kayfabe. The division. The enemies within. All of it. It needs to be done away with. Ugh. Think I woke up not right today.
Ditto what CM said.
You’re a fedgov disinfo operative, criminal liar, and should be shot on sight. Better yet, eat a hot round, sooner rather than later.
The Deep State DESPERATELY wants WWIII. Thus, I have absolutely no doubt that the nuclear threat is the result of one of 3 sources: the US deep state, Israel/Mossad, Ukraine. Blame Russia, and then we can “justifiably” launch a nuclear strike on Moscow.
Putin and China have urged restraint until January 20, 2025, when they are able to work with Trump. Thus, the Biden regime must manufacture escalation somehow.
So in August when Elon Musk said SpaceX would rescue those astronauts trapped in space, and said they’d do it in February, I said that’s because they don’t know how to do it
NASA announced the rescue mission will now be pushed back to late March.
First, I think those astronauts are going to die in space. I think as they starve to death NASA will turn off the comms. Second, Elon Musk is the biggest conman, next to Trump, in US history.
Third, I am questioning whether we ever did anything we said we did in space.
The US is dying and the worst part about it is that most of America has no clue how to handle it. Ever since 9/11 thinge have just gotten stranger and stranger. The last 4 years it’s been like I died and woke up in an alternate universe.
Now the US is bent on false flag nuclear war, and Trump who says he has a “mandate From God” will be front and center. Biden is Satan, Trump is Jesus, when it’s all Satan.
Yup, yup and..yup.
That the mainstream media, including Fox News, are all nonstop talking about drones should tell anyone with Catholic discernment that the deep state WANTS you to be talking nonstop about drones and are ALLOWING this to be talked about. If there were any real threat, they would never let anyone in the media talk about it.
The deep antichurch never allowed anyone on any mainstream Catholic news source (that includes the Taylor Marshall, Kennedy Hall, Timothy Gordon, Timothy Flander freemason pretend converts) to say that Antipope Bergoglio was a usurper and not really pope until about a year ago. No one was ever allowed in the news to talk about the election fraud of 2020 and still are not. No one was ever allowed to say in the mainstream media that the scamdemic was just people panicking over the common cold/flu.
So this drone story is very suspicious.
My guess is that this is just another fear psy-op so that the more womanish of American citizens will associate “fear” and “insecurity” with President Trump and get a bad FEELING about him.
There is not going to be any dirty bomb or nuclear weapons detonated or WWIII. They want you distracted and in constant fear.
Exactly. It’s funny to me that outside NJ. this is a big meh. Media hysteria hasn’t moved people to do anything but make jokes. The most plausible explanations: the govt mil-indust complex want to pass that bill restricting private drones and they are trying to drum up public support whilst also testing public reaction for their ongoing psyops research whilst also testing the new drone equipment. Or maybe they are looking for something. The fear mongerers both Catholic and not might want to check their credibility. Past hyperventilations have come to naught but according to anonymous sources THis one surely is going to happen.
Side note: I knew ya’ll read Vox
RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” — Saul Alinsky
My own speculation was that Trump was allowed to win – to see who would stand with him openly.
That way the deep state knows everyone they need to target, and the swamp will clean them out before they can be drained.
Next step, wait for Trump and co to gather, and hit them with a bomb/missile/unmarked suicide drone, then blame Iran.
As for the NJ drones, it could be a psy-op to claim the USA’s drones can be hacked and turned against the US for (see above) or be as laughable as these boobs playing around with AI implementation in their drone software, when the autonomous machines decided to go AWOL and fly off and sance around while they had trouble getting them back under control. So potentially, incompetency. Or both.
So like DIE Secret Service, an incompetency cover story can be levereged to claim that just as some random shooter with a rifle can get close to Trump, so too could a Secret Service or US military drone be hacked by foreign elements to take out Trump and everyone with him.
Iran alone might not be plausible enough, so they’ll link Russian and Chinese assistance to share blame.
I have some photographs I took, in great fear, in the late 80s and early 90s, that I copied onto my cell phone just now. They are orbs — some with white light emerging from a red shell — that greatly resemble some orbs we are seeing today. I hope the ones we see today are just psyops from people who know what the real ones look like — because the real ones are demons and, for me, were part of an overwhelming experience that I am working on writing about now. I can’t get my photos from my cell phone onto my Twitter account where I would like them to be available to anyone. I believe they have value. I believe the computer problem arises because a TradCath computer guy who reads this site twice blocked my Twitter account and now I have a third Twitter account (gosh thanks for letting me have that!/sarc off) but I suspect having three endings or handles or extensions or whatever they are may be creating problems accessing Twitter from my cell phone. I will find another way. I will have nothing more to say to anyone here.
I know you won’t be replying, but I just want everyone to know some New Agers channel “ET”s and “Ascended Masters” and other spirits who want to get in touch, and that many pagans worshiped “sky gods” who did signs and wonders in the past, who taught them”wise” things like human sacrifice and that inanimate thing like rocks are alive. Do you think that it’s a coincidence that they are announcing a New Age of Aquarius to replace the Christian Age of Pisces?
These counterfeit signs and wonders is how I know demons exist.