They are screaming Russia Russia Russia. November election results cancelled. Current President “forced to extend his term.”
You don’t say?
Dude was too much Romania First. Vowed to cancel Ukraine aid and work to end the war. After winning the preliminary vote last month, apparently all the indications were for a landslide in tomorrow’s final election. So the CIA delivered “evidence” of Russian “election interference” to the Romanian spooks, who then had a court overturn the election and cancel the final vote which was scheduled for tomorrow. CIA openly acknowledges its role in the steel (see linked Politico article). Okay?
I am telling you, again, expect the unexpected in the next 30 days here in the USA. Go to Confession. Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us.
One of the biggest shifts would have been his challenge to Romania’s longstanding pro-Ukraine position, and his promise to switch to engaging with rather than challenging, Russia. Speaking to Reuters this week – before the vote was voided – he said he was planning to stop Ukrainian grain exports through Romania and bar further military aid to Kyiv.
The most evil government in the world is the US government. And our next president will be no different. He’s controlled opposition/Operation Trust.
Sadly US citizens are going to pay for this in horrific ways. Mass death, financial ruin, nuclear war. The reason you don’t hear anything about the US in any fashion in any end time prophecies is simple: we won’t be here.
May the people of Romania, as well as Georgia and Moldova where similar Western(EU, NATO and U.S.) color revolutions are underway, rise up and take their countries back. Zelensky’s reign of terror in Ukraine is coming to an end and our zionist slave masters want the proxy war on Russia to continue which means new fronts in the Caucuses, Belarus and Moldova. And yes, this quick and coordinated takedown of President Assad in Syria is also designed as a proxy attack on Russia. Please pray for all the Christians there who have been protected by the now deposed Assad regime.
Definitely stay confessed and focus on what is Above. Our Lady of Kazan, pray for us.
Syria has fallen. The US/Israeli supplied and supported front group formerly known as Al Qeada has taken contril of the country.
These Jihadis even quack like a American CIA ducks…
Leader Of Jihadist Rebels In Syria Declares “Diversity Is A Strength”
This is a strategic loss for Russia. Meanwhile regime change is also operating in Georgia.
Will Putin continue to sit on his hands for 2 months until Trump takes office?
Trump, naturally, will play this off as not wanting to intervene in what is essentially a US success…
Especially considering Trump attacked Syria with missiles over the chemical attack hoax.
More on the false flag chemical weapon attack:
Putin tried to assage the Americans by having Syria give up it’s stockpiles. Look how that worked out…
Further evidence that the USA and Israel cannot be trusted, ever. The Christians in Syria will pay the price. The Christians always do.
Peace ain’t coming folks, not without the Consecration of Russia, which certainly won’t happen with Frankenstein, even if he wanted to. As allegedly related to Fr. Kramer, Franky “doesn’t discuss Fatima.”
Meanwhile, here’s how the remainder of “Democracy” in Europe is going.
Even the secularists and lefties can see that Communism is coming to the entirety of Europe.
When will the “Catholic” Church?
Until the Church hierarchy finally falls on their knees and admits they deliberately went out of their way to screw up obeying Our Lady of Fatima, nothing is going to get better.
Is the democracy facade we’ve been allowed to have finally ending?
Little doubt a smooth transition towards total global communist control requires total press and social media control. Hence the naked censorship attempts under the guise of sodomification.
Elon Musk is likely the priority target for assassination by Globohomo. Trump can be tolerated and managed for 4 years, assuming nothing “surprising” happens in January.