To be sure, there is still slobbering support for the jab and utter nonsense about how it “saved millions of lives.” But still, check out these nuggets.
Via VoxDay:
The full 527-page report can be downloaded here. One summary of it which I have not yet confirmed.
The Official Government Report finds:
- COVID-19 Origins: The COVID-19 pandemic likely originated from a laboratory or research-related incident.
- Misinformation: Public health officials and the Biden administration engaged in misinformation and disinformation campaigns to suppress the lab-leak theory and promote specific narratives.
- Government Overreach: The Biden administration’s mask mandates and other restrictive measures exceeded its authority and were often not supported by scientific evidence.
- School Closures: The decision to close schools during the pandemic was not supported by science and had severe adverse impacts on students’ academic performance, mental health, and physical health.
- Vaccine Mandates: The government imposed vaccine mandates that were not supported by science, ignored natural immunity, and caused significant collateral damage.
- Erosion of Public Trust: Actions by public health officials and the government led to a decline in public trust in institutions and a rise in misinformation and anti-science rhetoric.
- Financial Mismanagement: The government’s pandemic relief programs were vulnerable to significant fraud, waste, and abuse due to insufficient oversight and outdated financial management systems.
- WHO’s Failure: The World Health Organization (WHO) failed to uphold its mission, caved to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party, and did not hold China accountable for violating international health regulations.
- Economic Impacts: The pandemic and the government’s response had severe economic impacts on individuals, communities, and businesses, including job losses, business closures, and supply chain disruptions.
- Unintended Consequences: The government’s pandemic policies, including lockdowns and vaccine mandates, had severe unintended consequences that will likely have lasting effects on society.
Congratulations to all the purebloods. It’s official and the US government has admitted it: you were absolutely right to distrust the government, the media, the corporations, the medical community, and what they all tried to pass off as “the science”.
Of course, this is only the partial truth. There are more revelations to come.
Interesting Trump wasn’t blamed for anything. Yet he let his FDA and CDC pursue the same policies Biden had. And be first got lockdown mania started by paying states to stay locked down and losing it when some states opened up. He just hired a lockdown crazy sheriff who arrested a pastor for violating a lockdown as his DEA head.
And no one will ever go after Trump for his authorizing the vaccine. The Biden mandates added less than 10 percent to the total population of those vaxxed. 70 percent of America got vaxxed before any mandates.
And that was due to the fear Donald Trump created and the vaccine he authorized. There can’t be a mandate anyway if there’s nothing to mandate.
At the end of the day Trump is why all this happened. ALL of it. And yet no one will hold him accountable.
He’s laughing at us and stocking his cabinet with globalists, big pharma shills, Soros employees, Israel and Ukraine warmongers and gay activists.
Tell me again how he’s MAGA?
Yall got played. And this House report is astroturf.
Bravo, Mike! You hit the nail on the head. But will Trump’s supporters change their stance? I doubt it, since there seems to be a new kind of TDS, one that thinks he can do no wrong and that he’s going to drain the swamp, while he’s been wallowing in the swamp himself all this time. He’s just more subtle about it.
Did you know real ID was planned for 2016?
“Yet he let his FDA and CDC” do this or that <— A juvenile view of how the U.S. executive branch works.
The U.S. President is not a monarch. He's not King Louis IX, not Pope Innocent III, not Jesus nor Mary.
The bureaucracy gonna bureaucracy – especially when it gets full media support – and the President's power to change it is even more limited than Benedict XVI's highly limited view of what his own (greater, monarchical) powers were.
The U.S. Constitution may say the President runs the exective branch – but the Constitution was ignored, generations ago. That ship sailed.
Trump, in particular, was bogged down in past & future impeachments, and probably also in hidden (but genuine) threats against his life. He promoted HCQ & got savaged for it.
None of that makes Trump right. From past experience, Mike, you will proceed to imagine or misinterpret that I just claimed he was right or something, I do not.
"Yall got played" – I didn't. I saw things clearly all along, avoided vaxx & advised others to do likewise. God bless.
Here’s how the federal government works. The president is not a monarch, good boy. But, and pay attention, he gets to run his branch as he sees fit. And the FDA and CDC are part of, wait for it, the Department of Health and Human Services, which is, wait for it, part of the presidents cabinet which is, wait for it, directly under his power and control.
Obama took over, fired thousands, put whom he wanted in his departments. For some reason Trump can’t? Or maybe Jeff he didn’t care/want to.
Trump wasn’t too bogged down to complain on Twitter for 3 hours every single night he was president. Indeed, he wasn’t too bogged down to play footsie with Kim Jong Un or move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is a violation of international law by the way.
You say you see things clearly. Well, clearly not, as you’ve excused the one man who made the Covid 19 vaccine available to a frightened nation. Most of the country, left and right, got this vaccine. And the man you voted for president still says the vaccine is safe.
So maybe you can reconcile how you can vote for a man who poisoned the country, who lies about it to this day, all the while you acknowledge the vaccine is poison.
“The Buck Stops Here” means the president gets the final say. His FDA, his CDC, he got on TV and recommended lockdowns. He even gave Anthony Fauci a presidential honor.
Trump is evil. Don’t excuse it.
By their works …
How good it is to be among those who have their eyes open! Bravo to each of you!!
Wake me up when we start serving up some “renewable” justice by way of guillotine and gallows….following appropriate process, of course.
Until that time comes, the majority will continue to “follow the worms” (The Wall Reference)
Evidence shows consistently, that vaxx kill about 1 in 800.
That is way too many. At the same time: folks who predicted a Great Plague type of situation, with bodies in the streets as 1/4 of the population dies, have been proven wrong.
In 2021, the predictors said the great death wave would arrive within 12-18 months ie. 2023 at the latest. We are nearly at 2025.
Overall, with respect to the virus and any virus deaths the vaxx may have prevented (while wrongly inflicting 1 in 800 vaxx deaths), the vaxx’s effect on deaths is probably net-zero. Ineffective. Not remotely worth the many moral issues.
But with respect to lockdowns – which killed millions more than the virus – it’s tougher to say.
The world was in the grip of a “lockdown psychosis” promoted by liberals & media.
Trump tried to mitigate it, first by saying lockdowns should be only 2 weeks, then that lockdowns should end at Easter, then by promoting hydroxychloroquine (rightly) as an answer for some, then by criticizing the lockdown-crazed Democrat governors, media & teachers’ unions as much as Federal bureaucracy would let him criticize.
But none of that worked. The lockdown craze continued.
Sinful, stupid people can only be “fixed” or deflected into a better direction, by 1) Divine intervention, or 2) some answer that satisfies their stupidity & crazedness.
In that light, and in the absence of *blatant* Divine intervention: the vaxx can, and I think should, be read as an anti-lockdown psy op.
P.S. The lockdown devotees did try to re-brand as vaxx passport/mandate devotees, that is, they wanted de facto lockdowns for us unvaxxed. But they kept losing support as their arguments got more ridiculous, & by 2023, they plain lost. Praise God!
All of the above is description, or reminders of what actually happened. Not justification.
Experts in mRNA have said that deaths will accelrate 3-5 years from first vaccination. So far we are in the 3rd year.
I directly know 4 people who have died and one who is dying, all of them Trump supporters, because of the vaccine you don’t seem to think is a big deal.
These people didn’t get covid. They took Trump’s advice to protect themselves.
And you say this isn’t worth the moral issues.
This is why when you say you’re going to pray for someone on this forum it’s insincere and self-serving. That you overlook what is clear evil merely so you can defend voting and supporting Donald Trump is sinister.