Good grief. These two people lead the (mutually owned) publications “1 Peter 5” and “Crisis.” Gentlemen, please review the founding documents of your enterprise(s).
This reeks of “Fwanciss” is good for bu$ine$$. Change my mind.
An obstinate manifest heretic places himself outside the Church, without any formal declaration needed. There is no such thing as “Pope Fwanciss.”

I’m once again reminded of Dr. K’s night of a thousand edits on his Amazon review.
None of this is organic. Pressure is being exerted here. Personal, professional, financial, you name it. The one thing none of them are permitted to say, under any circumstances, is the truth of our present crisis.
Trad Inc is completely controlled. And it has been probably since the beginning.
Perfect description for Dr Ks writing:
night of a thousand edits
The worst thing is that money will be worse than useless in a decade when the only way to have it is with a digital id which will integrate with your body.
“The BRICs will save us. Yay!”:
For those who had any doubts or suspicions about which side these agents were really on… those questions have all been answered.
Crisis and 1 Peter 5, two blogs I used to have sent to me via email. But not for a while. They disallowed commenting, wanting only their point of view to be seen. And now they stand for nothing except growing subservience.
You’re 100% correct, Mark. What we see here is either controlled opposition ($$$) or pure pusillanimity. I find these guys far more frustrating than Bergoglio and the modernists because, of course, many traditionalists will fall for their false humility given their fancy “bookshelf backgrounds,” academic credentials, and general lip service to authentic Catholicism.
Barnhardt put it well in her last podcast: these folks DO NOT place much emphasis on Bergoglio’s conversion, preferring, instead, that everyone ignore him and wait for him to die. This is a useless (and uncharitable) strategy for several reasons, not the least of which being we’ll just get Antipope Tucho or Parolin as the new tormenter following his death (if this remains unresolved).
That’s just weird. Who talks like that. Must have come from Frances’ handlers.
It’s the only logical conclusion they could possibly come to
based on the false assumption that Bergoglio is Pope.
Please get me a barfbag!
If they really believe he is the Pope, they should stop criticizing him.
RCIA Catholic here, maybe it is the former Protestant coming out in me, but when I read someone asking the Holy Father for forgiveness, especially when the Holy Father is not strictly acting in persona Christi, it’s smacks as some sort of narcissistic contortion of the Jesus prayer.
Stopped going to 1P5 long ago when it became clear that you would find no truth in those halls.
Same will be true for Sammons and anyone else. You will never get any accurate analysis from anyone ignoring the elephant in the room.
The wrong premises lead to the wrong conclusions, and this is what we are witnessing here. The act of giving up, now paraded around as piety.
Keep fighting, Mark. We are in deep s—tuff here.