Why have Catholic Charities of Texas revenues QUADRUPLED under Biden/Harris regime, and how are they spending it?


In the above tweet, Merissa Hansen reveals from two different “990”s that before the 2020 coup, Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Houston and Galveston brought in $44 million. However, by 2021, under Biden’s unmerited Presidency, Houston’s Catholic Charities revenue jumped to a whopping $217 million.

The above tweet has had over 10M views after being retweeted by Elon Musk. Of course, neither Elon Musk nor Pope Benedict XVI have ever been traditional Catholics.  Still, I agree with Frank Walker at Canon212 that under Pope Benedict XVI, Mr. Elon Musk would certainly be aligned with mild conservatives like Pope Benedict XVI. Why then is Musk attacking the Catholic Church?  Because it’s currently run by corrupt leftists.  Maybe it has been for awhile, but it’s obvious now.

A closer look at the 990 from 2021 (as found in the above tweet) is:

Even before Trump and even before the scamdemic, the USCCB was receiving millions from the Democratic party. As I have posted before, in 2016 the Obama administration gave $91 to the USCCB.  In that article, Mrs. Elizabeth Yore (attorney and international child rights advocate) is quoted above as saying “Migration pays very well; pro-life pays nothing.”  That could explain why so many Catholics have been misled by the liberal bishops in the USA to lean towards voting for Kamala Harris despite her being pro-child-killing in every way possible.

But let’s return to the above 990.  Where is $217,705,000 of Houston’s Catholic Charities yearly revenue directed?  Maybe the Diocese of El Paso (above) could give us an idea.  I originally posted the below video claiming that Catholic Charities was complicit in trafficking under the Biden Administration’s open borders.  However, I took down the video because I thought There’s no way it could be true.  However, after talking to a priest and a layman who work with Complicit Clergy (the producers of the below video) they assured me the following was true.  In fact, they were there on the border with the makers of this video. Thus, I repost it here:

2 thoughts on “Why have Catholic Charities of Texas revenues QUADRUPLED under Biden/Harris regime, and how are they spending it?”

  1. But don’t dare say we are being replaced. You big racist meanie. Whatever. Yeah, fed boy reading this, we are being replaced. Tell me why I should not believe that the federal govt is now an occupying force against the former Republic and heritage Americans? Yeah. Brings to mind a passage , don’t remember what chapter and verse, about being placed into the hands of the enemies. Here we are.

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