Think you have too much suffering in your life? Our Lady of Sorrows shows us how it’s to be done


Happy Feast of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

At the foot of the Cross, the Mother of God became Our Mother. Remember, Mary was more holy at the moment of her birth than all the saints combined at the moment of their deaths. Yet she only grew in holiness. This happened in many ways throughout her life, but most especially by her Son allowing her to participate in His Passion. Her participation is the only time “compassion” literally took place in the history of the universe. This was an act of love, in both directions.

She is our model, and Our Mother.

She is our model, because she is the epitome of bearing suffering well, ordering suffering towards its rightful object, uniting our suffering to the Cross, participating in our own redemption through the grace of suffering. It is even possible to experience joy through suffering while yet in this life. There is no escaping suffering, because it is for our own good. If you haven’t really experienced it yet, believe me, it’s coming. Get prepared.

She is Our Mother, precisely because her suffering entailed the participation in Christ’s Passion in a real way. Meaning, she suffered with Him every sin ever committed. She knows you, and she wants you to ask for her help. You are never given a burden heavier than you can manage, provided you work with the graces being offered. And guess who mediates all those graces? Yep, your Mother does that.

Pray the Rosary every day.

Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

2 thoughts on “Think you have too much suffering in your life? Our Lady of Sorrows shows us how it’s to be done”

  1. Has anyone noticed that right after Jorge Bergoglio consecrated a demon at St. Peter’s in October 2019 the entire world has gone insane?

    Everything gets worse, every day gets worse.

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