When Prots conspire with Muslims to capture Vienna, who you gonna call?

(Originally posted September 12, 2020)

Blessed Feast of the Holy Name of Mary! This great feast was suppressed in 1970, but restored By Pope JPII in 2002. So it is on both calendars today.

In the Fall of 1683, the Muslim Turks were poised to overrun Vienna. Demands were made to convert to Islam, pay the jizya, or die. After a two month siege in which the city was starved, its walls had finally been breached. The Calvinist leader of the Hungarian revolt had pledged allegiance to the Turks, and persuaded the Hungarian army to desist. The Austrian emperor fled, along with 60,000 Viennese. The treasure that awaited the invaders was vast. So the Grand Mustafa prepared to launch the final assault to take the city. But first, he inaugurated the festivities by executing 30,000 Catholic prisoners. It was September 11, 1683, and it was for this reason that 9/11 was chosen in 2001.

The following day, King John Sobieski of Poland, leaving his own country totally undefended, entered the battle. Along with his Hussar cavalry, he lead additional forces from Germany, and was backed by the Habsburgs and the pope. Heavily outnumbered 75,000 Catholics to 150,000 Muslims, the Holy Name of Mary was invoked to aid in procuring a miracle.

Whole books have been written about this battle, so if you have interest, have at it. Spoiler alert, the decisive action was Sobieski himself leading 3000 Hussars and 15,000 additional heavy cavalry straight into the fight and routing the exhausted Muslim forces, in the largest cavalry charge in the history of warfare.

In the sky at that moment, a cloud obscured the crescent moon.

The strategic importance of the victory cannot be overstated. Had Vienna fallen to the Muslims, you wouldn’t be reading this right now. The Protestant Revolt had torn the fabric of Europe so badly at that point, there is no way it could have united itself to withstand a huge invading force operating with Vienna as a beach head.

In thanksgiving, Pope Innocent XI moved the Feast of the Holy Name of Mary from the Sunday after the Nativity of the BVM to the fixed date of 12th of September, and ordered it’s celebration in the Universal Church.

Virgin Most Powerful, pray for us.

6 thoughts on “When Prots conspire with Muslims to capture Vienna, who you gonna call?”

  1. Protestantism is pernicious. In Montgomery, Alabama, the various protestant churches are like small businesses, industries, and private schools. When you really start analyzing it, you realize how freemasonic and evil it is. Anything remotely Protestant needs to be kept far away from the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

    If we get a holy pope, someone like Archbishop Vigano, he needs to once again ban any lay Catholics from making money off the Church. Lay Catholics should not be writing books, teaching in Catholic colleges or schools, or making any money off the Church and the faithful as professional Catholics. That is Protestantism, and it is why we have had an antipope for more than ten years now. I no longer buy any Catholic books that are written by laymen. I make sure the book is written by a priest or religious. Scott Hahn is as Protestant as can be culturally, and his Franciscan University, Inc., is run like a Protestant church with Scott Hahn as CEO. This is not Catholic, and neither is his seven covenant Calvinist heresy.

    Also, even with the antipope usurper pretending to be in charge, Catholics need to stay with the Mass of Paul VI, pejoratively known as the “Novus Ordo.” Instead, many are acting like Protestants and running off to secret Latin Masses and abandoning the faithful who do not know any better but who are good people. There is no reason to be acting like mini-Protestants, especially when you have orthodox priests who say the Mass of Paul VI reverently. They should be demanding orthodoxy and a return to tradition and good music in the regular parishes, not escaping from suffering and the duty to catechize others. Gemma O’Doherty is 100% correct here from 8:00-18:00 in a recent livestream: https://gemmaodoherty.com/fr-denis-fahey-the-censoring-of-one-of-irelands-bravest-priests/

    1. Better yet, priests should insist on saying the Latin Mass. Despite antipope Bergoglio’s efforts, it is no banned. And can never be banned. That’s all they have to do.

      That’s how you take it back.

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