Liars can’t stop lying, so they label YOU the liars

“Growing numbers of Americans are buying into misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines, according to a new national survey, with more than one in five believing it’s safer to get the virus than to get a shot. Belief in misconceptions is stoking vaccine hesitancy with the nation facing a summer surge of infections, more COVID-related hospitalizations, and updated shots now reaching pharmacy shelves. The findings from the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center are further evidence of how intense backlash to the government’s at times muddled COVID response eroded trust in public health, jeopardizing preparedness efforts to address future crises. The proliferation of vaccine misinformation on social media has also outpaced efforts to counter it, Columbia University researchers found earlier this year. 28% of respondents to Annenberg’s survey incorrectly believe that COVID-19 vaccines have been responsible for thousands of deaths, up from 22% in June 2021. The percentage who know this is false declined to 55% from 66%…”

17 thoughts on “Liars can’t stop lying, so they label YOU the liars”

  1. “with more than one in five believing it’s safer to get the virus than to get a shot” – LOL – still that low?

  2. “Outpaced efforts to correct it”…because VAERS data is “official” as is the link between myocarditis and the shot and a host of other maladies. I remember when, in 2021, I posted some “conspiracy theories” concerning the shots. I was told I had just talking points, no evidence. Then I posted 3 different “official” sources that proved the “theories” correct, sources like Pfizer, the FDA, the CDC. The response? “Oh”. Yeah, it’s not “misinformation” when it is truthx dingbats.

  3. From the linked article:

    “In a “big picture” way, the U.S. is ‘less prepared, because so much of this comes down to political will, public trust — public trust in government institutions, public trust in the media, public trust in one another,’ said Céline Gounder, a senior fellow at health policy nonprofit KFF.

    ‘If you look at some of the revisionist history that’s taking hold right now, in a bipartisan way honestly, it seems the new consensus is we did too much to protect the elderly and immunocompromised, and I don’t know if we’ll have the political will to do that next time around,’ Gounder said.”

    If you want a really good laugh, go to Celine Gounder’s Wikipedia article and look under “personal life”!

    “Gounder was married to sports journalist Grant Wahl from 2001 until his sudden death in 2022.[21] They lived with their two dogs in New York City.[22]”

    So we are supposed to trust a childless dog lady whose husband suddenly died? HAHAHAHA

    1. A “childless dog lady” born in 1977, graduated in 1997 (less than 2 months after turning 20) with a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology from Princeton. then earned a master’s in epidemiology from Johns Hopkins followed by an MD from the University of Washington in 2004 — THAT “childless dog lady”? Her politics and morality are horrific but that remark is weirdly condescending. Have you done better? I haven’t. And not everyone who wants children has them. And her husband died. These are not funny. Is there something you know about her personal life to laugh at?

      1. This is a woman who worked for the Biden administration and was greatly responsible for mandating the CoVid death injection and whose husband suddenly died from the CoVid death injection. Yet she has learned absolutely nothing and is complaining about “misinformation.” You don’t find that funny at all?

        1. The federal mandates didn’t come out until the fall, and by then 70% of the public already had a vax in their arms. Not saying the mandate was good but it had very little effect on the masses. The armed forces always make you take shots .

        2. Is there such a thing as a childless dog gentleman? Do you know why they didn’t have children? Maybe it was a tragedy to her. She didn’t divorce him. Maybe he was infertile. Maybe she was. She has advocated for horrific things and I radically disagree with her. How strange that you address her childlessness and widowhood. And laugh at it. And no, I don’t find it funny.

          1. Yes, there is. We just call them “simps”. They marry the first childless dog lady that will have them, put “Who Saved Who” stickers on their Teslas, and let their wives control the stereo when she’s in the car. They drink white wine exclusively and burn every steak they attempt to grill.

      2. **A “childless dog lady” born in 1977, graduated in 1997 (less than 2 months after turning 20) with a bachelor’s degree in molecular biology from Princeton. then earned a master’s in epidemiology from Johns Hopkins followed by an MD from the University of Washington in 2004 — THAT “childless dog lady”?**

        Yes, that’s the childless dog lady to which he refers. The one who has wasted her life in corrupt institutions, got her papers, and became a corrupt bureaucrat in an evil administration.

        Her resume is the polar opposite of impressive. It’s contemptible.

        1. CJ: So….you did what to get your children? And you worked (most of us do) … as what? A serious master’s degree followed by an M.D.? THOSE scraps of paper that …. mean nothing? Do you know how hard they are to earn? Childlessness and widowhood can be agony. Do you know something about women’s experience in these areas? And you did what? Reproduce (great!)! Call names? What did Our Lord say about our enemies (and she is an enemy) – call them names especially if those names might be particularly painful?

          1. Do you really think I’m going to entertain a serious conversation about my family with some woman who publicly denies the inerrant Word of God because it doesn’t jibe with her “woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” worldview? I’m not.

            Your all-consuming gender cultism — you literally post about nothing else on this blog — is utterly bizarre and completely irrational. There is no conversation to be had here.

  4. Just remember, Donald Trump would call you the liar, and then brag again about bringing the mRNA shot to the masses.

    My brother’s father in law was just diagnosed with the most aggressive skin cancer. He swore by the vaccine. And we all know how this will end.

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