Neocons are wetting their pants to finally get war with Iran

US and Israel bracing for imminent Iranian attack

4 Aug, 2024 07:52

The US and Israel are continuing preparations for a major attack by Iran in retaliation for the assassination of Hamas and Hezbollah leaders, Axios reported on Saturday, citing sources. The assault is anticipated to begin on Monday.

According to two unnamed US officials, Gen. Michael Kurilla, the head of US Central Command, has arrived in the region for a preplanned visit that is likely to focus on efforts to mobilize the same broad international and regional coalition that defended Israel from a previous major Iranian attack in April.

Tensions in the Middle East have reached the boiling point in recent days, after Iran accused Israel of killing Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in a bombing in Tehran. While Israel has neither confirmed nor denied orchestrating the hit, it did admit to eliminating Hezbollah leader Fouad Shukr in Beirut, who it said was responsible for an attack on a soccer field in the Golan Heights that killed 12 minors…

35 thoughts on “Neocons are wetting their pants to finally get war with Iran”

  1. Just for context, I’m not saying the info is wrong, but for context – this article is pure Russia propaganda.

    “RT (formerly Russia Today or Rossiya Segodnya; Russian: Россия Сегодня) is a Russian state-controlled international news television network funded by the Russian government. (Wiki)

    I’ve read them before. I’m not anti-Russia. But … it is what it is.

    1. First of all, all they did was cut paste an Axios story. Secondly, RT is 10x as NYT/WaPo at this point. Come on.

        1. Aqua, I wish I smoked the metric ton of crack you must go through every day to live in such denial.

          We are already in World War 3, and big surprise, its a Jewish war.

          Ukraine and Russia is a battle between Russia and the Jewish oligarchs in Ukraine, its Jewish president Zelensky and its Jewish architect Victoria Nuland.

          The Mossad was behind the deaths at Maidan Square in 2014.

          The current Netanyahu adventure in the Middle East is meant to draw Iran in, that’s what it has always been about. Which has drawn the US in, and which will draw Russia in as Russia is a historic ally of Iran.

          And what will probably happen is there will be a peace, brought to us by the anti Christ. And he will be Jewish (Jared Kushner anyone?).

          1. Aqua,

            The Catholic belief is that the Anti-Christ will be Jewish.

            You simultaneously talk about “righteous kills” and war with Iran, but then deny it’s of any importance.

            That’s arrogance. You think Israel is going to just waltz around and do what it wants. You forget others have a say. Israel didn’t defeat Hamas. THey’ve already lost once to Hezbollah. And now they think the US, which just lost a 20 year war to goat herders in Afghanistan, will help them beat Iran.

            I can’t imagine how anyone can look around at what’s been going on in the world over the last 5 years and not see something preternatural behind it.

            But then you’re a boomer, and happy with the way things are, which includes denying obvious reality.

          2. Mike,
            “Obvious reality” is that Israel is carrying through on their declared war objective of utterly destroying Hamas military and governing capabilities root and branch. It is doing so efficiently. They are steadily achieving their stated war objectives.

            Whether one is happy about that or not, it’s “obvious reality”.

          3. If the Mossad was behind the Maidan, then they did so through their proxies, the CIA and Victoria Nuland. The it’s one of the worst kept secrets that the US was the fomenter of the Maidan uprising, because Barry the Fairy (Victoria Nuland, really) wanted a pro-US regime in Ukraine, as opposed to the pro-Russian regime that the Ukrainians legitimately elected.

            And we need to distinguish between “false Jews”, the Ashkenazi and “real Jews” the Sephardim. I had a Jewish history professor (as in history professor who was Jewish) who emphasized that Ashkenazi have no ethnic/genetic roots to thr Hebrews and aren’t Semitic in any sense of the word, and it was he who called them “false Jews). The Ashkenazi are descendants of the Khazarian Empire, which converted to Talmudism in the 700s, and used usury, debt-slavery, and other financial tools of oppression (found in the Talmud) to oppress the peoples in their midst. They were eventually overthrown by the combination of Kievan Rus and Muscovite Rus in the 900s…and fled Westward into Eastern Germany.

          4. Aaron,

            Sephardic Mizrahi and “black” Jews (Ethiopian),all have links to the Middle East. You’re right, Ashkenazi are not ethnically Jewish. But they run Israel. All their leaders have been Ashkenazi.

            And in Israel they have a caste system based on your whiteness. Ashkenazi stand alone.

          5. Israel’s goal is to ethnically cleanse Gaza for Kushner Plaza and Hotel Resort. They are succeeding in that to some degree, albeit slowly. Once all those pesky Palestinians are liquidated, clearing the debris from the demolition phase (currently under way) can begin.

            Problem is, those Pesky Palestinians are being a bit more difficult (what with not wanting to abandon their ancestral lands and refusing to die already!) to remove than anticipated. No worries, Uncle Schlomo has unlimited funds to pump into Israel until the job is done.

            Except . . . there are a few countries that object. Some with real weapons. And the dollar is starting to sink like the Titanic (slowly, then all at once). No one wants Uncle Schlomo’s debt anymore, its stock markets are crashing, it can meet military recruitment goals to send goys to die for Israel, so now what? As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot.

    2. Aqua – No need to apologize, since RT is exactly as much Russian propaganda as BBC is UK propaganda, Al Jazeera is Qatar propaganda, and NPR, NYT, Axios, AP & the rest are American propaganda.

      No less. No more.

  2. Don’t forget that they imported Muslim immigrants everywhere, so we can expect terrorist attack in nations that support Israel unconditionally. Only the man of peace will “save” the world.

    1. Yes. They’re l already here. And then we’ll see how we think about and the appropriate response to terror attacks, and the constant threat of terror attacks, once it’s personal and part of the “everyday “fabric” of life.

      1. You mean we’ll be begging the people who let the evildoers in through the front door to wage another round of forever wars in our defense.

        And anyone who dares to notice the familiar dialectic will be called a crazy, unpatriotic conspiracy theorist.

        It’ll be like old times, only in 4K and Dolby Atmos this time around. I can’t wait.

      2. Guess which groups invited them in and encourage them to come ‘here’ and denounces opposition to this as “racist.”

        It’s the same ones who fund the lefty universities.

  3. Fr Micelli said antichrist will be of the tribe of Dan.
    Geez Mike, remember boomers were the first generation raised on television.

    1. My mom was a boomer, she died in 2008, was not an idiot.

      The problem is that no one knows who the “Tribe of Dan” really are.

      He will be Jewish, that’s a given.

      1. Perhaps in the ethnic or racial sense only. He will end up claiming to be God and he will worship the so-called god of forces. He will be accepted in the temple of God (I believe this is the Church) as though he were God, and the daily sacrifice (the true mass) will go underground.

        We just need to believe that the only way to survive is to be fraternal by tolerating everything and celebrating religious diversity. This is why I think a nuclear and religiously motivated war is in the works and the actors are playing their respective roles, such as Israeli leaders quoting the Bible to support ethnic cleansing.

  4. Yes, first generational television memories, ” Anette Funicello – Mickey Mouse”, Romper Room, “Romper, bomper, stomper do, tell me, tell me tell me do…” Captain Kangaroo and Claude Kirshner and Mr. Green Jeans,” “Leave it to Beaver and who can forget “American Band Stand.”

    Uh oh, I’m having flashbacks.

    I am definitely not happy with the way “things are.”

    …and I definitely don’t deny obvious reality: just ask my family members and once close friends who suffer from “normalcy bias”, “cognitive dissonance” and no longer speak with me since they “eschew” reality checks.

    So many are afflicted with the”Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up.” syndrome….or maybe “sindrome.”

    1. It’s the foretold Operation of Error, given to those who have no love of Truth to believe lies and delusion.

  5. Hey Aqua,

    Our closest ally Israel update: 9 IDF soldiers were arrested for raping Palestinian prisoners. They were released as far right lawyers have made the case that according to the Talmud, non Jews are not human and therefore laws of morality and law don’t apply to them.

    So when you weep and pray for Israel to win in its “righteous” war, just remember that the Jews believe the same things as those dirty Muslims.

    1. Mike,
      I don’t “weep for Israel”.
      I do understand a nation going to war against a declared enemy when attacked.
      I don’t want to fight their war.
      I do hope they win their war.

      1. They were attacked? Really? Or did Netanyahu stage the attack? Half of those killed were IDF soldiers. By IDF soldiers.

        And why do you “hope” Israel wins? Because Hamas is so bad? Hamas and Netanyahu have no daylight between them. They both believe in the same things.

          1. Aqua,

            They’re all bad. That’s your problem, you think Israel is good. The same people that handed Christ over to be killed, who treat Christians as 2nd class citizens and spit on them, you think are good.

            I’d challenge you to tell us one good thing the “moral” state of Israel has done for the US, but I don’t want you to embarrass yourself more by trying to answer.

          2. Mike,
            If I thought you were asking the question in good will and were really interested in my answer, I would do so. But I think instead you would take whatever I wrote as an opportunity to find a rhetorical weakness and then pick it apart. That’s not conducive to conversation and advancing a joint pursuit of truth from different perspectives.

      2. By “attacked”, you mean the recent kidnappings in the hopes of exchanging them for prisoners Israel had taken? After all, the Palestinian side has also been attacked plenty of times. This conflict didn’t just start at towards the end of last year. You understand that, right?

        Even when Hamas offered to give them back (those who hadn’t been killed by IDF crossfire and boming collateral damage anyway), Israel refused, citing that they don’t trust Hamas and are not negotiating for any peace settlement. So Israel officially admits and demonstrates they don’t care about the original pretext for the war. Which makes sense considering many Israelis suspect the October event was a green flag that the IDF stood back and deliberately allowed to happen under Nethanyahu. You can look up HaArretz reports on the matter and piece the evidence together, just like anyone can see all the Secret Service series of coincidental screw-ups around Trump’s shooting are statistically unlikely without malicious intent.

        And this war will be less likely to be won by Israel if the Russians step in and support Iran as they do for Syria.

        The USA and Israel are no doubt pissed that Putin blocked their murderous ambitions for the region.

        I personally hope the Russians win this proxy war, if we have to pick a side. But God has informed us that this ends badly for everyone.

        1. Johnno said: “ This conflict didn’t just start at towards the end of last year. You understand that, right?

          Even when Hamas offered to give them back … Israel refused, citing that they don’t trust Hamas and are not negotiating for any peace settlement. “

          Hamas and every other Palestinian government has been reneging on their commitments and promises to Israel for 75 years. Their hatred of Jews is consummate. They cannot be trusted as a negotiating partner. Which leaves only force as an option to somehow reach a peaceful settlement with them – imposed, rather than negotiated.

      3. “This is a quote taken from an audio recording of Netanyahu in Fink’s Bar in Jerusalem in 1990.

        “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
        (confirmed by an “attendee” during a debriefing).

        “We have already … possessed the minds of the goy communities; [they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses.”
        Protocols of Zion 12

    2. For anyone in the audience without high-level clearance or access to a search engine, the acronym IDF stands for Most Moral Army in the World.

      Glad to be of service.

  6. More good news:

    Ali Jamal al-Din Jawad was struck in the southern Lebanon village of Aabba. According to the IDF, Jawad was a Radwan commander … His death brings the terror group’s toll since October to at least *393* … his killing is a “significant blow” to Hezbollah’s capabilities to carry out attacks on Israel.

    Steady progress to eliminate Hamas military and political capability. Destroy Hamas root and branch. There is no chance for peace until that obstacle is removed.

    1. Aqua, 2 weeks ago the IDF admitted they cannot defeat Hamas.

      393 terrorists, hardly any leadership, and 40,000 dead children.

      And soldiers in the IDF are protesting the killing of Palestinian innocents.

      But it doesn’t matter what Israel does, you’ve been brainwashed. You’ll say it is good.

      You’ll probably defend what they did to the USS Liberty.

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