Meanwhile, Israel expands Gaza war into Lebanon and Iran

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed by a predawn airstrike in the Iranian capital Wednesday, Iran and the militant group said, blaming Israel for a shock assassination that risks escalating the conflict even as the U.S. and other nations were scrambling to prevent an all-out regional war. Iran’s supreme leader vowed revenge against Israel.

There was no immediate comment from Israel, which has pledged to kill Haniyeh and other Hamas leaders over the group’s Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel. The strike came just after Haniyeh had attended the inauguration of Iran’s new president in Tehran — and only hours after Israel targeted a top commander in Iran’s ally Hezbollah in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

The assassination of Hamas’ top political leader was potentially explosive amid the region’s volatile, intertwined conflicts — because of its target, its timing and the decision to carry it out in Tehran. Most dangerous was the potential to push Iran and Israel into direct confrontation if Iran retaliates.

“We consider his revenge as our duty,” Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said in a statement on his official website. He said Israel had “prepared a harsh punishment for itself” by killing “a dear guest in our home.”

78 thoughts on “Meanwhile, Israel expands Gaza war into Lebanon and Iran”

  1. Haniyeh (demon in a skin suit) was ABSOLUTELY fair game and a legitimate target, no matter where he was. Kudos to Israel for such a strategic, precision strike. Say what you will about Israel and Bibi….they have massive balls of steel. The collective West has LOTS of estrogen and big boobs of flab….and that’s just the ‘men’.

    1. Netanyahu has killed exponentially more innocent people than Haniyeh. So has the US. When will Netanyahu get his just desserts? He is responsible for 60,000 men, women, and children since 10/7, which was a false flag anyway.

      Israel only has “balls of steel” because they have captured the USA and know the US will defend that terror state.

      1. How many have the mullah’s killed?…how many have the maoists killed?…how many have the muslims killed?

        There are no good guys here…I’m not sure there are any good guys left, but that’s got nothing to do with this post. The hit on Haniyeh was a righteous one, done extremely well with no ‘collateral damage’. They do have balls of steel. Iran’s gonna huff and puff, but they know that if they’re gonna come at ‘the king’, they better finish it…and they’re not at all sure they can do that….but they know Israel can….and will.

        We have mush….can’t even FIRE (let alone imprison) those responsible for Trump’s assassination attempt, and it’s clearer than crystal at this point that it was our own alphabet agencies; the heads of which have outright LIED to congress, and will suffer NO consequences. Mush.

        NO good guys anywhere…but a righteous hit nonetheless.

        1. Righteous, indeed.

          Let anyone personally experience such violence to those they love, see the perpetrators crying for joy over the corpses of their precious loved ones … fear daily violence just like it for the rest of their lives, since the perpetrators know no limits on hate and murderous violence – and then consider what would be proper in response.

          This Jewish response is the very definition of Just War.

          1. There is a video of Mike Pompeo dancing with joy with Israeli officers after a bunch of kids were killed in Gaza.

            That you think Israel is morally superior to Muslims is the greatest brainwashing of our time. I guess I should remind everyone that the Jews got Jesus killed and He said they “have the greater sin”.

          2. Mike,
            The greatest brainwashing of our time is to equal the morality of the Muslim to the Jew.

            Every sane person should know by now who the Muslim is, and what they intend to do to us when they can.

            And your last sentence is highly problematic for a Catholic.

          3. Aqua,

            Jesus said to Pilate, that “those who brought me to you” have the greater sin.

            Did the Shriners do it?

            How is it “problematic” as a Catholic to believe as Jesus did? Is it also problematic to say that the Jews , as with everyone else, needs conversion?

            If you read the Talmud you will discover that Jews believe in their supremacy, in lying to achieve goals, and that all non Jews are inhuman. Muslims also believe this.

            For 76 years Israel has killed about 300 000 men women and children for “Zion”. You’re going to tell me that isn’t evil?

            You should also know that Jesus is depicted in the Talmud as boiling in excrement.

            Truth is truth. Israel is a terror state that has hypnotized the US into thinking they share Christian values. They do not.

          4. Mike,

            My sins nailed Jesus to the Cross, no less than the Jews.

            When I serve at Mass, I try to see myself at the foot of the Cross with Mary Magdalene, with whom I strongly identify. Her picture, alone at the foot of Christ’s Cross, arms wrapped around His bleeding feet, hangs in the entry to my home. It perfectly sums up my Faith.

            Jesus wept over the loss of faith in His chosen people. I weep with him, and pray that I might not make their dreadful mistake.

          5. The Jews started this war – starting in 1948 and the Naqba. Then attempting to genocide Gaza. Seems everyone except Zio-Christians can see this.

            I am sad there are so many brain-dead “Christians” blinded by Scofield lies. Seems the State of Israel is their God.

          6. So assassinating one of the your counter-part peace negotiators is the definition of Just War? Huh. Guess it’s in the Catechism.

          7. The greatest brainwashing of our time is to equal the morality of the Muslim to the Jew.

            Au contraire – the greatest brainwashing of our time is thinking Israel is our greatest ally, followed closely by State of Israel = Biblical Israelites. Sadly, both have been exceedingly successful.

            Despite attacks on our naval ships (USS Liberty); giving nuclear secrets to our enemies; infiltrating our government, interfering in our elections; pushing pornography; getting us into war after war, sucking us dry of financial aid, etc. With allies like that, who needs enemies.

          8. c matt,

            “War is hell”
            – William T Sherman, who burned the Southern civilian population into submission.

            When a rapist (individual, collective) enters your home, all bets are off as to the outcome.

          9. Aqua, I didn’t know 40,000 Gazan children were rapists.

            You know who didn’t kill innocent men, women, and children? Sherman.

            Being glib doesn’t help the Jewish case for committing genocide.

          10. Mike:
            Glib def: “fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow”

            Glib is throwing around numbers like “40,000 kids killed”;
            Glib is throwing around accusations of “genocide”;
            without evidence beyond MSNBC Jew-hating leftist corporate talking faces saying so.

            Glib is not quoting a Civil war general’s most famous direct quote.
            Glib is not observing that when acts of violence are committed against a person or nation, the response might well be asymmetric.

          11. C Matt,
            You have zero credibility when you go off talking about Jewish genocide of Palestinians. That is stupid, ignorant and dangerous all rolled into one.

          12. Pretty rich – you talking about credibility when even the ICJ can’t deny Israel’s atrocities. Yet you defend them at every turn. Guess we know who is your God.

        2. “Internal Server Error” every time I try to post something critical of a certain group within a certain state. Tried seven times, even starred out the names of the group (starts with a Z) and state (starts with an I). Failed every time.

          And just to be clear, the post never got to Mark for approval. But the “test” and this one went right through.

        3. Mike,
          You don’t have the first clue how Israel is conducting their war in Gaza. All you know is you don’t like “Zionist Jews”. And your likeminded news “sources” feed you false numbers and fake video that support your biases.

          1. I know exactly how Israel is conducting the war. Look up the Hannibal doctrine, look up Dahiya doctrine.

            Israel itself has admitted killing tens of thousands of men, women, and children. They use smaller numbers, but we’re still talking 20,000 and up.

            Jared Kushner, Donald Trump’s Jewish son in law, has marveled at how now they can put luxury resorts on the Gaza coast. And the female matriarch of the settler movement says she wants to move there asap.

            Not long ago, Rabbis in New Jersey were caught selling Palestinian west bank land. This is illegal.

            I don’t watch “fake videos”. I pay attention to the news. And I am a critical thinker. And I’m not brainwashed about either side in this war. I accept the truth.

            The only time Jesus got angry in the bible was when his brethren were making money at the temple. It’s not like the Jews have a great record, which sharpens Jesus’ radical message, doesn’t it?

            Business as usual for them, though.

          2. Mike,

            Hannibal protocol: “a controversial military order that grants troops broad permission to do whatever is necessary to prevent the kidnapping of a fellow soldier”.

            Absolutely. I concur with this. If you were fighting for your own family and home, I rather think you would too.

            Dahiya Doctrine: Attacking residential areas which double as enemy command centers may seem cruel to some, but for many in the IDF, it’s a strategy that is necessary until Hizbullah and Hamas change their ways.

            Again, I concur in this case since the enemy that is threatening your nation’s existence is committing war crimes by hiding among civilian populations of women and children to advance their strategic war goals of Israel’s destruction.

            Self defense and protection of innocent lives from unjust violence is God-given – whether individual, or collectively as a nation. Period.

            I see Israel as a tragic nation that rejected their promised Messiah, under Divine judgement until they repent and convert. But they are a strategic ally of (traditional) Western interests in a dangerous place, so I am a strong supporter of Israel and Jews. And I have to ask why so many have such hatred of Jews – this is not the first place I’ve seen it.

          3. Actually, Aqua, the Hannibal doctrine is the doctrine of Israel killing its own soldiers instead of letting them get kidnapped. Half the deaths in the 10/7 assault that Israel let happen were IDF killing their own.

            Dahiya doctrine is carpet bombing, is destroying the lives of men, women, and children.

            We know you fully support whatever Israel does. THey’ve killed 60,000 men, women, and children and that, in your calculation is “just” and “righteous”.

    2. I believe that the first commenter, as she is named Susan, must be a woman. I am going to show my age, and that’s a good thing – I’m almost 72. I am a moderate feminist and as deeply faithful a Catholic as I can manage to be. I am horrified and disgusted by Susan’s language. No woman should ever use language of that nature (maybe gay men who hate women would write like that?) What is happening to us? And Ann Barnhardt – a spectacular defender of the church – has just in the last 24 hours or so assured us that women should find satisfaction and fulfillment in cleaning toilets and I won’t repeat the very graphic details she provided. Again, what is happening to us? Being outspoken, forthright, unapologetic, and even verbally combative, are good things. Writing filth is not.

      1. Barnhardt says, over and over again, women should find satisfaction in being housewives. Which includes cleaning toilets I guess. Since she is verbally combative, I doubt she’d have any trouble with any woman doing so.

        Feminism is a cancer.

      2. Deborah,

        You’ve been around here long enough to have seen coarser language than that!

        And yes, Miss Ann had a reader write in about how to turn an unpleasant activity into satisfaction and contentment. It really comes down to honing your bearing, and learning the massive benefits of redemptive suffering, even in the little things.

        1. Feminism, like civil rights, environmentalism, and unionism, has been hijacked by the Left and turned in some ways into an evil force primarily in its advocacy for abortion. Civil rights began as a fight for justice for black people but has become critical race theory and “black lives matter,” fosters violence and encourages a sense of victimhood. Environmentalism began as campaigns against littering (it was that basic) and for beautifying America – remember Lady Bird Johnson? I do – and now we have the global warming nonsense and animal rights. Unions protected workers from exploitation and now funnel money to corrupt politicians. I could go on. What they all had in common was a challenge to the prevailing order. That challenge gave the Left a way to infiltrate and subvert them. And for that matter, the Church has also been infiltrated and subverted in devastating ways (Taylor Marshall wrote a book about it). With respect to feminism, I should have been clearer: in its contemporary form, centered around abortion, I am not only not a feminist, but am an anti-feminist. Contemporary feminism has undermined traditional feminism which, in its core form – enabling women with higher education, opportunities for work (especially in the professions), basic respect for women as wives and mothers as well as in the workplace, for owning property, and yes, voting – was and still is a righteous and maybe even holy cause. I could go on at length, especially about the ways in which contemporary feminism is Satan’s gift to men. And I will reiterate – some of that language was disgusting and inappropriate for anyone, but especially for a woman. Ann Barnhardt’s focus on – what she focused on – was almost equally so. And I think Susan’s dramatic reaction shows a certain degree of embarrassment. Good for her – she should be embarrassed.

          1. Deborah Sagar,
            That was well said, and very interesting. Thanks for posting it. Don’t have to agree with all of it to find it thought provoking. Good stuff.

          2. Deborah,

            I hate to tell you this, but in terms of blame for the mess we find ourselves in today, the 19th Amendment is near the top.

      3. Women SHOULD find satisfaction in cleaning the toilet/house, cooking, and child rearing while the husband is out working. I certainly do. It is a blessing to have an ordinary, yet extraordinary day with my children. I can cook a quality, nourishing meal from scratch. I can educate them on the faith and keep them out of government schools. I can feel a sense of accomplishment maintaining the household without having to be completely unappreciated in a workspace. Ever worked while pregnant? I don’t recommend, and praise God for the opportunity to leave corporate America behind to maintain my true vocation as wife and mother.

        No to Feminism.

      4. Deborah Sagar,
        I completely agree with you about language and tone and manners.

        My wife is repulsed by the modern ethos of immodesty. She is a walking, talking beacon of modesty, true beauty I might add, when she goes about in public. Dress, or undress, is the most obvious expression of immodesty – that is an easy, obvious problem and solution. But language, as you say, is another expression of modern immodesty – and much more difficult to take the tongue.

        As Catholics, especially, we should be modest in how we dress, how we speak, how we act in the world.

      5. Why Sally Cato MacDougall….I do declare, your pearl clutching bad-acting is showing.
        Balls and boobs….why, STONE that yankee-girl! Filth….FILTH I tell ya!…I’ll bet she doesn’t even ride side-saddle!

        A “Moderate feminist”….pshaw…that’s a good one….right up there with an honest Biden.
        Better watch it you’ll get the fake-vapors and fake-faint before you can get those fake-Orders passed for women.

        And Mike…when your eristicism gets so pathological that you’re defending the good manners and rectitude of the muslims (writ large….read a little about mahound would ya?), then it really might be time to take a breath and put the keyboard down for a day. And it might reeeaaallly be a good idea to *actually read what people say* before you mis-quote them and purposely mis-ascribe their gists. Comprehension does not seem to be your long-suit.

        And the funny thing is…and note well here cause it may be the only time I ever say it….I actually agree with you on one thing….feminism is indeed a vile and loathsome cancer.

        1. Immodesty of dress and language is also a loathsome cancer.

          A return to modesty in all its forms would be a good thing.

          1. Susan,
            That’s my wife I was referring to as a paragon of modesty.

            I actually think it is an act of Charity to go out in public, as she does, dressed in nice, fashionable, modest clothing, (only dresses, she has one pair of pants for horseback riding), and mingle in public where so many women are dressed in yoga pants and tight tops, every line revealed to the world.

            My wife gets second looks as we walk along, I’ve noticed – but not from the fellas so much as the ladies. Comments too, from the women, especially younger women, expressing appreciation for her attire.

            My favorite expression in the Bible is Mary’s, after speaking to God’s holy Angel Gabriel, “She quietly pondered these things in her heart”.

  2. The first “comment” I ever made in my long infamous career as a commenter of things was in 1984, letter to the editor of my college newspaper, on the topic of Ronald “RayGun” and his war-mongering military – back then we were up against the Soviet Union.

    My college’s student newspaper was of the opinion that the military loved to fight wars, blow stuff up and kill people. As a pimple-faced ROTC Cadet, I spoke as an insider (harrumph!) that this couldn’t be further from the truth, since soldiers (etc) don’t really want to die – serve their country and her interests, yes; get killed in messy, stupid, pointless wars, no. The *least* militaristic among us – military members. The *most* militaristic among us – civilian leadership. One has skin in the game. The other has skin in a different kind of game, in which the military are pawns.

    Which leads us back to where it all began for me. Anyone who thinks the wars we’ve been fighting for decades, especially the latest travesty of Justice in Ukraine has never faced the possible consequence of bleeding for their injudicious support of unjust war causes – either themselves, or those they love such as children, grandchildren.

    The war that’s coming, however, will not just affect the military … its cost, financial, in suffering and blood will be much more personal and immediate. The borders have already let the enemy in. “Terrorist” acts have always been a grave threat to our advanced society. Now, they are a certainty.

    1. To quote Michael Yon, ” We have crossed the Rubicon.”

      Check out his reportage….( I picked up the “reportage” term from Miss Ann.)

      Michael Yon (born 1964)[1] is an American writer and photographer. He served in the Special Forces in the early-1980s, and he became a writer in the mid-1990s. He focused on military writing after the invasion of Iraq.[2] Yon has been embedded on numerous occasions with American and British troops in Iraq, most prominently a deployment with the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment (Deuce Four) of the 25th Infantry Division in Mosul, Iraq that ended in September 2005.[3]

      Yon has had vocal feuds with the United States military hierarchy, and the nature of his reports is also controversial.[2] In 2008, The New York Times reported that he has spent more time embedded with combat units than any other journalist in Iraq.[1] He shifted the focus of his blogging from Iraq to Afghanistan in August 2008.[4] His work is supported primarily by donations from readers.[5]

      1. You missed posting the link. I’d love to read more from Michael Yon. Never heard of him. Sounds intriguing.

      2. Yon was probably the best American journalist during the Iraq war.

        If you could post a link, it’d be appreciated.

  3. Not that Islam doesn’t have things against nonbelievers but not every Muslim is a terrorist. We must distinguish between ideology and the individual.

    I somewhat think that Jesus Himself has a different attitude to what is happening in the Middle East than what people say he would find acceptable, mainly because His actual teachings contradict ethnic hatred. Whoever wants to claim to be a child of God must live according to the words of God.

  4. I have thought about this some more. It is not only Trump’s continuous support of the death shots that make it suspicious (either he knows or doesn’t know about the lethalness of them by now; if he doesn’t, he is too incompetent to be president; and if he does, he is too evil for not speaking up about mass murder), or all the prophecies and conspiracy theories making him out to be the God-appointed savior of the USA, but that the acronym of his slogan means “witch” in Latin. If you know anything about the evil people who run the planet you can tell that they use their blatant symbolism everywhere and in such a way that when you point it out the normies are incredulous and call you names, defending it all as coincidence, just like how they laugh when you state that Obama saying his campaign slogan backwards sounds like “Thank you, Satan!”

    I’ve seen this script too many times (the Lucier worshippers need to hire better writers). X is the chosen one, and when X disappoints the Anti-X comes around, just like with the “burning” Bush (who blamed God for telling him to change the regime of Iraq and probably caused many to reject Christianity) and the Obamamessiah.

  5. After nine months of fighting, conservative estimates put the death toll in Gaza at 40,000+, with 15,000+ of those being children. Whilst I don’t doubt that a significant percentage of the moslem world would slaughter Jews with the same demonic intensity with which the IDF are currently prosecuting the genocide-lite ongoing in Gaza, there seems little doubt that Bibi and his confreres are presently on a fast track to being haunted by the screams of those children for all eternity.

  6. I will also point out that Haniyeh was the only Hamas leader who was trying to negotiate a peace with Israel. Why did Israel kill him?

    They don’t want peace. And they never did. If you honestly think Hamas, which was surrounded by Israel in Gaza, whose movements were allowed by Israel, whose bank transactions were allowed by Israel, and whose every movement was tracked by the IDF and Mossad, if you think they pulled of 10/7 on their own you’re smoking crack.

    The “peace concert” that was attacked had zero security. The IDF was nowhere to be found in their bases. The Iron Dome shield wasn’t working. Really?

    Netanyahu and the Zionists wanted a reason to commit genocide. And now they want the US involved in a war with Iran. They’ve always wanted a war with Iran. Yes, our “ally” Israel is going to turn WW3 hot.

  7. Sorry for Palestinian children,, but been thinking of all Iraqi Christians brutalized, murdered by Isis. God’s will be done. His name isn’t Allah.

      1. Mike,
        So you really do believe the US, and our Allies such as Israel, are responsible for all or most of the evil in the world; Islam is all or mostly peaceful; in the same that Oct 6 murder, rape, torture and desecration of Jews was caused by Jews themselves, not Muslims.

        That is a textbook leftist premise.

          1. Mark,
            In what way? U.S. created ISIS? Jews staged their own slaughter to facilitate a genocidal response? How is he right?

        1. Aqua, The CIA created most radical terror groups. Isis was formed because of Obama and then the US used Isis against Assad in Syria.

          It’s time to take the scales off.

          1. You are talking about seditious leftist elements of the US finding common cause with movements that hate us and the Christian civilization from which we come.

            That is not the same thing as the US created ISIS. Muslims hate us, want to kill us, end us and they don’t need CIA help for that.

            One threat is without.
            The other threat is within.

        2. In 2012, the Obama regime declassified some intelligence/military documents. One of the things gleaned fr ol m that “dump” was that the Obama regime’s official policy towards Bashar al’Assad was to fund/support a radical Sunni Muslim militant group that would be the primary antagonist against Assad, and be the US proxy in the situation. This was because the regime couldn’t get the support needed to get physically involved in eliminating Assad, who was involved (with Gaddhafi and other victims of the “Arab Spring”) in setting up a gold-backed currency completely independent of the US dollar.

          It was at this same time that ISIS became a thing. The US may not have STARTED it, but we sure as heck allowed it to grow.

          1. Aaron,
            Sure, leftists encouraged and facilitated ISIS, because they share a hatred of Jews and Western Christian civilization.

            Mike made the claim, however, that “the US is responsible for the creation of Isis”. That is much different than what you said.

            Islam and leftists have that common: hatred of Jews and the Western civilization of nation states. ISIS is a purely Islamic thing, which finds common cause in seditious elements of the US and elsewhere in the West. We did *not* create it. That is a stupid and dangerously inaccurate statement.

  8. Info about an assassinated terrorist commander, for those here who contend Israel is using the pretext of war to justify committing genocidal war crimes, targeting children and innocent families. Here is the other side of MSNBC’s story – from Times of Israel:

    – quote –

    “The IDF says that (terminated terrorist commander) al-Jabari “was entrusted with the organization’s production of weapons in the northern Gaza Strip, distribution of salaries and money to the organization’s terrorists, and took an active part in the attempt to restore the organization’s rocket production capabilities and infrastructure.”

    The military carried out “many steps” to mitigate harm to civilians in the strike, including using aerial surveillance and precision munitions, the IDF says.

    Meanwhile, the IDF says that troops with the 162nd Division killed more than 30 gunmen in close-quarters combat and by calling in airstrikes in southern Gaza’s Rafah in the past day.

    In the Netzarim Corridor in the central Gaza Strip where the 252nd Division is deployed, reservists with the division’s Jerusalem Brigade spotted a cell of gunmen emerging from a tunnel, and called in a drone strike, according to the military.”

    – end quote –

    Israel has acted with restraint for their entire modern existence as a re-established nation co-existing with an Islamic civilization that specifically says their intent to wipe tiny Israel off the map and kill all Jews wherever they are found. And acts on it, consistently over decades (almost 80 years now). “From the river to the sea …”. Israel has always been our closest ally, Islam our greatest foe. But for some reason, as we leave the era of Nation-States, for a new era of globalist tyranny, we seem to have found common cause with the tyrants of Islam … even Catholics. I don’t get it. The forces at work are revolutionary, and not in our favor.

    1. 60,000 dead civilians, 200,000 in the Nakba is incredible restraint.

      When that 4 year old girl was blown up by Israeli tanks after Israel listened into her 911 call , that was heroic.

      Evil people are evil. Muslim, atheist, Christian, JEW.

      1. The Jews are conducting a war of survival, self defense. By definition, that is just.

        Just because you say they are intentionally or carelessly targeting civilians dies not make it so.

        You are not in their shoes, experiencing 80 years of existential threats and attacks, and so feel justified in telling them to just lie back and take it. You are wrong.

        1. Killing children is necessary for a “war of survival” or is it necessary to clear Gaza for Jewish settlement?

          I didn’t know luxury resorts on the Gazan coast were necessary for Jewish survival.

          No one said “Lie back and take it”. What you’re saying is that children are fair game. Like Israel and most of the Christian west, you simply hate Muslims so much you don’t think they have any valid claims and that their lives are meaningless.

          Let me ask you something. Would you be upset if the only home you had known for centuries was taken over by blonde-haired blue eyed Europeans who called themselves Jews and said they had a right to the land you had lived on ? Would you be upset if they killed your family , drove you out and put you in camps? Would you be upset is 4 generations later you still lived in a camp?

          This “war” was started by Israel on 10/7. And the reasons are obvious. He wanted to avoid jail for corruption, he wanted to solve the Gaza problem once and for all, he wanted the US to slavishly supply it with money, and he wants the US to go to war with Iran for it.

          This isn’t about Jewish survival, it’s about Jewish supremacy.

          Check yourself.

          1. Mike,
            You don’t know what you’re talking about.
            I do know what cable channel you watch, though.
            If your dreams come true, we are all well and truly screwed.

          2. Every word Mike says here is provably true. The Zionists haven’t been shy about their intentions, or their hatred for Christian civilization. These things are all very easily found, in their own words, written in their own books. They’re far too proud to not proclaim it. And they have too much contempt for Christians to not put it in their faces.

            American Christians (mostly, but not exclusively, protestants) have been sold one of the most spectacular bill of goods in all of human history.

        2. Aqua,

          If you had intellectual integrity you could easily look up what I’ve said and you’d find out it isn’t “gibberish”.

          You think I watch Fox? You truly are lost. Fox is pro Israel 24/7.

          You are dangerously ignorant.

          All you need to know is that the Jews have killed far more civilians than any Muslim terrorist ever has. And you think that is “righteous”.

          1. From the holocaust at Mamilla Pool in 614 AD (90,000 killed) to the Bolshevik Revolution (66 million killed in the Jewish-run gulags, per Solzhenitsyn) to Gaza today, this is an undeniable historical truth. And the Muslim/Jew false binary serves to distract from the fact that the overwhelming majority of their victims have, in fact, been Christians. That is not by chance. Nor it is a case of being in wrong place at the wrong time. These Christians were hated and targeted specifically for their Christianity, over and over again.

            That the Scofield project for American Christendom has been so successful that it’s captured people I can plainly see are good Catholics is distressing, to say the very least.

            And I have no idea what cable channel you’re being accused of watching, Mike. TBH, you strike me as the kind of guy who hasn’t seen a cable bill in a decade or two.

        3. Someday, you’re going to realize that everything you believe about the state of Israel is a complete and total inversion of reality.

          I once fervently believed in the “Judeau-Christian terror-fighting partners” mythology too, so I understand that nothing anyone can say here and now will convince you otherwise. But someday you’ll see it.

    2. Check out:

      Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine….ISBN-13:978-1-85168-555-4 , eISBN-13:978-1-78074-056-0.

      “This is an extraordinary book – a dazzling feat of scholarly synthesis and Biblical moral clarity and humaneness.” Walid Khalidi, Former Senior Research Fellow, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University.

    1. You pay taxes because of the 16th amendment, and you pay much higher taxes because of the 19th amendment.

      1. Yup. And those amendments came from the Left. The Zeitgeist at the time was all things “progressive”.

      2. That is quite a stretch and ignores so much else. But things are getting very interesting here….probably good for everyone.

    2. Universal suffrage was national suicide.

      And considering what this nation has done to 80 million innocent children as a consequence of it, what’s inevitably coming will certainly be just.

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