Beaver County SWAT team confirms Secret Service never showed up for security briefing on day of assassination attempt

BySasha Pezenik, Jack Feeley, and Josh Margolin ABCNews logo

The local SWAT team assigned to help protect former President Donald Trump on July 13 had not had any contact with the Secret Service agents in charge of security before a would-be assassin opened fire, those officers told ABC News.

It was a critical part of the planning and communications failures that ended with a gunman killing one man, critically injuring two more and wounding Trump as he delivered a speech just days before accepting the Republican presidential nomination.

“We were supposed to get a face-to-face briefing with the Secret Service members whenever they arrived, and that never happened,” said Jason Woods, lead sharpshooter on the SWAT team in Beaver County, Pennsylvania.

“So I think that was probably a pivotal point, where I started thinking things were wrong because it never happened,” Woods said. “We had no communication.” …

(If you click the link, there are eight LEOs on video, all testifying the same thing. So I have to ask, can we really chalk it up to SS incompetence, when they didn’t even bother to show up for their own 9am security briefing?)

(Also, NYT put out new details last night, including screenshots of texts between the local LE once things were set in motion. You can view that HERE.)


3 thoughts on “Beaver County SWAT team confirms Secret Service never showed up for security briefing on day of assassination attempt”

  1. Yes, they tried to kill him. But the worst of all possible outcomes has happened from this: Trump’s cult think he is guided by God and Trump thinks he is Jesus.

    And for a guy who already poisoned 90 percent of the country, you don’t want him getting more delusional.

  2. Republican’ts, of course, can’t see the forest for the trees.

    Barnhardt is right. Likely, the shooting of Trump’s head was intended as a 9/11 broadcast event.

    Looks as though Iran was being set up for the blame, so that America could declare war on Israel’s behalf.

    A Blackrock affiliated group was also caught shorting Trump stock before it happened. Just like all that insider trading shorting airlines before the WTC event. “Investigations” cleared them – finding none were related to Al Qeada… *whew*, what a relief! No further questions, your honor!

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