Secret Service Director Cheatle resigns after disastrous testimony to Congress… but will she be charged?

Having gone down in flames on live TV, and facing an impeachment vote, Kimberly Cheatle is out.

Sorry, but that’s not good enough. She needs to be charged. Her resignation does not exonerate her, and she is still accountable for additional hearings if Congress demands it. Her stunning Keystone Cops performance yesterday was widely perceived as incompetence. But is that true?

Is “failing to preserve” comms recordings an act of omission or commission? We all know the feds intentionally destroyed all their comms/emails/texts from J6… all of it gone before the end of January. Why would this be any different? What about failing to consider additional resources/force multipliers in the wake of heightened threat risks identified in advance? What about the security detail made up of J.V. scrubs, whom she herself deemed incapable of negotiating a roof with the slope of a wheelchair ramp? What about zero aerial surveillance, something even the assassin managed to pull off, hours before the attack.

In supporting their charge of incompetence, many have cited the fact that the Regime recruited Cheatle from Pepsico, insinuating inexperience. “Oh look, DEI hire, she was only ever guarding chips and soda.” Well, while it may be true that the Secret Service is now drowning in DEI, along with every other fedgov apparatus, and she indeed was the one implementing the DEI, she herself was not a DEI hire.

In fact, she had only been at Pepsico for a year, having just retired from the Secret Service AFTER A 29 YEAR CAREER. She retired as Assistant Director. She was a lifer! Can a lifer be incompetent? Of course it is possible. Everyone knows at least one. But what are the odds? Something smells rotten to me.

Here is her Linkedin. Decide for yourself.

24 thoughts on “Secret Service Director Cheatle resigns after disastrous testimony to Congress… but will she be charged?”

  1. I have very little doubt our government is acting in exactly the way this credible retired Special-Ops soldier says here:

    It is legally proven by a Court and Jury this is what the FBI did to pretend make believe MI Governor was kidnapped by “MAGA extremists”. The planning and facilitating came courtesy of the Feds. The dupes came courtesy of chat rooms and obscure gaming sites. It was an FBI op, in which dupes were pressured to act just as the above retired soldier says, for the purpose of narrative and achieving movement toward a political outcome.

    And come to think of it … maybe this is Divine Justice that we Americans are being chastised by the same crime we have committed against other nations for 60+ years – overthrowing by lies, psyops and subversion those foreign governments and leaders “not in our interests”. Why should we expect any better treatment ourselves now, here at home, when *we* are the ones no longer in our “government’s” interests? Perhaps it’s time we clean up our act here at home, then also our diplomatic-military act abroad.

    1. Mark – Comments seem to be out rn, on newest post (BLM whining).

      Aqua – “we Americans are being chastised by the same crime we have committed against other nations ” – Couldn’t agree more.

      It’s like a rapist who says “I respect my family – I only rape outside” while they ignore signs of him being a rapist. But then covid lockdowns hit and he turns his “weapons” on his own family.

  2. What crime did she commit? I mean it is obvious the SS allowed this to happen to Trump, but proving this is a crime will be tough to prove.

    This is what Obama has been doing all along. He’s running the show. Incompetence at the presidential level isn’t a crime. And since there is executive privilege and presidential immunity, and since there is never a smoking gun, this will be chalked up to Incompetence .

    So most Americans think the country is being ruined by Incompetence. And in reality is a controlled demolition that looks like Incompetence. That’s how you do it.

  3. There is a bipartisan cover-up in progress, and an official narrative is being enforced that the gunman was acting alone and DIE led to security lapses.

    The reality is more likely that this was an orchestrated deep state hit job with a patsy that wasn’t supposed to go wrong, and the DIE staff were intentionally there to explain the security lapses, but DIE doesn’t have a Plan B to cover up their failure.

    The Republican’ts likely will never pursue the Truth or dig too deep, because America’s brand value (LoL) will take a hit.

  4. There is a criminal offense called “depraved indifference” which involves reckless endangerment and conduct that creates extreme risk of death.

    1. Depraved indifference happens when someone dies. And if Trump did die, who would be to blame? Who would indict? Why wasn’t the Secret Service charged with something similar with JFK?

      It’s very hard to prove this. Especially in a federal court system.

      1. My good friend, John Patucci Byrnes, Marine Captain/pilot, RIP was recruited by the CIA/Ollie North to fly planes from Texas into Honduras to ferry drugs back to the US to sell on the streets of the USA to get $$$ for the Contras.

        John was in the CIA’s “SAD” Division – Special Activities Division – and John (retired) would say, “It was sad.”

        When asked about Kennedy’s assassination his response, “We did it.” Meaning the CIA.

        That’s why the Secret Service was not charged.

    2. It’s not like the Secret Service was made aware of threats against Trump’s life by Iranians, or that the FBI increased the terror threat or anything…oh wait.

      Yeah, that is criminal indifference.

      1. Again, if Trump had died from those threats or died from the Iranians you might have the slimmest of points.

        Dereliction of duty? Yes. A crime? No. That’s how it works.

        1. According to Major Jeffrey Prather, Cheatle will need all kinds of protection from the deep state, and will probably be “suicided.’

          That’s how it works.

        2. But indeed, someone died.

          Even for Trump alone, depending on the jurisdiction, there COULD be a crime called “conspiracy to murder” – that does not require actual murder, only intent, as demonstrated through planning or extreme negligence.

      2. Any connections to Iran are worth as much as the Russian collusion fib.

        The Iranians and Russians both know that it makes no difference who is the American President. U.S. Foreign Policy is set in stone and it will always be hostility towards them. The Republican/Democrat circus is just a show put on for the American public.

        1. Johnno,
          I think they’re savvy enough to see we are doing a fine job destroying ourselves from within in our dumpster-fire of a clown-show.

    3. There are also criminal offenses called aiding and abetting an assassination attempt.

      Why was the roof not defended?
      Why did Crooks *know* it was not defended?

      The jig is up on these people.
      This is not indifference, not negligence, this is intentional, criminal.

      1. Check out this article by Gregoy Stenstom in the Intelligencer…

        “The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America?
        Unveiling the Faces of an Elitist Assault on America

  5. The only thing that didn’t work about their plan was that Trump survived. It looks like idiocy because it was meant to look like idiocy. Everything other than Trump’s survival went as planned.

    1. I don’t believe it went *at all* as planned.
      I think it was a miraculous disaster, not because God is on Trump’s side but because those on the other side are consummate evil and God’s gorge is full, and wrath may very well be upon them.

      It was not “meant to look like idiocy”.
      It was meant as a deniable assassination.
      But something else happened that changes everything.

      Barnhardt made a point I’ve heard no one else make yet, which I think is key: all Media had blackout on Trump rallies since 2019 to prevent free coverage, yet all Media were there that day including a NY Times photog taking photographs next to the stage with high speed – camera equipment.

      Her point? This was all designed as a bloody kill shot of the likely next President, the violent gore plastered in real time across all channels and recorded in High-Def for posterity to *kill one and intimidate the rest*.

      1. Change one fact in this narrative: Trump was killed. Everything else remains the same idiocy. They don’t want plausible deniability and there isn’t any although yes, they absolutely wanted Trump dead. They wanted you to know they did it. Who did it? Some faction of the deep state (I even sort of wonder if Trump is really just another faction involved in their internecine fighting). Look at so many ridiculous scenarios we see playing out. I could expatiate upon those (many come to mind – Kate Middleton is an especially impressive one) – but I’m going for cocktails and dinner.

  6. They didn’t cover the closest point, the roof.

    They didn’t cover the highest point, the water tower.

    They didn’t cover the most comfortable A/C controlled points, all the windows.

    20 year old know-nothing punk Crooks somehow knew these were all open, he could move with impunity, nothing to fear.

    It is not possible to deny Federal involvement and chalk all of that up to a big ol’ “whoopsie!”.

    1. In by addition, they didn’t cover the *airspace above* it all with comprehensive drone video.

      And perhaps there’s more than one reason that sky was ceded to the 20 yr old numbskull Crooks, while clear of Federal security drone video – ya can’t subpoena recordings that doesn’t exist.

      Deniability – “whoops! my bad! forgot! too steep! tight budget! hadn’t thought of that! mistakes were made! the buck stops here!”

  7. Ann Barnhardt is 100% correct (as usual) about this:

    “The congressional hearings were theater. Cheatle and everyone involved in Trump’s security detail should be arrested for conspiracy to commit first degree murder FOR A START, including every one of those fat-ass TSA screeners masquerading as bodyguards.

    “Start with them, and see if capital murder charges with the death penalty on the table (Corey Comperatore IS dead) doesn’t get people singing.”

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