It has been 25 hours as I type this.
All we have is a digitized withdrawal letter, with an electronic signature, released on social media. I’m no expert on the legal procedures for such a thing, but I’m pretty sure that ain’t it. Not only don’t we know if he took the decision, we’re not even sure he was informed of the decision.
Where is the press conference? The doctor just released a statement that he is “absolutely” fine, nearly symptom free. So maybe no press conference because he still isn’t back in the District, but there are pool reporters wherever he is in Delaware. Or forget the press, record a video message and release that.
I can’t help but think what havoc AI is going to play once this all goes kinetic. Can you imagine the technology possessed by the Regime that you have never seen? Look at the programs that are out there for the gen pop. FedGov, right now, today, has AI so powerful that you would never be able to tell the difference from reality.
These are my musings, lazin’ on a sunny afternoon, in the summertime.
“Later on in the week”…
Me thinks he won’t last that long…
I don’t have any deep insights or knowledge about what’s going on, just a feeling that things are weird and about to get weirder. A really serious foreboding, which is beyond odd for me since I consider myself a phlegmatic logical person – after all, I taught math and physics. Rational thinking is my jam. But….I have a really bad weird intuition. Anyone else experiencing such a thing? Having a tough time shaking it off. It’s time to pray harder.
Yes, we are living in the apocalypse. You will not believe what’s coming. It’s very hard to believe what’s already passed.
He didn’t resign the presidency. There is no “legal procedure” for not running. All that matters is that the party knows, and it’s obvious they do.
Does he owe an official speech to the US public? I guess. Maybe he’ll give one, maybe he won’t. But the public already knows anyway.
He is suffering with Covid right now, so maybe that’s why we haven’t seen him. He’s an old, sick man.
Mike, it amazes me that you know the intricate details of US Election Laws, transfer of lawfully won ballots/electors, procedural dynamics at the convention, DNC policies and procedures. Pure genius.
There’s no “election law” involved with a guy quitting. I didn’t say anything about “transfer of ballots/electors” which , by the way, Biden would have nothing to do with. He quit. LBJ quit. The party took it from there in both cases.
1000 delegates have already bent the knee for Harris.
This may surprise you, but primaries are not constitutionally mandated. They’re simply what the two major parties have done to ensure that their candidate has a good shot of winning. In reality they can pick whoever they want.
The primary system started in 1912, and it’s not some binding mechanism that presidential candidates have to follow. It’s probably wise to do so, but–
If the elections are already rigged, and they are, it doesn’t matter.
I am a genius. Yes.
I actually like your response Mike….made me laugh out loud.
Haven’t seen you in a while, glad your contribution was to pile on with Mark.
I will note that regarding the topic, I’m right.
LBJ dropped out at the end of March, after losing the first four elections in the ’68 Democrat primary. Yes, he was a sitting POTUS, but he was also going down in flames… not the presumptive nominee heading into a nominating convention. So there is that distinction. It may not change the legality, but it does make this case unique in modern politics.
But a serious question, because I’ve always thought primary elections were governed by their respective parties, as you say…
Why are states allowed to put open primaries on the ballot and impose them on parties that don’t want them by force of law? When, why, and how did the states assume the right to interfere in the parties’ process of choosing their own nominees?
(As an aside, here in AZ, every dem operative gathering signatures to get the abortion referendum on the ballot in the coming election is also gathering signatures for the open primary referendum. Every single one of them. So it’s clearly a method of leftist infiltration… which I guess sort of answers my own question. Leftists do whatever the hell they want.)
Each state has their own laws regarding primaries. As I said, it’s not a constitutionally mandated thing. A state will have election laws saying “this is what we are going to do”. However, it should be noted, that a party can still run whoever it wants for office. The primary system is governed by states.
Open primaries are also a matter of state law.
The right wing in America can do the same thing as Democrats. Open primaries go both ways.
The Left is simply better at organizing than the right, always has been. Probably because the Left has zero morals, zero restraints, and runs by threats of mob rule and violence.
But back to the original, once Biden quits, that’s it. The party is in control. Not all states use the primary system, you’ll notice, but they’re not a federal thing, not mandated.
In fact, you’ll notice this year that Biden ignored primaries all together. A party could ignore all the primaries if it wanted.
If you know the election is rigged, why not.
Sorry for the confusion Mike. But I am serious….I liked your comment and pretty much agree with you. God bless.
As with the false resignation of Benedict that gave us “Francis” and two visible Popes, so also this “resignation” by Biden that just magically disappears the candidate nominated by a margin of 99%, and pretends like all is well without him actually appearing and stating it is so, why it so, how it is so.. Just move on to whomever the Telly tells us to.
It is complete, noxious bull hocky but, as with the two-faced bifurcated papacy that preceded this farce.- “whatever works man”.
The party of Our Democracy® sure went from the rule of Super Delegates to Primary, Schmimary quickly. Good thing their voters don’t ever ask any questions.
Mark, it’s so obvious. And yes, I’m going there. Nancy went to visit him. Work of mercy or some nonsense. While there she grabbed his PillowPet and gently held it over his nostrils with blunt force. Then they tweeted out those two bogus letters. “Look! He’s a hero AND he endoresed Caklin’ Kneepads!” Hey, it’s better than her real name which is also that of a demon. Given a few days’ time, it will be announced that he relapsed and succumbed to the Coof. This will give the ho ho ho the benefits of incumbency, a necessary pause in all campaigning, and the impetus to snatch the nom and whatever else she wants. “Hey, Heroic Joe, on his way out, knew enough to step aside and tap me as his replacement.”
But that’s just one guess. I’m sure he’s right as rain.
Almost forgot… as she entered the room she said, “Good morning, Sunday morning.”
The fact that he didn’t immediately tweet out his gratitude for being vaxxed & boosted after his “diagnosis” was the tell.
Whoever signed that letter, it probably wasn’t Joe Biden anyway. I think the original Joe Biden died some time before the summer of 2020 and that since then we have been regaled by at least two and maybe as many as four Bidenbots. Apart from their weirdly rippling facial skin, detaching and re-attaching earlobes, alternately right- and left-handedness, and changing eye color, they can fall and pop right back up in a way I can personally testify cannot be done at 70+ and I would think much less so at 80+. Why all the versions appear near-imbecilic remains a mystery – part of the drama unfolding before us I guess – but possibly a demonic joke. I truly wonder if we are being governed literally by demons who want human beings to either experience the cognitive dissonance of trying to make sense of things that intrinsically cannot be made sense of, or to deny the reality they see right in front of them.
Of course the demons want us to break our connection with Reality. Ideally, they will keep us in a perpetual state of rebellion against Reality. But they will settle for permanent alienation from the Real, the True, the Good.
Poor, foolish, evil, pedophile Joe. His Master, the evil one, always breaks his toolslaves when he’s done with them. Almost certain he died without repentance and without a priest. God knows. God help him and the family and nation he ruined.
The Church is infiltrated by commies and sodomites and non Catholics.
America gets taken over by commies and sodomites and non Americans.
The Church’s Traditions and values and faith are attacked by those who hate her.
America’s traditions and values and laws are attacked by those who hate it.
Benedict XVI invalidly resigns, and a non-conclave installs an Anti-Pope Degenerate Heretic.
America’s election is stolen, a degenerate heretic puppet is installed by the Deep State, and a questionable resignation of the puppet follows.
When the schism by the Anti-Pope cabal finally occurs from the Church while crying falsely that they are the ‘church’, is when secession and civil war break out in America – and worldwide.
The nations shall be annihilated. A small portion of survivors shall reconquer and inherit and rebuild the Church on Earth.
Or maybe we settle the issue and burn all the tares in the Church and cleanse the militant part, receive a true Pope and Consecrate Russia before it’s too late?
America’s Presidency has been vacant since 2020.
Hardcore, true-believer leftists are not capable of love, nor compassion. Even for their fellow leftists. Their world is focused on themselves, period.
Jill and Hunter Biden sat back and enjoyed the good life, while ole Joe literally fell apart for the whole world to see. That’s not love.
Vladimir Lenin referred to the people who helped him obtain power as “useful idiots” and then condemned them to a life of fear and slavery once his power was completed. That’s not love.
The French revolutionaries, once they ran out of aristocrats and clergy, starting beheadding their own just for the fun of it. That’s not love.
And mapping it all back to the source, there’s no love in hell. Satan, all the demons, and the damned in hell, hate each other every second of every day.
Nothing at this point is too over-the-top when speculating about Bidens resignation.
Jesus, have mercy on us. We don’t deserve it, but please have mercy on us.
He’s dead, Jim.
Biden has given up the ministerium, not the munus ??
Seymour Hersh has the details.
These past 4 years are essentially Obama’s 3rd term in office.