New interview with Archbishop Viganò wherein he further explains the anti-church usurping the One True Church

This is from Matt Gaspers and CFN, though of course they along with the rest of TradInc remain intransigently Fwancis is Definitely Pope splainers. Following are some key excerpts. Link to the full interview at the end. -nvp

Abp. Viganò: My position has not changed: there is only one true Church, and that is the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. But there are in fact two superimposed realities, so to speak, one of which is the true Church, precisely; and the other is the false church, the deep church. If you pay attention, in my statement J’accuse I expressly wrote “two churches” with a lowercase initial, to underline the anomaly of this coexistence.

Just as also happens in the civil sphere, in the face of blatant violations of the Law by the authority, it is impossible to obtain justice from that same corrupt authority, which avails itself of the complicity of all the administrative and judicial bodies that make its action possible. In theory, that authority has been usurped and is null, but de facto, it acts undisturbed in its power. It is necessary to take note of the usurpation of the Apostolic See — which is not merely vacant, but occupied — in order to put an end to a very serious situation; without forgetting that Bergoglio’s illegitimacy also entails the nullity of all the acts of governance and magisterium that he has carried out, erasing eleven years of errors and horrors.

Those who recognize that authority as valid and legitimate either do so because they are his accomplices and do not want to be discovered in their own betrayal, or because they do not want to accept the necessary consequences that derive from it: first and foremost, to acknowledge that this coup d’état began with the Second Vatican Council. Admitting that one has fallen into a terrible deception requires first of all humility, and so far no one among Cardinals and Bishops has had the courage to recognize that the Catholic Church has been hostage to heretics for decades, and that these heretics have humiliated and discredited her before the world precisely in order to deprive her of authority.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen wrote, “The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit church. The Church of Christ [the Catholic Church] will be one. And the false prophet will create another. The false church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a federation of churches. And religions will form a certain kind of global association. A world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the Antichrist. The mystical body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot, and it will be the false prophet. Satan will bring him in among our bishops.”

The “conciliar church” is doctrinally, morally, and liturgically separate from the Catholic Church, but at the same time its hierarchy calls itself Catholic, and as such demands obedience from the faithful of the true Church. This hierarchy does not represent the true Church of Christ, but claims to represent her, because if it were to officially separate itself from her, it would no longer be able to avail itself of the authority and authoritativeness of the true Church and would have to act like any other heretical sect. Modernism, following the typical strategy of Masonic sects, taught its emissaries to hide, in order to arrive undisturbed at the command posts. Saint Pius X, by means of an iron organization and making use of faithful collaborators, managed to eradicate this “cesspool of all heresies,” but it regained strength as soon as the defense system desired by the Holy Pontiff was first weakened out of naivety and then deliberately canceled by those who then deplored the “prophets of doom,” just as “conspiracy theorists” are branded today. The purpose is the same as that of those who inspired and financed pacifism: to disarm the adversary in order to be able to conquer him without resistance. The enemy has in fact been able to take possession of all the strongholds that the Hierarchy has culpably left unguarded.

The problem is therefore not whether we are in the Church, but rather whether those who usurp her authority to demolish the Church are part of the Church. They are the ones who must be kicked out — not us! They are not part of the Church whose authority they have usurped; therefore they are not entitled to do what they do and cannot in any way demand obedience from the faithful.

To be continued.

5 thoughts on “New interview with Archbishop Viganò wherein he further explains the anti-church usurping the One True Church”

  1. A bishop of the Catholic Church, ordained in 1968 and with much more formation than a lay journalist: Fwancis is a heretic and apostate, and therefore a usurper.

    A journalist and professional Catholic: No. Fwancis is definitely pope.

    Btw, Sammons had an anti-sede screed where he admitted he doesn’t think logically but emotionally. He doesn’t find “arguments” that Bergie is a flat out heretic “spiritually fulfilling”…as if that has any bearing on the matter.

    1. Go to Eric Sammons’ LinkedIn resume page and trace his job history from college to when he took over Crisis Magazine, and it is clear as day that he is a CIA or some other government agent who has infiltrated the Catholic media. Everything then makes perfect sense. His resume gives evidence that the Obama administration had controlled opposition ready in place when it orchestrated the Vatican coup against Pope Benedict. Every layman, in my personal experience, who has a real job, when given reasons why Bergoglio is an antipope immediately understands. Yet for some reason, Kennedy Hall, John-Henry Westin, Taylor Marshall, etc. just cannot get it. It is very suspicious.

      Now look at Matt Gaspars’ LinkedIn resume and you will see why he is so dense that he cannot understand Archbishop Vigano’s brilliant and irrefutable explanations in his interview: Went to Benedictine College and majored in history and took theology and sacred music classes. Has no practical skills and couldn’t find a job and had to work in a nursing home as recreation assistant for several years. Became director of religious education at a Catholic parish in Colorado for a few years. Somehow through connections became chief editor of Catholic Family News. He is married and has several children.

      Do you think for one second this guy is going to jeopardize his new good salary by admitting that Bergoglio is an antipope?

      1. Great assessment. Thank you.

        Yes, very suspicious.

        I keep emailing Taylor Marshall requesting him to confirm his purported $5,000,000 net worth….no responses.

      2. …….I believe consideration of “Opus Dei” and that organization’s influence is a factor to be considered “under suspicion.”

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