Action Alert! Cardinal Burke wants to know your questions!

Catholic Action For Faith And Family

Dear Mark,

Last week, I invited you to submit questions to Cardinal Burke that you might have regarding important issues in your life and the role of the Catholic Church in the modern world. If you have not yet submitted your questions or have new ones, here is your final chance to do so before the Conversations with Cardinal Burke program airs.

With a “pandemic of ambiguity” in the world today and even in the Church, the ‘straight answers to straight questions’ voice of Cardinal Burke provides the clarity and guidance the faithful need.

Many witness this sad state of affairs and, in desperation, search for answers to better understand the crisis before them.

I want to assure you that we should not fear our current circumstances. Rather, we should be very grateful that we can follow His Eminence, Cardinal Burke, who does not back down in addressing the confusion in the Church.

Cardinal Burke is not only a canon lawyer but an authoritative member of the Church’s hierarchy, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit – especially, wisdom and knowledge. With a sound and sharp legal mind, His Eminence can answer questions definitively on Church related topics, the Sacraments, as well as pastoral and spiritual topics.

Please be sure to submit your question and to support our efforts to produce Conversations with Cardinal Burke. His Eminence addresses questions presented to him from both priests and the laity, with a perspective of deep faith and sound reasoning, that gives each one of us a better understanding of the essential moral and spiritual challenges of today.

As the world continues its descent into moral anarchy and our Church continues to face a crisis in teaching of the Church’s doctrine and discipline, Cardinal Burke will not be silent. Nor will Catholic Action!

Submit your questions now!

Your fellow Rosary Warrior and Faith Defender in Christ,

Thomas J. McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family

P.S If you would like to help offset the studio production costs as well as to enhance our ability to defend and promote the great treasures of the Church and hand them on to the next generation, please consider making a donation.

27 thoughts on “Action Alert! Cardinal Burke wants to know your questions!”

  1. “Eminence, I would like to know what it is going to take for some effort be made to remove this wretched antipope. At the very least, you can call for an investigation of Pope Benedict’s purported resignation, to see if Bergoglio was ever validly elected in the first place. At any rate, a manifest heretic places himself outside the Church, and so automatically loses any ecclesiastical office he might have held. This is taught by many saints and Doctors. Eminence, the salvation of souls is the highest law of the Church. This antipope has been leading souls to Hell for nearly 11 years now. What is it going to take?”

  2. I submitted this: The inaction of bishops and cardinals is causing extreme pain and suffering to the laity and to the faithful priests and religious. How can men who claim to love Jesus Christ and His blessed mother allow evil men to destroy the faith of billions of Catholics AND when will someone finally DO something about the anti-Christ infiltrators in the Vatican? Enough talk, when will someone DO something?

  3. Bravo, Mark! Well done. A good witness for Christ. FWIW, and this was a couple years ago, I spoke with His Eminence and asked him the question, “If there is a living and reigning pope who purports to resign only part of the papacy and not all of it, what do you call that man after he does that?” His immediate answer: “The Pope.”

    He then explained that he saw no evidence that B16 did not intend ministry to be synonymous with office. As a lawyer, I mentioned that shifts the burden of proof even if true. Then I let him be, because I really only wanted to find out if he sincerely believed Bergoglio was pope or that was just public prudence. I think (at least then) that he sincerely believed it. He is a good man, and was my Archbishop, and I have seen him act with courage in all kinds of uncomfortable situations. Pray for him, because as Ann says quite correctly, all of the remnant Catholics do consider him to be our “leader” whether he likes it or not.

    You and I both know that all it would take would be for him to say the word and doubt the current resignation/election and the faithful would be consoled, and ready for the persecution that would inevitably follow.

  4. Done!

    Everyone should write in and ensure he gets the message.

    Whether it will be addressed or not, we’ll see…

  5. I think Jones sums it up, but I had a couple of questions so I threw them out there:

    Feast of St. Timothy, & St. Sharbel of Lebanon, Jan. 24, 2024 A. D.

    Your Eminence, Lovely to have met you at Stamford and Greenwich, Connecticut over the past few years.

    I have three questions of you, and thank you for your consideration of them. First: Is Francis the False Pope, or, at minimum, an example of “apostasy at the highest levels of the Church” plainly spoken of and foretold by Our Lady of Fatima?

    Second: What steps are you as Prince of the Church taking to prevent Francis from devouring the sheep, to wit, leading the people into Hell with false teaching? “God made you ‘gay’ and loves you that way.” No Hell? No one in Hell, if it exists. Soul not immortal. Homosexual Union Blessings. Need I go on?

    Third: What actions are you going to take to counteract, expose, declaim and remove the False Pope, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who styles himself Francis, from an office he undeservedly and, some say, illegitimately holds, aside from the 2,684-day-old and languishing, some would say dead in the water Dubia?

    One last query: Have you any comments on what kind of savage would attempt to ban the Old Latin Mass, the most beautiful thing on earth this side of Paradise.

    Cordially in Christ,

    Christopher P. Benischek
    Attorney at Law
    New York, New York

  6. “One last query: Have you any comments on what kind of savage would attempt to ban the Old Latin Mass, the most beautiful thing on earth this side of Paradise.”….Paul VI? John Paul II? Benedict XVI? When it was certain there were virtually no more valid priests in the NO, BXVI issued that piece of garbage, Summorum Pontificum.

  7. I can’t help but to have noticed that His Eminence has been completely silent since his last meeting with the Man in White a few weeks ago, despite the most despicable onslaught against the Faith being unleashed during the same period by the same man — or did I somehow miss Cdl. Burke’s denunciations? I don’t pretend to know why this is, but it is unseemly. Along with these good questions being sent to him, which I expect will be answered in an unsatisfactory way, if at all, I encourage people to pray and do penance for him. Perhaps it is helpful to remember that only men that lack sufficient courage for their offices have been chosen to be bishops and cardinals in our times, even when they are otherwise good Catholics. We will have to beg God to give them the courage they currently lack. Or so it seems to me.

  8. Kono, go back to your Sede Wasteland.

    Your slander of the Last Pope is inexcusable, except perhaps for invincible ignorance.

  9. Amen. D’acuerdo. And I completely agree.

    It will shock me if Cardinal Burke or organizers so much as mention our questions.

  10. I looked up Thomas J. McKenna’s bio. He is a classic professional Catholic, the type “Pope Francis is pope because I’ll lose a lot of $$$$$$$ if I tell the truth about this usurper.” He is also Cardinal Burke’s “handler.”

    “Thomas has worked closely with Cardinal Raymond Burke for over 20 years, runs his social media outreach and oversees the publication and distribution of the cardinal’s books throughout the world as well as scheduling conferences and programs for him. Thomas is a member of The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem and a Fourth Degree Knight of Columbus.”

    I doubt that Cardinal Burke will see any of these great questions.

  11. Agreed. But that could be by design; the Cardinal could be complicit. He doesn’t want to know, or address the issue.

    It is precisely this silence that is strangling the Church. No wonder Francis the False thanks the journos for their ‘abashed’ silence.

  12. Hey Joel McNeill, Thank you for the reality check.

    ….maybe the good Cardinal is busy working on a follow up to his Dubia – priorities you know.

  13. Well one way or another we’ll know exactly whether McKenna and Catholic Action can be counted on.

    These occasions to litmus test help.

  14. I have been reading the entire New Testament. One thing really struck me in Revelation, Chapter 21. Here is the Douay-Rheims translation:

    “And He said to me: It is done. I am Alpha and Omega: the Beginning and the End. To him that thirsteth, I will give of the fountain of the water of life, freely. 7 He that shall overcome shall possess these things. And I will be his God: and he shall be my son. 8 But the FEARFUL and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

    Cowards get thrown into the fiery lake, along with the Antipope Bergoglio and Tucho Fernandez types. That should be a big warning to the bishops and Catholic professionals who refuse to call out Jorge Bergoglio publicly as an antipope and usurper because they are fearful of losing their positions and monetary security.

    1. Not only the fearful but also “all liars.” If a person believes with moral certainty that Bergoglio is an antipope, but keeps quiet about it, isn’t that a species of lying?

  15. Submitted.

    Cardinal Burke, we miss you very much here in St. Louis. We hope you will come back to visit or stay sometime soon.

    The burning question on many minds is, when will you address – not dismiss, address , and in detail – the serious irregularities, legal and otherwise, with Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation from the ministry (not office) of the Papacy, and his insistence that he was still Pope after; the serious irregularities with the purported election and elevation of Bergoglio to the bishopric of Rome; and whether it is possible, per Bellarmine et al, for even the Bishop of Rome to lose his office due to manifest and public heresy.

    Far before this time, failure to address these questions has and will continue to lose souls, rather than facing them manfully. We all of us hope that you will step forward and lead in this night of darkness, error, and doubt.

    God bless you and be with you.

    1. How could it be possible for Jorge Bergoglio , to have been canonically elected to the Papacy due to the fact that prior to his election as pope, on page 117 of his book, On Heaven And Earth, demonstrating that he does not hold, keep, or teach The Catholic Faith, and he continues to act accordingly, he stated:
“If there is a union of a private nature, there is neither a third party, nor is society affected. Now, if the union is given the category of marriage, there could be children affected. Every person needs a male father and a female mother that can help shape their identity.”- Jorge Bergoglio, denying The Sanctity of the marital act within The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, and the fact that God, The Most Holy And Undivided Blessed Trinity, Through The Unity Of The Holy Ghost, Is The Author Of Love, Of Life, And Of Marriage, while denying sin done in private is sin.
      From The Catechism Of The Catholic Church:
1849 Sin is an offense against reason, truth, and right conscience; it is failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods. It wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity. It has been defined as “an utterance, a deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law.”121
1850 Sin is an offense against God: “Against you, you alone, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in your sight.”122 Sin sets itself against God’s love for us and turns our hearts away from it. Like the first sin, it is disobedience, a revolt against God through the will to become “like gods,”123 knowing and determining good and evil. Sin is thus “love of oneself even to contempt of God.”124 In this proud self- exaltation, sin is diametrically opposed to the obedience of Jesus, which achieves our salvation.125“
      “Canon 188 §4 states that among the actions which automatically (ipso facto) cause any cleric to lose his office, even without any declaration on the part of a superior, is that of “defect[ing] publicly from the Catholic faith” (” A fide catholica publice defecerit“).

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