STARTS TOMMOROW: Spring semester with Dr. Mazza on Tuesdays and Wednesdays beginning this week… don’t miss out!

Join me! You will not be disappointed!

The Most Important Class You’ll Ever Take

Jesus Meek vs Jesus fake. Getting Jesus Right is the Only Thing That Truly Matters in the End. How Tragic that Poets, Pastors, & Professors invariably Get Him Wrong!

March 2023 marks the 20th Anniversary of Author Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code. 2023 marks the 50th Anniversary of Jesus Christ Superstar. And in theaters right now is another “Hippie” Jesus Movie, Jesus Revolution.

In our course we will EXPOSE the Counterfeit Christs: Hippie, Gnostic, Talmudic, Morish, Marxist, Martin Lutheran, Modernist, von Balthasaran, Monophysite and More! More Importantly, we will REVEAL the Real Jesus (Blessed Be His Most Holy Name):

Where (and how) is Jesus foretold in the Old Testament?(Was he prophesied by pagans?) How is Jesus portrayed by each of the Evangelists? (Do non-Christian authors attest to his Life and Death–and Resurrection?) Is the Shroud of Turin authentic proof of his Passion, Death & Resurrection? Did the Earliest Christians believe in Jesus in the Eucharist?

Insights from St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Pope Leo the Great, Dante, JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, Archbishop Sheen, Belloc, Manning, Boylan, von Hildebrand, Ratzinger and many more.

Live Classes start Tues March 7th at 6pm Pacific and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded so you can watch on your own time! Enroll by March 7th: one course is only $329 or enroll in Jesus & Pope History for $489.


Pope History 102

Can a pope actually undermine moral theology?

Can a pope actually publish heresy?

Can clergy and laity accuse a pope?

Can Catholics lawfully resist a pope?

As some trad Catholics recently put it: “the controversy surrounding Pope Francis has led many Catholics to rethink the papacy itself.”

Can Catholics “rethink” the papacy?

Dr. Ed Mazza’s Immaculate Heart Online Academy is proud to offer “Pope History,” in which we examine whether these controversial claims hold up under an examination of  St. Leo, St. Gregory the Great, Pope Innocent III, Pope Boniface VIII and other popes from the Early Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

Many Catholics, Rod Dreher and Robert Spencer prominent among them, have left Catholicism to embrace the Eastern Orthodox churches.

Is this Eastern Orthodoxy a viable option?

We will test the Orthodox claim that the papacy was a later invention/corruption and did not exist in Apostolic times by sifting through the ancient documents.

Is Sedevacantism a viable option?

Is the Pope infallible whenever he speaks on faith and morals? What claims did Vatican Council I actually make about the Pope? What powers does the successor of St. Peter really possess? Is the Pope to be identified with the “Katechon” the mysterious entity named by St Paul that holds back the coming of Antichrist?

You’ll learn the answers to all these questions and much, much more in Dr. Mazza’s “Pope History 102!”

Live Classes start Wed March 8th at 6pm Pacific and will run approximately 70-80 minutes. Q&A will follow for 10 minutes or more for those who can stay. I will suggest readings. No tests. No pressure. Content: Ages 13 and up. Recorded so you can watch on your own time!

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