Some interesting developments, including this nugget from Nicole Winfield at AP:
“The diocese of Rome scheduled a special Mass in honor of Benedict on Friday at St. John Lateran” HERE
In case you don’t know, St. John Lateran is the Cathedral of the Diocese of Rome, not St. Peter’s. It is the pope’s church, where the cathedra is. So it is a uniquely juxtaposed place to hold a Mass for a supposedly not-pope. It’s hard not to notice.
Anyway, pray! Pray first for the soul of Pope Benedict, that when the time comes for God to take him, that his death be well provided, meaning the grace of final perseverance. Pray also that, toward this end, he repent of whatever it may be that he needs to repent of. We really don’t know. These are the most important prayers, if we really believe what we say we believe. Next come prayers for his health, God willing. Lastly, prayers for the faithful, that each may endure the coming confusion and chaos.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us.
Since St. Peter’s is basically a hell mouth now thanks to Francis and his Pachamama installation this is not only appropriate (Bc Ratzinger is pope) but also safe.
Bergoglio must be eliminated (by God, by God). Sorry, it’s just how it is. He is a demon, shows zero repentence, worships the devil, gives money to pedophile, has ruined the Vatican’s finances, preaches no hell, and approves of sodomite marriage.
Francis is “ not expected to attend” according to media.
The Catholic Church at St John Lateran, the Anti-Church at St. Peter’s.
“The powers you give me this day I will lay down when this crisis is averted.” And he did. He retired.
The pope is dead.
Talking about it was a theoretical thing, but I felt the loss. Even though I never met him it’s like I lost a grandfather.