Dr. Deborah Birx: "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines …"
— Scott Morefield (@SKMorefield) July 22, 2022
Claims vaccines "protect against severe disease and hospitalization" before saying that 50% of those who died via Omicron were older & vaccinated. pic.twitter.com/CTifr3QZzX
For fame and glory, money and entitlements, people with nor morals at all will say anything.
They are willing to pay that price, that others die so they can have all the comforts.
What’s worse is what “good people” have been doing.
Think about your doctor. Yes. Yours. If your doctor still has his job, it’s because he approved of the DeathJab. He prescribed it. He administered it. He probably still administers it. So did his nurses. His office employees supported and billed for it.
How many people has your doctor killed in order to keep his job? How many have yet to die? How many teens, children, toddlers has he sterilized and crippled?
I will never trust a non-cancelled doctor again.
Who still goes to the doctor? I say this in jest but not really.
This is mostly true for allopathic doctors, but not necessarily.
Some have tried their best to hide under the radar and provide “Schindler” services.
Other types of medical doctors including chiropractic, homeopathic, naturopathic, and traditional Chinese medicine doctors may not be tainted at all, and may have been actively discouraging vaccines – even before “COVID-19”.
Try a Bible word and verse study on φαρμακεία (pharmakeia) and related words in context in the Greek Septuagint Old Testament and the New Testament.
Here is one Protestant source: https://biblehub.com/greek/pharmakeia_5331.htm
I apologise, but I do not know of any Catholic source that is as easy to use!
Not all medical treatments are “pharmakeia”, yet most allopathic “pharmaceutical” drugs and vaccines are.
Read up on how John D. Rockefeller, among others, tried to wipe out non-allopathic medical practitioners around a century ago.
The allopathic medical system needs to collapse.
“Trust the Science”? https://www.gloria.tv/post/uhAa4KY6eRRw46Tgdz4fNKRsy
Doctors that have patient practices rely upon the researchers to do their thinking for them since they obviously do not have the resources (time, money, specific expertise) to do it themselves. Most of practical medicine is not critical thinking, but memorization and algorithmic thinking. Problem is the ones who do have the resources are the ones creating the meds – i.e., the Pfizers of the world. They also fund most of the journals through grants and advertising so they call the tunes.
Lawyers get a bad reputation (often deserved) but they are the true critical thinkers and are sometimes the only ones who can put the screws to the Pfizers through lawsuits. Lawsuits may be the only way this finally gets aired out. (I know there is the immunity issue, but government giveth immunity and government can taketh away).