This is from Fred Martinez at Catholic Monitor, reprinted here with permission:

I have an old four page pamphlet of “The Apostolate of Suffering” which on the cover has a drawing of Jesus on the Cross saying:
“Give me your sorrow, heartaches, struggle, pain, fears, poverty, worry, loneliness, regrets, frustration, rejection, unhappiness, indecision,helplessness, fatigue, bitterness, anxiety, misery [etc…].”
The pamphlet, moreover, says Don’t Waste Suffering! Pay the Ransom – for Souls:
Why should there be an Apostolate of Suffering?
I have been redeemed by the Cross. Therefore I must cooperate in the salvation of souls. I can be and I desire to be an apostle in my sufferings. Tears shed without love are wasted and embitter the soul. To weep with love consoles, sanctifies and redeems. No one is nearer the Crucified King.
Fr. Mateo, SS.CC. in the pamphlet, writes:
Let those who are ill, those who suffer, those whose hearts are breaking under the Cross, listen to the words of life, of comfort and of hope that I address to them in the name and for the glory of the heart of Jesus.
The world is going astray along a path of unbridled sensuality. You who are suffering and ill can stop thousands of souls on this downward path; you can rescue sinners and be apostles in your pain and weariness. You can purify, make reparation, and save souls by offering your sufferings as an apostolate of love.
Vanity, frivolity, forgetfulness of God, and outrages against His Law daily threaten to fill hell with souls. For love of Jesus, I beg you who are in anguish of soul to offer your family troubles, your sorrows and mental anguish as a missionary apostolate. Give them all to Him.
Priests and religious need help in their sublime mission; you, whose hearts are torn with sorrow and trouble of every kind, you who are misunderstood, families in mourning, orphans, do not lose your golden treasure, do not waste your precious tears – perhaps a father, a husband, a brother or a son is in danger of eternal death. Offer your sufferings, in the Chalice of Mary’s heart to Jesus Who thirsts for souls.
All you who suffer, do not forget that sorrow sanctified by love, becomes the holiest of missions, the most persuasive of sermons, the most fruitful of apostolates.
So preach the Social Reign of the heart of Jesus, even while you are nailed to the cross.
I hear you
You have no idea how much I needed to read this this very evening; it was a lifeline. Thank you and a blessed 2022 to you and yours.
PS Thank you for sharing your journey with Covid; the information was very helpful.
So…how do you actually do this? How do you give it to God?
You unite it to the Cross and you participate in the Passion.
Right. Thanks for your response, so here’s a followup: what does “Participate in the Passion” mean? Mass?
Romans 8:17-18. Unite your suffering to the Passion to attain everlasting glory.
Thank you! I really appreciate it!
Thank you very much for sharing this with us, Mark. I’m going to print it out and read it often. Fr Mateo’s writings are pure gold.
Happy New Year!
Morning offering every day.