VIRGINIA—Terry McAuliffe said he’s completely confused that telling parents the state owns their children, that parents have no say over what their kids learn in school, and that repulsively disgusting pornographic books are good for kids didn’t prove to be electorally popular.
“It’s so weird,” a crestfallen McAuliffe told reporters. “We pulled out all the stops: we told parents that we own their children’s minds, that they’re wards of the state, and that their children should read horrific LGBTQ+ pornography in their school libraries, and it just didn’t seem to connect with the people for some reason.”
Hahaha, …””Exit polls showed that the coronavirus was not important to voters in Virginia. It was education. Which is code for white parents don’t like the idea of teaching about race”…
…and lock these people up, forever, with hard labor six days a week. But the election only changes the brand of coke you drink. No changes.
Slimy democrat ( is there any other kind) vs don’t rock the boat republican (see previous parenthetical).
Good to see that ‘Trump Delta’ won. Hopefully it is more contagious than Demoncrats fear.
There is an orange wave sweeping the nation!