PHOENIX (3TV/CBS 5) – A private school in central Phoenix has a simple message for students and staff: get the COVID-19 vaccine or expect a lot of testing starting next month. In a letter given to parents on Wednesday, Brophy College Preparatory spelled out their back-to-school rules regarding COVID-19. When classes begin on Aug. 9, everyone will have to wear a mask indoors, with masks being optional outdoors… Also, beginning Sept. 13, all students and employees will have to show proof they’re vaccinated or will have to submit negative COVID-19 tests twice a week if they haven’t been vaccinated. The tests will have to be done at a lab or pharmacy, no at-home tests.
Students who want to participate in overnight retreats or school-related activities outside of the Valley have to be vaccinated. That rule starts on Aug. 9.
They will be doing all in-person learning this year, so that means no hybrid option. If a student tests positive for COVID-19, they’ll have to quarantine for 10 days. Unvaccinated students who are exposed to a COVID-19 case will also have to isolate.
Brophy Prep Principal Bob Ryan said in the letter he hopes the school community has the same “kind of care and diligence” to getting the COVID-19 vaccine that it did to wearing masks last year. “Although we know that young people are less likely to suffer serious effects from COVID, they can be carriers of the virus and can spread it to vulnerable members of our community,” said Ryan.
To read the letter in full, click/tap here.
Ok, am I missing something? Vaccinated people are allowed more freedom, even though they can still contract covid and spread it. The “vaccines” are basically just a symptom reduction tool. A case could be made that the vaccinated people are more dangerous because they can probably carry and spread higher viral loads and possibly more dangerous variants but their symptoms are lessened so they don’t “stay home” during their contagious stage. It seems to me that these “vaccines” will only make the problem worse. Natural immunity (sterilizing immunity) is the only answer.
The ability to think simple things through to their logical and obvious conclusions left the building 18 months ago.
Wonderful words from a prominent physician.
Those Jesuits embrace the “Ape Church”. All Catholics should perform “due diligence” and avoid them. If they continue to expose their children to those monsters there will be a reckoning.
TheseJ Jesuits are aligned with the “Ape Church”. All Catholics must practice due diligence and protect their children from these monsters.
Picture the emoji man of mooning the Phoenix Jesuits here
The parents need to yank those kids so fast out of that school their heads will spin. Money talks.
School starts Monday. These kids and parents have no options but home school.
I agree. Sell your house, move, or do whatever you can to get your kids back at home with you. Public and private schools are training grounds for immorality and Marxism.
Agreed, Valerie. I work at a public university and they are now openly teaching marxism as a good thing. It’s not even hidden anymore. These professors are intentionally destroying the souls of their students.
The jesuits can’t die out fast enough. What was what such a respectable order founded by a great saint is now nothing more than a branch of freemasonry. Let them go the way of the Whig party and the dodo bird.
Ceterum censeo Societatem Jesu esse supprimenda.