On first day of Advent, United Airlines ships first batches of “vaccine”

Be on the lookout for these little signs. You’ve heard the “vaccine” is our savior, right? So today would be an appropriate day to start the arrival, right?

CHICAGO — United Airlines has begun shipping the first batches of the COVID-19 vaccine on charter flights, a source told ABC News.

The Federal Aviation Administration had already given the OK for the first mass air shipment of a COVID-19 vaccine. The agency said it is also ensuring around-the-clock air traffic services in an effort to prioritize flights carrying vaccines and personnel.

DHL will also be involved in the transportation and storage of the vaccine in various locations, a spokesman said Saturday. The delivery service would not disclose exactly where the COVID-19 vaccine would be stored.


4 thoughts on “On first day of Advent, United Airlines ships first batches of “vaccine””

  1. You are clever. I’m watching for signs. And all the vaccine we need will be under our Christmas tree by Dec. 25!
    By the way, today is the 115th birthday of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

  2. How the F can they ship a “vaccine” that apparently has already been manufactured but hasn’t completed all the necessary trials to approve the safety and efficacy required for FDA approval?

  3. I’ve been watching this whole vaccine thing with a sick fascination.

    I haven’t trusted the FDA since I worked briefly in pharmaceuticals and saw how the game is played. In a nutshell, companies basically lobby the FDA. The medical and science communities are broken, corrupt and untrustworthy, and FDA approval of vaccines means little, since the pharma companies are basically immune from prosecution for injecting poison into a population that is fast being overwhelmed with autism and autoimmune diseases.

    I figure the amount of people still wearing masks in my state is roughly equal to the amount of people who will go quietly into the vaccine lines…at least at first.

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